How in the world can you think Mr Bitter started the standard infestor use.. Thats just a completely insane statement.
However to stay on topic, I'm not really sure what to do as a T player vs a Z in end game. once its 200 vs 200, infestor/broods compositions just oblierate Terran armys, and combined with the zergs ability to remax so quickly, I find that unless I'm already drastically ahead I stand no chance.
tbh, most zergs even agree with me thats its kinda OP. and the only real answer is to not let it get to that stage.
On July 05 2011 07:29 johlar wrote: I dislike everything that eliminates micro. It is really hard to deal with because its unavoidable and does good damage.
If the trend continues, im afraid blizzard will have to do something. If you were only slowed instead of frozen, or if it was a missile again, it would be easier to deal with.
Ghosts do as much dps vs light as marines do and have more range, can cloak, can snipe Zerg t3 units, and emp or snipe infestors.
Marine Tank Ghost with 2 or 3 ravens for PDD and maybe a splash of vikings(4-5) should be able to hold broodlord infestor corruptor as long as terran micros. Both armies are slow and have to cast abilities. While these fights are going on Terran should probably be doing some type of counter drops, is it more micro intensive than Zerg? maybe, but it's not impossible.
In this late game scenario Zerg has more mobility for counters than terran, but will have to sac mutas to keep gas up for infestor BL, Terran has PF and tank lines to protect their expos.
I do think there is an issue with very specific points of infestors. Fungal on marines even though it is quite strong you just need to split the marines that is fine.
The issue is when you get brood lords and it becomes impossible to even hurt them. The armour bonus and the tendency of air units clumping ruins vikings without having any air units. Now mix in a handful of corrupters or neural one or two vikings and you have to commit so much money and supply into vikings that they can over run you with mass ling that they can pump so easily from the gas heavy BL and infestors. So vikings wont work what else do I have left to kill air? Marines will never get in range with the mass ling/fungal/broodlings not to mention the friendly fire from the tanks. I can go mass snipe but a fungal ends that really really easy especially if you spread your infestors so emp is less effective. And thors just massage the BLs.
I think a big problem with SC2 is that pretty much all casters shut down micro so much. Fungal is an auto death because you can't run out of it. FF just blocks everyone off. EMP kills casters.
On July 05 2011 07:28 Fosjoo wrote: Infestors are pritty op, once they get a hit on a bunch of marines, or anything those units will die since you can refungel easy.
Yeah and not only that, but they can mind control wich is insane spell. I had one mindcontrol 5 of my tanks and fungler rest of my 150ish army. He sent a couple of 1/2 lings with the army and it got crushed.. we had both about same army value.
Terran has always had to have the better army to do well vs zergs since they can remake their army very easy. Once they take away that and give zergs equaly good army as a terran i dont see how a terran can win lategame.
This thread is absolutely horrible, and the game between bomber and destiny shows absolutely nothing. Bomber took an early lead and did NOTHING, he literally sat on his side of the map and massed command centers. Maybe he should have... i dont know.. dropped? attacked? did something?
and ghosts take away 100 energy from multiple infestors, please dont tell me you want your 1 ghost to STILL counter infestors when theres 30 of them that have been sitting around gaining energy. what a joke.
Stop trying to justify Marines killing EVERYTHING, and on a side note, i hear snipe works pretty well against both ultralisks and broodlords.
On July 05 2011 06:59 FlaminGinjaNinja wrote: The game is balenced at the moment, nothing needs to change.
Infestors are great units for zerg but like alot of zerg units they are very fragile. Terrans can easily take advantage of a zerg getting infestors with a lot of drops, sending single cloaked banshees in to was energy and in army battle the obvious answer is the ghost to EMP and snipe (the ghost is also very good at killing broodlords and ultras with snipe) You can also spread your bio army to avoid it all getting fungaled.
On July 05 2011 05:45 Tachion wrote: I don't get it, you're making this argument for how strong infestors are, and your examples are Destiny, Catz, and Spanishiwa...? I think you need far better examples aside from 3 players who haven't actually accomplished anything with this style.
If you absolutely must talk about the strength of infestors vs Terran, the obvious focal point should be brood/corruptor/infestor.
I like the part where you said "Destiny, Catz, and Spanishiwa...? I think you need far better examples aside from 3 players who haven't actually accomplished anything with this style"
These three are some of the most imaganitive zerg players there are. Have you ever seen any of them play?
Here let me help you, this is Destiny vs Bomber, a very good korean pro player. It's a best of 3, Destiny uses a lot of infestors and hive tech in each game. You can not only see how to make infestors work, but also for all the terrans out there you can see how to win against them
Edit: i've just seen that theres a thread about the Destiny vs Bomber games already up, Here it is!
This is WRONG. Flat out. Drops will maybe keep an infestor or 2 in the base to stop a drop, but good overlord placement can be a life saver. Also, cloaked banshees in the mid-late game TvZ is a waste of time and money since A) cloak is expensive, B) nothing is gonna stop them from just laying down a single spore crawler, and C) you need money for medivacs, and vikings.
Finally, you are not gonna have enough ghost energy to use that many snipes and EMPs to stop BL and Infestor play.
I would personally like to see a bit more Raven play...but that is a caster that needs some tweaking. There are too many upgrades for it, many of which that do not make it useful outside of detection and PDD.
also add that mutas laugh at bashees, spending the $ on cloak only to have zerg make detection and have mutas fly in quickly from anywhere on the map and effectively shut down any future banshee play. not to mention the amount of medics you dont have because your starport was occupied most of the time making banshees that did minimal damage
"You need to stop thinking like a designer, and more like a player."
