On August 12 2011 10:49 ComusLoM wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:48 Veritask wrote: Sounds to me like the Koreans threatened to pull their players and nasl tried to call their bluff and lowball them, and the Koreans went through with it.
$1000 just isn't enough for 3 nights at a hotel and two international flights. I can't blame the Korean teams here $2000 guaranteed is more than enough to cover for flights and expenses.
Out of curiosity, I just went to Koreanair.com and checked how much an economy flight booked 2 weeks in advance from Seoul to LAX. Round trip for the cheapest option: $2,404.83
On August 12 2011 10:51 Veritask wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:49 ComusLoM wrote:On August 12 2011 10:48 Veritask wrote: Sounds to me like the Koreans threatened to pull their players and nasl tried to call their bluff and lowball them, and the Koreans went through with it.
$1000 just isn't enough for 3 nights at a hotel and two international flights. I can't blame the Korean teams here $2000 guaranteed is more than enough to cover for flights and expenses. It isn't though. I just looked up a round trip flight over a weekend from Seoul to LA and it's $2100 per person just for the plane tickets
try not buying the ticket at the last minute; there was no reason for this to become a last minute issue.
Honstly, dont understand why they get their personal qq responed. You want to be part of, their are the rules and take it or let it. Oh you dont have the money for it. Well shit happens. Thats it.
On August 12 2011 10:52 k!llua wrote:Show nested quote +We are disappointed that the Korean Committee waited until the final hour, not only to make these demands but also to notify us of their withdrawal. Can someone, for the love of fucking God, convince the SC2Con to start acting professionally. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when HotS is release, but TODAY. Absolutely fucking appaling. Now that I've gone and said that, can someone apply some "journalistic ethics" (while the bile slowly creeps up my throat, burning my oesophagus) and get some quotes from the Koreans?
What? They were given a deadline and they gave their decision before that deadline. it doesn't say "The Korean Committee waited until AFTER the final hour." How is it unprofessional to meet deadlines after using all available resources of time allowed?
On August 12 2011 10:52 mcc wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:37 Condor Hero wrote:On August 12 2011 10:17 ronpaul012 wrote:On August 12 2011 10:08 Condor Hero wrote:On August 12 2011 09:11 hdan wrote: Im quite happy that the koreans have pulled out, if they cant afford to send theyre players to a tournments with prize pools that big so be it, some money in foreigner pockets is okay by me, besides, puma hero rain and the FXO guys will probably be up there if they can take the places.
You're not at all concerned that we are essentially getting a worse product? With the koreans out there will be a better chance that our foreign sc2 players will do better. Players we can relate too. And the skill gap between the 2 is huge, everybody see it. With koreans out the games will most likely be much much closer and therefor entertaining. So it's not really a worse product. LOL don't speak for "we." I feel like I can relate to Korean players (at least understand their culture) better than foreigners because 1) I'm Asian and 2) I followed BW for years. It is hard to relate to the ideal that practice = being good? I want to see the best players win. You want low level close games? Go watch Day9's AH something league. Also, I feel people aren't mentioning that this kinda delegitimizes the NASL as a competitive league. After GSL people were crowning Nestea best in the world. Who's going to do that to the winner of NASL when we know for sure the best in the world aren't competing? Obviously it'll be a huge accomplishment but it won't mean the same. This is stupid argument. Not all tournaments/leagues are about best of the world. Was Assembly about best of the world, was IEM, is some local European cup ? Competitive league means there is competition present, you do not need Koreans for that. If you call foreigner games low level, watch GSL and ignore NASL, others might do it the other way around and others might watch both. (Just to note I play low level games, not top NA/EU players). It does hurt the tournament's legitimacy if more top level players aren't participating. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.
On August 12 2011 10:51 JSy wrote:Was looking around PlayXP for any response. Didn't find anything official, but here are some comments on the story (which was translated by ColdViolet) from PlayXP users. Link to PlayXP: http://www.playxp.com/sc2/global/view.php?article_id=3284548GxPray (2011-08-12 09:21:52 KST)[Who] are they kidding? They'll fail to draw a large audience without Koreans 장난하나 한국애들 안하면 흥행 실패인데 케이스 (2011-08-12 09:26:25 KST) Hrm.. It's true that Korean players have merit as [SC2] stars/celebrities but.. to say 'we will participate for you, so you should do this for us' doesn't seem right. It should be a festive[?] gathering.
