This isn't going to turn into another LoL vs (all other games apparently) thread. You can speak your mind about the selection of games but keep it civil.
I've never played LoL but enjoyed LoL stream during dreamhack greatly (there goes argument: free game=large audience, at least not in my case). I was so sucked in, that, oh boy, after day one I forgot about SC2, and wasn't even angry when ZenonTheStoic spoiled SC2 results during LoL finals
The game is so entertaining to watch, so much awsome action, teamplay, coordination, so much drama... I love it.
LoL can have it anyways, it's not like ESL will actually pay them the prize money that is advertised (
On June 28 2011 08:22 butch wrote: I feel for the QL guys, we have to say goodbye to some real e-sport icons . I can see LoL dying a silent dead like WoW tho, don't know what's so awesome about it + the fact that there's like 3/4 exact copies of the game doesn't really help.
3/4 exact copies, eh? Would you mind supporting your argument by naming one of them?
This terrible thread represents everything I hate about what TL has become.
What really has me amazed is that SC2 fans are constantly trying to defend SC2 when BW elitists call the game shit for being "too simple," and "inferior," and yet here everyone is leveraging the same complaints against LoL with a holier-than-thou, "the game I prefer is clearly better than this garbage," attitude.
How 'bout instead of bitching and moaning and getting into pissing contests with one another over our preferred hobbies and e-sports of choice, we recognize that every game is as valid as the next - be it Quake, 1.6, BW, SC2, LoL, or whatever your pick is. Being upset that a game you love is being marginalized or slowly fading out is one thing, to try to drag down things that others enjoy is another.
Ugh. I wouldn't mind seeing TL adopt a zero tolerance policy for this nonsense. Every LR thread, every news post, every thread is filled with trolls spewing bile and tanking the quality of the community day by day. I would love to see perma-bans being handed out like candy at this point.
Sadly popularity wins here. I've got to imagine it's a real kick in the nuts to anybody who has played Quake competitively to see something like League of Legends replace it.
I can understand why people like it and it's a fun game, but I don't think it has any place in a competitive setting. Not until it gets a serious makeover at least.
This as a counterargument to LoL taking no skill. Easy to pick up doesn't mean easy all the way...
But yeah just silly sigh, just accept it, I still think it's a good thing for esports no matter what.
Uh, all he did was hit R and right click a few times.. What's impressive about that?
You probably need about 30APM to play LoL at the highest level, it's not a very skillful game.. the only real skill required is having decent coordination in your team, the actual game is very easy to play.
Chess must not be very competitive either, in fact the better players usually have LOWER apm than the casual players. Also, football (American) must not be very competitive either. They stand around for about 20- 30 seconds and pick out their play, then wait about another 5 seconds waiting to snap and calling audibles. Only then do they execute about a 10 second play. So much time spent not doing anything! Also in football, all the guy does is throw the ball. How hard is that? I can throw a ball! I can even but a tight spiral on it!
Or maybe since LoL is slower paced than SC it just doesn't require constant keyboard inputs. LoL is more about picking a character to perform a certain role, and acquiring the correct equipment to suit that role. That role also should change depending on the opposing team's composition and what items they select.
I think the problem we as SC players have with something like LoL is that it's team based compared to SC which is individual competition. I hear a lot of "LoL isn't very balanced!" and I think the idea behind that is that people don't like the idea that in a 1v1 battle some champions have a blatant advantage over others. LoL isn't about 1v1 fights or anything like that, like I recently started playing a support character. I usually end up with 2 kills at most by the end of a game, but my teammates are averaging many more kills than before I started playing an assist based character.
Sorry for all the huge long winded rant post, but I think the main reason for the hate towards LoL is a lack of understanding. I will admit, I play both it and SC2 often (not good at either of them lol) and i do think SC2 requires more skill. However, that doesn't mean I don't see LoL as extremely skill dependent. It's just a different type of skill.
This as a counterargument to LoL taking no skill. Easy to pick up doesn't mean easy all the way...
But yeah just silly sigh, just accept it, I still think it's a good thing for esports no matter what.
Uh, all he did was hit R and right click a few times.. What's impressive about that?
You probably need about 30APM to play LoL at the highest level, it's not a very skillful game.. the only real skill required is having decent coordination in your team, the actual game is very easy to play.
Chess must not be very competitive either, in fact the better players usually have LOWER apm than the casual players. Also, football (American) must not be very competitive either. They stand around for about 20- 30 seconds and pick out their play, then wait about another 5 seconds waiting to snap and calling audibles. Only then do they execute about a 10 second play. So much time spent not doing anything! Also in football, all the guy does is throw the ball. How hard is that? I can throw a ball! I can even but a tight spiral on it!
Or maybe since LoL is slower paced than SC it just doesn't require constant keyboard inputs. LoL is more about picking a character to perform a certain role, and acquiring the correct equipment to suit that role. That role also should change depending on the opposing team's composition and what items they select.
I think the problem we as SC players have with something like LoL is that it's team based compared to SC which is individual competition. I hear a lot of "LoL isn't very balanced!" and I think the idea behind that is that people don't like the idea that in a 1v1 battle some champions have a blatant advantage over others. LoL isn't about 1v1 fights or anything like that, like I recently started playing a support character. I usually end up with 2 kills at most by the end of a game, but my teammates are averaging many more kills than before I started playing an assist based character.
