On July 12 2011 02:36 azka wrote: So far, LA GMs, Masters and Diamonds are pleased with these news... below Plat not so much since they probably will descend 1 league.
tbh i think almost all LA players will experience a 1 league drop. I think it is pretty well-accepted that LA server is the weakest server in the world skill wise.
This is pretty sick, i wonder if the LA players have different styles
jk I love you Brazil <3
This is really good for LA, though. Couple of friends I have that play on LA said it was lame. :p
"HELL IT'S ABOUT TIME"!! LA server separated from NA was just not good for Latin Americans. Missed the old US WEST/EAST servers :/
Taiwan connected with Korea now? Sen is already arguably the best non-Korean zerg and now he gets to train with Koreans on ladder. Be afraid foreign scene, be very afraid.
On July 12 2011 02:47 red4ce wrote: Taiwan connected with Korea now? Sen is already arguably the best non-Korean zerg and now he gets to train with Koreans on ladder. Be afraid foreign scene, be very afraid.
he already had a korean account
On July 12 2011 02:48 sjschmidt93 wrote: Why not CN + KR + TW?
if i had to guess, i would say the chinese government didnt allow it
Now if they would just allow us to choose which server we can play on then it will be equivalent to the wc3 ladder. Going it the right direction at least :p
Awesome, lol. I hope they do something for Chinese players though!
This is one of the most epic news in a while from Blizzard, I've been wanting this since day one.
I'm so happy.
I contacted Blizz to see if I could just get my LA account switched to SEA server so I don't have 2 accounts on NA but I totally doubt they will be accommodating those of us that bought LA just to play on LA and not to have 2 of the same server. Since after all there combining things they will just say "you still have access to LA but its just now along with NA so you will get the same great battle.net experience but with the added benefit" of blah blah blah lol. I really enjoyed laddering on LA though since I would hit the same player over and over and it gave me the feeling like it was always a best of 2 or up to even 4 games sometimes (not to mention I was playing GM's when I'm only diamond level on NA TT ).
Awesome, but to be frank LA should have always been part of NA.
Seems like a good change, though I can´t really speak for the other regions
On July 12 2011 01:23 Wr3k wrote:Oh god... it begins. BR?.. BR! give wins plz! HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE. + Show Spoiler +Seriously though, as long as this doesn't cause lag issues I don't see an issue with it.
Haha, I used to play a game called Ragnarok Online, but on several private servers. There actually was a BR 'town', but my friend and I were pretty good and would go and attack everyone there haha~
This is gonna be great for LA, TW, and RU! These previously desolate servers will find a new life ^,^
Many great news at once. I can't handle the awesomeness!!!.
On July 12 2011 02:47 red4ce wrote: Taiwan connected with Korea now? Sen is already arguably the best non-Korean zerg and now he gets to train with Koreans on ladder. Be afraid foreign scene, be very afraid.
He already has a Korean GM acct - ZergKing - so, no, it won't have any effect on him...
On July 12 2011 02:48 sjschmidt93 wrote: Why not CN + KR + TW?
It seems through the FAQ that the sole purpose was to get a larger player base. And china I think in itself is larger than TW and KR together, making it warrant it's own base. A KR + TW + CN would properly give big performance problems when doing matchmaking, because a much larger playerbase is online.
On July 12 2011 02:48 sjschmidt93 wrote: Why not CN + KR + TW?
because TW server is held in Korea, same with LA server being held in US
On July 12 2011 02:42 ClysmiC wrote: Well this isn't exactly the best it could be, but it's a step in the right direction. Good move Blizzard!
I do feel bad for most of the LA/TW/RU in their respective GM's though. I don't think they'll have a very easy time making it into GM for season 3.
No, it wont... but i'll try harder (than now) for sure. I think this change is awesome.