It's just... rather than 'Due to several difficult circumstances, we will withdraw' saying 'We need you to this and that for us because we are experiencing some hardship. You've done some things but it's not enough' frankly does look bad.흠.. 한국 선수들이 스타성이든 뭐든 분명 메리트 있는 집단이긴 하지만.. 우리 참가하니까 이거 저거 해줘~ 라는건 좀 아닌 거 같네요.. 말그대로 축제의 한 장으로 이뤄져야 할 곳임이 분명한데... 그냥.. 우린 여러가지 여건으로 참가하기 힘드니까 빠질께... 가 아니고.. 우리 힘드니까 이러저러 해줘.. 몇개 해줬찌만 부족하니까 빠질께... 는 참.. 좀 안좋게 보이는건 사실이네요. 아이유토스 (2011-08-12 09:27:15 KST) (lol username: IUtoss) Seems sending many players will be difficult [note: for Korean teams or NASL?]. Maybe just the winner and runner-up? That might be best. Expenses and all.. 이제 많이 가는것은 힘들듯 하구요, 우승자나 준우승자 정도? 이렇게 뽑아서 가는게 좋을 듯 합니다. 경비 문제도 그렇고 ... 피베 (2011-08-12 09:33:11 KST)This is actually for the best. 4~5 participants is about right. We almost had so many Korean players that the roster would be almost 50% Korean...
A Korean-dominated roster might enhance performance or raise the quality of games but I think it ruins the flavor [of NASL] as a foreign tournament and might actually harm its popularity [or growth].
We [Korean palyers] shouldn't over-extend ourselves trying to participate and though both parties may be a little disappointed by what has happened, I don't think the result itself is bad.차라리 잘됐습니다. 4~5명씩만 참가하는게 맞지 이번에보면 정말 대거 참여해서 완전 한국선수들이 50%를 넘어갈정도였으니.. 한국선수판이 되면 경기력이나 게임의 질은 높아지겠지만 해외대회라는게 무색해지고 흥행에도 안좋은영향을 끼칠수있다고 생각합니다. 우리도 무리해서 가는건 안좋다고 보고 서로 아쉬운부분은 있겠지만 나쁘지않은 결과라고 봐요. Frostmourne. (2011-08-12 10:05:32 KST)But NASL offering $2000 was a [thoughtful] concession on their part... It's true Korean players are good but I wonder if they aren't expecting too much special treatment. Furthermore, because the NASL format is different from MLG, an invited player may drop out early and return a lot less [to NASL] on their investment.근데 nasl측에서도 2천불이면 나름 배려해준거같은데... 한국선수가 잘하는건 맞지만 너무 특권을 바라는건 아닌지.. 게다가 nasl은 mlg와 경기방식이 달라서 초대했다가 바로 광탈하면 투자 대비 효율도 별로고 And some humorous ones.. CarlitoXPn (2011-08-12 09:08:53 KST)Assuming this is true.. wtf Mr. Chae??? Emphasizing that being a GSL champion more than covers travel expenses and leaves plenty of profit he calls players not participating strange, and then he says something like this..;이게 사실이라는 전제하에, 채정원은 모하는 놈인지 모르겠네요. 지에셀 상금을 볼때, 1등하면 모든 소요 경비를 다 회수하고도 이익이 엄청나다는 걸 강조하면서, 안오는 놈들 이상하다 그랬던 놈이, 어찌 저런 소릴 하누; CarlitoXPn (2011-08-12 09:09:53 KST)I got too excited and read the ps too late. Mr. Chae, I'm sorry.흥분해서 ps를 늦게 봤네요. 채정원 해설님 미안합니다. GxPray (2011-08-12 09:21:52 KST) 감염된불사조 (2011-08-12 09:54:32 KST)All because too many Kimchi-mans participatingㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ It should be fine if only 4~5 players went. 김치맨이 너무많이참가해서 그런가보네 ㅋㅋ ㅋㅋ4~5명만 가면 괸찮을거같은데 crowley (2011-08-12 10:09:07 KST)Mr. Chae is busy enough already and now he's gonna be troll'd by kids who didn't read this carefully [i.e., who didn't RTFA!]
