On August 12 2011 15:42 xlnt wrote: Well this just shows that korean teams thinks they're "all that" and wants everything served on a plate. It's not like it's gonna be super expensive when they're given 2000$ for every player that participates in the finals, it can't be THAT expensive to travel to the US for a weekend. Seeing that they would definately make more fans, more sponsorship moneys if they have a decent agreement with the sponsors and showing their name to foreign fans that would come to the event and show their love for the team and players.
NASL Season 2 is still gonna rock I feel, just sad that we won't see any "koreans" there, even though most of them didn't even prepare for their matches. : [
You sound very ignorant of the true backdoor dealings that occurred.
The reasoning behind this Koreans deciding not to participate
First, NASL demanded deposit of $250 per players back in April. For season 2, they doubled the deposit to $500.
Second is about how players had to deal with ungodly lag and inconsistent schedule to compete at 4 in the morning.
The grand final that took place in the States was even worse. The players had to pay out of their own pockets for food, hotel, and travelling fee. The $500 NASL promised to cover for the expense wasn't even enough to cover the half of it.
Not only that, NASL charged players $80 when picking them up from the air port.
NASL offered to pay $2000 for the travelling fee, at the cost of taking $1000 OUT of the prize money.
Also, players who competed in season 1 still have not received any of their deposit or the prize money
On August 12 2011 15:42 Unidus wrote: Personally I am tired of hearing about Koreans. I watch GSL for Korean matches. I want to see players like Incontrol, Idra, Catz in the finals. I think that the lesser amount of top Koreans at NASL will be a good thing. A lot of the foreigners look at the brackets and see MC, Moon, and the top Koreans and think to themselves "oh great I have no chance at winning the tournament. This causes them to slack off and provide subpar results.
Think of it as a 1 on 1 basketball tournament and players looking at the bracket and seeing Michael Jordan, Kobe, Lebron on it. The other players know they have little chance at beating them so why the heck would they even put in the effort or practice.
Would you rather be a MLB utility player or a Triple A all-star?
NASL post sound like they are investing a lot of money into bringing korean players over; however, compare to the amount of profit they are making out of korean players excellent performance, amount of money being invested is a joke. They even made more profit by making the high quality stream unavailable for viewers who are not paying. Despite that they still havent returned security deposites and worse yet prize money??? In addition, what kind of tournament asks for security deposits to a professional gamers??
That being said NASL is just greedy trying to make money off pro-gamers as jesters performing for them.
On August 12 2011 15:42 Unidus wrote: Personally I am tired of hearing about Koreans. I watch GSL for Korean matches. I want to see players like Incontrol, Idra, Catz in the finals. I think that the lesser amount of top Koreans at NASL will be a good thing. A lot of the foreigners look at the brackets and see MC, Moon, and the top Koreans and think to themselves "oh great I have no chance at winning the tournament. This causes them to slack off and provide subpar results.
Think of it as a 1 on 1 basketball tournament and players looking at the bracket and seeing Michael Jordan, Kobe, Lebron on it. The other players know they have little chance at beating them so why the heck would they even put in the effort or practice.
Thats your opinion and many don't share it. I want to see more games like Puma VS MC. We will never ever see that if it's a Incontrol vs Idra final, they are just not good enough.
read this (use google translator) and u guys will understand a litle bit
Started to translate... but gotta run
[카스토르칼럼]한국 선수들 NASL 불참 당연! 프로 대우 하지 않는 아마추어 같은 대회는 과감히 포기하자 카스토르 (심현 기자)
<스타크래프트 2> 해외 커뮤니티가 한국 선수들의 North American Star League(이하 NASL) 시즌2 불참 소식으로 시끄럽다.
NASL은 팀리퀴드에 올린 글을 통해 많은 시간을 노력했지만 유감스럽게도 한국 팀들이 NASL에 참가하지 못하게 됐다는 사실을 알렸고, 불참을 선택한 한국의 협의회(스타크래프트 2 협의회)에게 실망이라는 내용을 게재했다.
이로 인해 해외 팬들과 일부 국내 팬들은 불참을 결정한 한국 게임단과 선수들을 비난하고 있다. 하지만 이는 본질이 왜곡된 내용이며 NASL의 일방적인 주장에 불과하다.
With NASL's recent announcement that several Korean pro-StarCraft 2 teams will not be participating in the upcoming second season of NASL, the Korean teams, players, and management have come under fire from fans both in Korea and abroad. However, the very nature of the post by NASL has twisted the truth and is a one-sided account of what has happened.
결론부터 말하면 NASL은 한국 선수들을 자신들의 돈벌이에 이용했고, 한국 선수들이 출전을 거부하자 이에 앙심을 품고 있는 것에 불과하다.
To start with the conclusion, the NASL used Korean players to make money and are holding a grudge for them declining to participate.
