On June 24 2011 20:00 MrSpider wrote: Tester create this team with FD! What will happen? I'm afraid that Clide, ALive and the other will leave too
They created TSL and left OGS because they didn't want the rigid training schedule. They wanted to take it easy. Remember?
That was ok before, but to produce results NOW, with teams like SlayerS you need practice and discipline. Guessing TSL wanted that and FD and Tester didn't. Their performance reflects their position on the issue.
Isn't TSL the only team that's giving their players salaries anyways? If so, it doesn't make any sense for them to leave on that basis, since ... well, FD and Tester would be giving up even more money leaving than staying. I mean, even if their salaries took a dive, at least they're still getting paid.
I dunno. First Rain, now FD and Tester.
This is quite unfortunate news for TSL considering FruitDealer and Tester were two of their more consistent players. On the other hand, maybe they will join a team that will provide them more opportunities to compete in tournaments outside of Korea. I'm really curious to see where they both land and what the state of TSL will be now that Rain, FD, and Tester are gone.
This is crazy TSL is falling apart man where will they go hope they go to a good team that will take care of them
So what does this mean for fantasy league, do the people with FD and trickster get screwed over/really lucky depending on if they picked them?
On June 25 2011 03:41 SentinelSC2 wrote: I guess you can say they didn't like the
*puts on sunglasses*
SCV life
muahaha ahaha ha
So they basically left because TSL does not want to fully support them in playing at foreign tournaments?
On June 25 2011 08:14 Ghostface_Killa wrote:Show nested quote +On June 25 2011 03:41 SentinelSC2 wrote: I guess you can say they didn't like the
*puts on sunglasses*
SCV life muahaha ahaha ha Oh dear, that's thoroughly hilarious.
On June 25 2011 08:15 bubblegumbo wrote: So they basically left because TSL does not want to fully support them in playing at foreign tournaments?
We have no idea since there are no good translations around T_T
On June 25 2011 08:15 bubblegumbo wrote: So they basically left because TSL does not want to fully support them in playing at foreign tournaments?
I doubt that is the case since all of TSL is playing in the NASL open bracket except for Cool and Tester.
so much team drama these days wow
ah, i have tsl as my fantasy team
FXO it's your time to strike!
On June 25 2011 01:44 DeepBlu2 wrote: I don't know if Fruitdealer should really try to continue his career. He hasn't performed well in so long and I don't know if he will be able to turn that around.. I really hope the best for the both of them. I always loved watching him play. Seeing players like Fruitdealer, Haypro, and Dimaga in a slump break my heart. Best of luck to the both of them. Haypro was never really that great, but he's actually improving recently. He played well and took a game off Losira, I think he took a game off Bomber. His ZvP is still questionable, but he's definitely picking up pace. FD was good when the game was new and has fallen behind. Dimaga I can't speak for though.
Tester and Fruitdealer were salaried players on TSL
guessing TSL/sponsor did not want to renew their contract/salary and Tester/FD decided to leave TSL because of it
On June 25 2011 09:05 HEROwithNOlegacy wrote: FXO it's your time to strike!
alot of you say this but i am quite sure it will not happen and would be bad
cause if they really leave tsl because not wanting hard training schelude like ogs (reason they left there) then teams like FXO who WANT this schelude would be horrible pick
TSL is falling apart; WMF SC1 is disbanding...wondering about the WMF SC2 players and F.United..
On June 25 2011 09:15 udgnim wrote: Tester and Fruitdealer were salaried players on TSL
guessing TSL/sponsor did not want to renew their contract/salary and Tester/FD decided to leave TSL because of it
Their first payday was the first week of April. I really doubt the contract was for two months...
On June 25 2011 09:25 StyLeD wrote: TSL is falling apart; WMF SC1 is disbanding...wondering about the WMF SC2 players and F.United.. Just saw that too. Sad day. Hopefully WMF SC1 doesn't disband, and it would fucking suck if WMF jumps ship on SC2 as well. (Especially for ThorZain and NaNi.) Not to mention, Moon is just starting to hit his stride, SocceR looks promising, and Lyn is a very solid Terran when you discount his somewhat questionable decision-making at times.
Goddammit, the past few weeks have been pretty distressing in terms of teams disbanding and/or getting absorbed, and players leaving. What a bad month.
i just want to see FD showing success again, don't care what team he is on. he has slipped so far behind everyone else =/