Even though I and everyone knows and understand that the Korean teams are struggling financially, it is still a little disappointing [that they won't be able to participate] T T 채정원님 안그래도 일도 많으실텐데 이거 글 대충 읽은 애들 때문에 까일까봐 걱정이 일단 되네요 한국팀들이 재정 상황이 매우 어려운건 누구나 다 아는 사실이지만 개인적으로는 좀 많이 아쉽네요ㅠㅠ
See? My Korean division idea, then send top 5 or so to finals has merit. :D
I have to take the side of the NASL here. Not only is it not professional to come back on your word and signed contract in the manner the Korean Committee did but also I really can't see the reason why this decision was made by the Committee at all and not the teams by them selves.
It's one thing if a team comes to the NASL and says: "Due to our financial situation we are unable to keep our obligations to sent these players." And then it's up to the NASL to see if they can help out in a way that's suitable for both parties. However as the Korean teams signed the same agreement as the European teams I would think it would produce a revolt amongst those teams if the NASL would offer them more money as the other teams because they have the same amount of travel cost etc.
If the contracts have ended the teams can renegotiate with for example the argument that they are sending more valuable players that will result in higher viewer counts etc. and thus they want a higher starting fee. Or whatever other reason they can think of. And then it's up to the NASL to agree to these terms or start negotiating with the team or even make the decision that unfortunately it then won't be possible for the NASL to accept that team in the league.
However in all these situations I feel it's the task of the individual teams to do this and negotiate with the NASL. What the Committee was even thinking to become involved in this is just beyond me and will, I think, have a backlash on the Korean scene as a whole.
On August 12 2011 10:53 m0s1n0 wrote: I am not really interested in ALL the comments. Can just someone say me shortly if there is anything new about NaDa and MC.
As i know so far NASL contacted SK Gaming? Is there anything more yet?
I have contacted SK Gaming and compLexity about their partnership with oGs and MVP, respectively, asking if those players are bound by SC2Con decisions. I've also talked to FXO. I am waiting for responses.
I'm sure the Koreans will post their side of the story sometime tonight or tomorrow, and we'd be glad to respond to that as well. We were a bit forced to act today unfortunately due to someone leaking this information publicly...
On August 12 2011 10:54 Quesa wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:49 ComusLoM wrote:On August 12 2011 10:48 Veritask wrote: Sounds to me like the Koreans threatened to pull their players and nasl tried to call their bluff and lowball them, and the Koreans went through with it.
$1000 just isn't enough for 3 nights at a hotel and two international flights. I can't blame the Korean teams here $2000 guaranteed is more than enough to cover for flights and expenses. Out of curiosity, I just went to Koreanair.com and checked how much an economy flight booked 2 weeks in advance from Seoul to LAX. Round trip for the cheapest option: $2,404.83
I went to Kayak.com and found multiple flights for $884 from Seoul to LAX.
Cool, looking forward to seeing how this plays out, especially for the guaranteed third season.
Great that NASL tried; too bad they and the Korean teams could not come to an agreement.
On August 12 2011 10:55 dAPhREAk wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:51 Veritask wrote:On August 12 2011 10:49 ComusLoM wrote:On August 12 2011 10:48 Veritask wrote: Sounds to me like the Koreans threatened to pull their players and nasl tried to call their bluff and lowball them, and the Koreans went through with it.
$1000 just isn't enough for 3 nights at a hotel and two international flights. I can't blame the Korean teams here $2000 guaranteed is more than enough to cover for flights and expenses. It isn't though. I just looked up a round trip flight over a weekend from Seoul to LA and it's $2100 per person just for the plane tickets try not buying the ticket at the last minute; there was no reason for this to become a last minute issue.