I'll still buy a pass and everything, im less about having Koreans in every tournament (even though its nice and i definitely do enjoy it) and more about just watching my favorite players play against good people and most of the players i watch are foreigners.
I loved S1 and am looking forward to S2 regardless of this unfortunate occurrence
I have to say that is extremely disrespectful to your organization. Going out of your way to do nice things like that and increase their travel amounts was great. I'm really disappointed in the korean teams. Not the NASL, but the korean teams have let down a lot of fans.
On August 12 2011 08:56 NASL.tv wrote: We have absolutely no problem if the Koreans think the NASL is not worth their time // investment. Our only issue is the fact that they all: a) knew the contents of the contract, b) deliberately signed up players to qualify for the league, c) made demands, and d) waited until we already started the season to tell us that our offers to them were not acceptable.
So are you going to address whether the security deposit was the true issue?
We have already begun paying back all security deposits of players who are no longer in Season 2. Our contract states that all prizes will be paid within 60 days of the end of Season 1. We are still within that time frame, and will be paying all prizes within that period!
Artosis, HuK (who paid Boxer's deposit for S1), WeMadeFox, etc could all attest to the fact that we have and will pay our deposits back.
NASL is still within the 60 day pay period. Complaining before that period is up is a bit ridiculous.
It would make sense that they didn't pay back security deposits of returning players. Why pay it out just to get it back? It also makes sense that now AFTER SC2Con's decision, they are returning the security deposits to those players.
It might not be the way I would do it, but it does not seem malicious.
After reading through all 90+ pages, I am a bit shocked there is not more outrage at the fact that they pulled out so late. I'll leave the comparison between this and the EG incident for another thread; the hypocrisy and double standards the big bad americans are held to is not lost on me.
I bought an HD pass for season 1, and did for season 2 right after the finals. Thanks NASL for doing your part to help globalize SC2.
On August 12 2011 15:33 Fission wrote: If its true that NASL has not paid back deposits or prize money and that they are misrepresenting the stipend amount by wrapping it up with the minimum prize money, then I think this post should be Mod Edited to reflect the truth.
NASL already addressed this. The terms in their contract is 60 days after the event.
Most invoices and payments in NA are paid in 30 days, which is standard, however it is not abnormal for payments to take longer for small or mid-size business.
Waiting 60 days before refunding deposits or paying out prize money is neither unfair or extraordinary in anyway. People are just trying to invent controversy.
Edit: one douchebag is trying to create controversy.
Some would say requiring deposits from top players is abnormal in the first place.
On August 12 2011 15:46 Von wrote: More power to NASL and the West. Nothing personal and no disrespect to the Koreans:
But we don't need them. The level of players here is sick. The games will still be great.
It's about time we stop referring to all non-Koreans in this game as 'foreigners'.
Why are people still using that term? It's 2011. They don't own this sport.
This news is a big step in the direction of stepping up and losing that tired label.
I'm sorry but koreans have shown time and again that they are just better. Look at the NASL and the last two MLG's. The level of play outside of korea is worse, that's why people like Naniwa and Thorzain wanted to go to Korea. It's where you go to improve beyond your average EU/US level.
it's good decision by the koreans, NASL as an organization (if it can even be called that), seems dodgy, suspicions of it being nothing but a scam can't be dispelled yet.
And i don't find their demands being too unreasonable, but could be either way. a good organization would arrange for expenses to be covered. a not so good one would warn beforehand that competitors would have to arrange for themselves (limiting the quality of competitors) but that would still be fair game. a bit of a shit move by the koreans to wait so long for the move, seems like they're just asking for the prizes to be paid before contracting them into another season, but we don't know the full story anyway.
On August 12 2011 15:42 Unidus wrote: Personally I am tired of hearing about Koreans. I watch GSL for Korean matches. I want to see players like Incontrol, Idra, Catz in the finals. I think that the lesser amount of top Koreans at NASL will be a good thing. A lot of the foreigners look at the brackets and see MC, Moon, and the top Koreans and think to themselves "oh great I have no chance at winning the tournament. This causes them to slack off and provide subpar results.
Think of it as a 1 on 1 basketball tournament and players looking at the bracket and seeing Michael Jordan, Kobe, Lebron on it. The other players know they have little chance at beating them so why the heck would they even put in the effort or practice.
Thats your opinion and many don't share it. I want to see more games like Puma VS MC. We will never ever see that if it's a Incontrol vs Idra final, they are just not good enough.
Then watch the GSL. I personally didnt't watch the NASL finals very much since I knew the finals were going to be nothing but Koreans. When the playing field is more even it makes every match meaningful and not just time filler. As of now people only tune in to NASL to watch the Korean matches. I think there would be more viewers without so many Koreans.
Oh and the guy above I would rather be a triple A allstar than some guy sitting on the bench and never playing a game.