Sorry for all the huge long winded rant post, but I think the main reason for the hate towards LoL is a lack of understanding. I will admit, I play both it and SC2 often (not good at either of them lol) and i do think SC2 requires more skill. However, that doesn't mean I don't see LoL as extremely skill dependent. It's just a different type of skill.
Actually the best players have high APM in Chess, because they play blitz chess. And I don't think many people consider American football a sport requiring much skill compared to say soccer or tennis or whatever (for the reasons you listed). Sarcasm aside, the skill required to play LoL is basically that of the ability to not act like an idiot and play safely (and knowing how to coordinate well with your team). If you actually know and understand how to use your champion, and what items to buy (which can all be learned outside of the game) the game becomes very easy. Compare that with BW/SC2 where watching a replay and stealing someones build orders won't give you the ability to micro/macro as well as them, but I would say it's 100x easier to rip-off someone's play-style exactly in League of Legends because it isn't a very mechanically demanding game, nor is there a huge amount of strategy, and I don't think anyone who has ever played it could say it's demanding.
Also League of Legends has a lot of casualized aspects compared with DoTA and even HoN that make the game a lot easier to play, e.g. no denying, towers hit harder, you can leave your lane and back without much consequence, people generally die slower, small mistakes don't cost you the game, etc
On June 28 2011 00:09 Termit wrote: Sure LoL is free, but don't you have to like buy heroes and items in LoL to not get raped in games when the skill level is higher? If so, it feels kinda wierd to have "esport game" where you are forced to buy shit to play on the same terms as the others.
Like in WoW when it was a "esport game", it fucking sucked shit because some teams had the best items etc.
You have no idea what you are talking about do you? In pretty much any game that includes items/skills/weapons that are considered imbalanced, unfair, bad or whatever you wish are restricted for tournament use. I'm not sure if LoL does but I'm sure the pros play with the same items. When wow arena was played in tournaments you could choose whatever gear you wanted within certain limits to make it fair for everyone. Not sure where you pulled that bullshit statement from that there was a item imbalance between teams in WoW tournaments.
They play all the tournaments on a different client so I'm not entirely sure how it works out there, but everything you can buy with Riot Points (aka the microtransactions) can also be bought for currency you get after every game (influence points). The only limiting factor is time investment to unlocking everything if you don't buy Riot Points.
The only strictly Riot Point thing is skins which just change the graphics of your character.
This as a counterargument to LoL taking no skill. Easy to pick up doesn't mean easy all the way...
But yeah just silly sigh, just accept it, I still think it's a good thing for esports no matter what.
I have played war3, LoL and some HoN through the years and I still dont get whats going on That game needs a better spectating interface for once - I dont get how it attracted 200k+ viewers as it is.
He waited for the perfect moment to dive past the tower and get the kill and then evaded another hero who tried to kill him. Any sooner and the tower would have killed him and any later and he wouldn't have been able to use his R to close the gap. Is it really that hard to realize what went on if you played DotA and other mobas before?
You are right, I worded my comment wrong. sorry about that. The point I was trying to make was just that the spectator interface is so bad I was surprised that 200k+ players watched the stream.
Back on topic; I am sad to see Quake go but happy that such a popular game as LoL will help bring more eyes to major esports events.
That sucks, not interested in watching whatever LoL is. Probably won't pay attention to IEM at all now. So many other SC2 tournaments to watch as well. I thought Carmac was a hardcore quake fan? Oh well, now quakecon will be just that more epic each year!
On June 28 2011 07:12 mikyaJ wrote: That would actually be HoN And we all know how successful that is right now
Yeah, in LoL they removed some features and made game easier. So it's : Take game - copy - make casual - make f2p- add micro-transactions - add commercials and promote game in tournaments - print-screen 200k viewers- go to forums and post it with big trollface and "u mad?" words.
it was made by one of the original makers of dota to begin with how is this copying?
This as a counterargument to LoL taking no skill. Easy to pick up doesn't mean easy all the way...
But yeah just silly sigh, just accept it, I still think it's a good thing for esports no matter what.
this vid doesnt impress me theres nothing special average joe cant do, when u watch programers playing QL/BW ur always like: wow theres no way in milion years i will be able to do that, so much respect for those guys putting alot of time and effort into mastering the game which is very challanging to the point it looks like they are bending the rules, very high skill ceiling is actually the reason why i called it e-Sport at the first place. Pretty sad to see those hardcore games precessors and creators of e-gaming getting replaced by dumbed down noob friendly games in the name of esports when in fact theres not so much sport left in them.
Oh wow...I just read through this thread and died a little inside...
I can understand why people do not want to watch LoL. You basically need a Ph.D in the game to actually enjoy the game. Just like some of my friends do not enjoy watching StarCraft because they cannot tell the difference between Protoss and Zerg plus they have to train their eyes to see the units well.
And fuck the casual game logic. That argument is just as legit as hearing a religious debate. "I am a Christian, atheists have no morals" "I am an atheist, religion causes violence." Stupid Stupid Stupid
It is a shame to see Quake live go, It is good to see new games like LoL rising up though, I just hope League of Legends does better here than they did at dreamhack with the many issues they had.
Hopefully lol will die a silent death after they realise there's no pause feature in it for disconnects and the finals turn into a 4v5. Really happy for SC2 though.