You expect them to buy tickets for the Finals today, when they haven't even played a single game in pool play yet? I don't think you're very familiar with making travel arrangements in the professional world.
Simple solution - Do what Ongamenet did and get an Airline company to sponsor NASL :D
as a fan of the nasl, this won't affect my choice to watch one iota.
However, the timing of the demands and subsequent total refusal of terms feels like the koreans have got togethor and made the decision to backhandedly boycott the event, reducing korean viewership and thus weakening the quality of play in the league and the viewer base.
I hope that isn't the case since it would be, in my eyes, a seriously insular choice of action aimed towards, once again, seperating the korean scene from the rest of the world. Bad for global esports, good for their private investments within korea...
But hey, what do I know, they probably just don't want to get up so early on match days!
lol they offer 2k and still say no what a load of horse shit, like its not bad enought they are more likely to win. they want everything
I really don't get people who are saying that it can finally be a real NA tournament. The tournament is full of Europeans anyway.
It's a shame we won't see a lot of the Koreans but lets be real here. It's still going to be a great tournament.
On August 12 2011 10:56 Xeris wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:53 m0s1n0 wrote: I am not really interested in ALL the comments. Can just someone say me shortly if there is anything new about NaDa and MC.
As i know so far NASL contacted SK Gaming? Is there anything more yet? I have contacted SK Gaming and compLexity about their partnership with oGs and MVP, respectively, asking if those players are bound by SC2Con decisions. I've also talked to FXO. I am waiting for responses. I'm sure the Koreans will post their side of the story sometime tonight or tomorrow, and we'd be glad to respond to that as well. We were a bit forced to act today unfortunately due to someone leaking this information publicly... Awesome, thanks broski.
If they're bound by SC2Con then it really makes those partnerships pretty worthless.
From reading this I am very happy to see how welcoming you are trying to be, yet sad to see it fail. I hope for a good season, with or without koreans!
On August 12 2011 10:57 eggs wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:55 dAPhREAk wrote:On August 12 2011 10:51 Veritask wrote:On August 12 2011 10:49 ComusLoM wrote:On August 12 2011 10:48 Veritask wrote: Sounds to me like the Koreans threatened to pull their players and nasl tried to call their bluff and lowball them, and the Koreans went through with it.
$1000 just isn't enough for 3 nights at a hotel and two international flights. I can't blame the Korean teams here $2000 guaranteed is more than enough to cover for flights and expenses. It isn't though. I just looked up a round trip flight over a weekend from Seoul to LA and it's $2100 per person just for the plane tickets try not buying the ticket at the last minute; there was no reason for this to become a last minute issue. You expect them to buy tickets for the Finals today, when they haven't even played a single game in pool play yet? I don't think you're very familiar with making travel arrangements in the professional world.
i didn't say buy them now. i said don't buy them at the last minute. thats the only way I can conceive that the tickets can be $2100 as he said. i have bought tickets to asia many times and the most expensive was $1400 (US to thailand, vietnam to US), which was a multiple country ticket.
On August 12 2011 10:55 eggs wrote:Show nested quote +On August 12 2011 10:52 k!llua wrote:We are disappointed that the Korean Committee waited until the final hour, not only to make these demands but also to notify us of their withdrawal. Can someone, for the love of fucking God, convince the SC2Con to start acting professionally. Not tomorrow, not next week, not when HotS is release, but TODAY. Absolutely fucking appaling. Now that I've gone and said that, can someone apply some "journalistic ethics" (while the bile slowly creeps up my throat, burning my oesophagus) and get some quotes from the Koreans? What? They were given a deadline and they gave their decision before that deadline. it doesn't say "The Korean Committee waited until AFTER the final hour." How is it unprofessional to meet deadlines after using all available resources of time allowed?
Problem is, they were only given that deadline because rather than talk about it after the finals/before season 2, they choose to demand concessions from NASL after they signed the contracts and after NASL started filming season 2. That's the unprofessional part.
They had plenty of time to decide what to ask for and what to do without running into NASL's playing schedule and forcing them to look for 15 new players with not much time before the season debut.