Other than that. Seems like Blizzard knows what they're doing. They removed the worst maps in the ladder pool. But now I HAVE to play two of their new ones because I have never even tried Backwater Gulch yet even after 200+ ladder games in Season 2...
GL HF everyone.
United States7166 Posts
it's good to see theyre finally acknowledging close spawn, yet i think shattered's close spawn problem is just as bad. Yet they make no mention of shattered's problems, probably because they had already changed LT to shattered back before they accepted the issues with close spawn
Why did metal get removed!!! Now I cant get a garunteed win close positions TvZ, otherwise, now I dont have to waste a veto on slag!!!
Metalopolis finally gone
Many of the utterly terrible maps finally gone. Looking good overall, though they left in backwater gulch (which is pretty bad) as well as typhon peaks (which is trash)
I hope the new maps which they haven't posted images of aren't the terribad maps from the PTR, though they probably are :\
In for another season of trashy blizzard maps instead of community maps.... oh boy
Glad to see metalopolis removed. I hated that map.
Can't believe Metalopolis got removed. I mean, I totally understand Slag Pits getting removed outta the map pool because of the close-by-ground shit, but, man, Metalopolis?? Seriously??? Come on Blizzard, WTF is going on?
Overall balance has also proven to be an issue on Metalopolis -- even factoring in close position spawn issues. It’s among the least balanced maps currently in the ladder pool, and along with Scrap Station (also being removed) and Tal’darim Altar, has a heavy (60%+) bias toward zerg at the highest levels of play. wow so they are saying 3 maps are imbalanced but they remove only 2 and leave taldarim altar whats the sense in there ? why leave taldarim when zerg wins 60% ?? and also why leave Shattered temple when it also has close spots ? there isn't an explanation why they dont add 2 player maps and only 4 player ones also no explanation why they keep backwater gulch? I really think it is time for some blizz employee to sit down in the forum and provide some explanation which makes sense as they did for metal
Maybe they're just taking Metalopolis out to give it a little rest? Let's hope it shows up again in later seasons, maybe with some improvements (no close spawns).
I don't know why in hell they won't add Crevasse+Terminus. Those maps are so freaking awesome.
So instead of dealing with Metalopolis close positions, they just get rid of it entirely? That makes sense.
Think I will have to try Backwater Gulch out for once...
Really, meta out and backwater gulch stay?
I love how everyone is defending metalopolis after how many people complained it was so "old and boring".
Let's see some fresh blood in the map choices.
meta was terrible on ladder. Close spawn made for the worst games, and farthest spawn was so favored for zerg. Close air i felt was pretty balanced, but counter attack drops as terran were sooo easy to pull off...
just hoping that the new maps dont prove to be bad, but yeah im so glad i dont have to waste thumbs down on scrap, slag,and delta quadrant anymore
No I mean like are you able to change your name now that the new season has started? like start out with a new name for the new season???!! ^^
wow i thought for sure backwater would get removed
Meta? Hope they'll hotfix that
I hated backwater passionately at first but after playing other maps by blizzard, I can live with that one staying.
I didn't liked Metalopolis gameplaywise, but I really liked to watch it. So many good games on this map. But i'm really tired to see XelNaga. I probably watched like 1000games on it :/
Ok the new maps.... are sooooooooooooooo cluttered..
Theres rocks, blockers, brushes, hills, elevations, more rocks. EVERYWHERE.
The only uncluttered map is Abyssal Caverns which is a horrible map.
Seriously. rocks, brushes, hills, eleveations, more rocks, its really hurts to play on. So much stuff on these maps!! Very fussy gaming
I don't mind any of the old map removals, I even like them as a Terran. However, the new maps look so boring, jesus. It seems like they base every map on Backwater gulch's layout or something. No originality whatsoever.
That's really dumb of them, the need to get rid of Backwater Gulch and instead of taking out Metalopolis, just remove close spawns T.T
Other then that's its pretty solid, the new maps may take a while to get used to however.