The people who say Infestors or Zerg are overpowered with Infestors are ridiculous, Ghosts are hugely underused and everyone says it and nobody does it (all hyperboles), and if you watch Day9 beta stuff, Ghosts have been underused since before the beginning, so it's not new thing.
The success of players using Infestors like Destiny is beyond great, because they are players who are thinking like players and not like designers.
On July 05 2011 06:22 avilo wrote: I don't think any top terran is going to post how they genuinely feel about infestors/late game tvz because they don't want to get flamed.
But if you want to know, i'd go ask lots of Terrans personally, and they will tell you ^_^
This pretty much sums it up.
But by all means, keep this thread going. It is hilarious to hear low level zergs telling terrans how they've figured out the next TvZ revolution. This subforum turns into utter shit when balance is brought up, especially when somebody suggests Z is op.
On July 05 2011 06:22 avilo wrote: I don't think any top terran is going to post how they genuinely feel about infestors/late game tvz because they don't want to get flamed.
But if you want to know, i'd go ask lots of Terrans personally, and they will tell you ^_^
This pretty much sums it up.
But by all means, keep this thread going. It is hilarious to hear low level zergs telling terrans how they've figured out the next TvZ revolution. This subforum turns into utter shit when balance is brought up, especially when somebody suggests Z is op.
On July 05 2011 06:54 eu.exodus wrote: i dont agree with this. i honestly think the game should be so that all 3 races are balanced at every stage of the game. what you are basically implying is that go for MMM timing push every game to win or lose. thats a really stupid way to play a potentially awesome game. no fun in doing the same shit every game or dying
I don't like it either, I agree that it's stupid. It's fine with me if they make zerg a bit stronger early game and a bit weaker late game, compared to now. But my guess is that for variety sake, they deliberately keep races differently strong in early vs late game.
Infestor is fine ; the game "balling" effect is totally wrong ; it makes all the AoE spells annoying strong, as the only real way to counter them is a insane amount of micro to "keep" your units in a split position ; just move them and they clump up again.
The game simply should have an option if your army wanders in "formation" or just clumps up ; Warcraft 3 had something similiar to that (and most other RTS have too ; and thats something SC2 misses like hell).
Players with great micro will be better, no matter if your units can move in formation or not ; theirs planty of room for micro beyound that ; it will simply help any non Top 10 GM players to have a better controll about the units.
On July 05 2011 07:31 BinxyBrown wrote: Ghosts do as much dps vs light as marines do and have more range, can cloak, can snipe Zerg t3 units, and emp or snipe infestors.
That's right let's mass a unit that costs 200/100, has as much dps vs light as a marine has, needs 6 snipes to kill a broodlord and 3 snipes to kill an infestor. Not to mention that terran has to invest gas into tanks, medivacs AND ghosts then whilst the zerg can spend all hist gas on just infestors (and broodlords).
And let's just assume you mass ghosts and somehow manage to beat mass infestor/broodlord with perfect emps and snipes on ALL broodlords. You now have like 20 ghosts on the field (at the very least), zerg now builds mass roaches. You die. well played.
On July 05 2011 07:30 Gimmickkz wrote: Hi you split marines against banelings and don't take much damage now... using all that brain power... what should you do against infestors?
One of them you can run from and split later, the other one you can't. Try harder next time babe.
As terran player i can savely say there is nothing wrong with infestors. The only reason why infestor/bl or lategame zerg might look insanely op is when the zerg had already won the game 5 minutes ago and just uses it to finish the terran off.
So, if you see that combo and think "how should i ever be able to stop this?" you pretty much messed up your early/midgame.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with the infestor. its a great unit, but its completely necessary to late game zerg vs terran.
once you hit 33 33 on tanks/marines as long as you have enough vikings/ghosts to deal with broodlords your army literally cannot die as long as you are positioned correctly. infestors certainly make the job more difficult on the terran, but it is something that you can deal with easily. if a zerg tries to mass infestor you (as t) you lol all day and basically match him in expansions because without muta its realy easy to defends PFs and your main etc
On July 05 2011 07:31 BinxyBrown wrote: Ghosts do as much dps vs light as marines do and have more range, can cloak, can snipe Zerg t3 units, and emp or snipe infestors.
That's right let's mass a unit that costs 200/100, has as much dps vs light as a marine has, needs 6 snipes to kill a broodlord and 3 snipes to kill an infestor. Not to mention that terran has to invest gas into tanks, medivacs AND ghosts then whilst the zerg can spend all hist gas on just infestors (and broodlords).
And let's just assume you mass ghosts and somehow manage to beat mass infestor/broodlord with perfect emps and snipes on ALL broodlords. You now have like 20 ghosts on the field (at the very least), zerg now builds mass roaches. You die. well played.
Broodlord / infestor / corruptor cost as much ( if not more ) gas than marine medivac tank ghost. :/
What is the purpose of this discussion exactly? Blizzard has already identified infestor/broodlord as something they are looking into to determine if its too strong. Let them do their thing and decide if something needs to be changed. In the meantime work around them. The best thing YOU can do as a terran player would be to try to use ghosts against them with snipe as im sure thats all blizzard is waiting for people to try and fail with before nerfing this composition. Infestor/broodlord with corrupter support is pure lockdown.