On June 25 2011 01:28 ALang wrote: Thing is with TSL they were getting salaries and their housing/food paid for... and income tax in Korea is nothing. On top of that, they got income from each GSL by staying in Code S. There isn't nearly enough money outside Korea (that they can actually win) to make up to difference, unless a foreign team wants to pay a huge salary.
They are no longer top players... Tester made his name in the beta and has done nothing and FruitDealer has done nothing since the first GSL. Younger teams could use them as coaches but other than that their places in SC2 seem rather vague at the moment.
That's what I thought. When it was formed it was lined with sponsors. Did TSL want to stray away from the casual approach FD and Tester wanted? Their attitude comes off as lazy; I like that they want more free time and not be slaves like in BW, but I don't know it just does.
I don't care about Tester anymore and never did for FD. Oh he got a lucky run to the finals and got an opponent he was 90% sure he'd stomp. Undeserved hype.
TSL is a bust anyway. It was thought it'd be a powerhouse team, but they never deliver and somehow still cling onto their spots in the GSL.
I'm now interested in seeing where fruitdealer goes from here... I'm happy in a backhanded sort of way though, because I have fruitdealer on my anti-team for the Fantasy GSTL!
It's pretty simple, TSL has not been doing great lately so they probably wanted the players to practice harder which Trickster and Fruitdealer didn't want to do so they left, like what happened with OGS.
Korea is splintering. Something KeSPA would have never allowed, for the better or for the worse. We'll see how this plays out.
Hopefully that start practicing again >_> I think we all know that if they did that these 2 would start dominating again. Maybe they'll rejoin oGs.
Both could be among the best but they keep playing so sloppy
TSL no longer have many good players. Hopefully some foreign teams like sj or fxo!
I don't see where it says they want to join a foreign team. What's with all the speculation?
Seems a bit long. LOL.
United States527 Posts
I really am curious what is going on in their team house or whatever. I mean first Rain goes, then shortly after comes Trickster and Fruitdealer? This is quite strange
Good luck to them, though
Would like to see a foreign team sign one of them and see how that plays out.
I dont get those " I want to play in foreign tourney" bs. Will tourney orga actually invite them over the like of much hotter and skilled players like MC,Bomber,MMA ? Or can they beat those ? Are foreign tournies that attractive ? The most frequent one is MLG and it's 5K for Top1 place, kinda meh while u can get the same by winning 2 games in Code S, plus you are in a nice team with quality practice and high salary. On topic, imo that wont hurt TSL much, SangHo/Clide/Puma/aLive/JYP all look stable and code-S candidate. They just lack a truly strong ace - the reason why TSL did so poorly in teamleague despite looking much better than most team on paper
I don't understand. Tester and FD are the only two TSL players *not* playing the NASL open.
I wonder if coach Lee forbid Rain/Tester/FD from participating in NASL because he wanted them to focus on GSL instead. And also that way they wouldn't team kill in the NASL open.
That might explain why Rain left a little earlier and is participating in NASL, while Tester and FD are not.
Well it's not like they have done anything since September.
Also, @kNightLite, Tester and FD are notoriously lazy and unmotivated. They probably didn't participate in the NASL because they didn't want to.
And anyway, it's not like they were TSL's best players by a long shot anymore. aLive is their only great player, Clide, Killer, and Revival are pretty decent, and Puma is on the rise.
TSL wont really get hurt much by this. Fruitdealer hasn't done anything since GSL1 and Trickster always been overhyped. They are really on the same level with Clide and Killer while alive might be a little better. TSL still a decent team overall but no standout players like sc in fou, DRG in MVP...
Wasn't the team at one point more concerned over their hair color than the actual game?
On June 24 2011 21:38 kellymilkies wrote: FXOFruitdealer
How did this go unnoticed?
Kelly, do you know something that we do not about this issue?
On June 24 2011 19:58 Shalaiyn wrote:It is... hopefully they go to somewhere they could go to foreigner events. Maybe Artosis picks up Trickster for Sixjax?  That'd be sick LOLL
LOL it looks like quite a few people had Trickster & FD on their GSTL anti-team (including myself). Perhaps it was a sign.
They left oGs because they wanted to play more casually, and it seems TSL's management wants to be more disciplined and structured, which didn't fit very well with FD and Tester's rather low work ethic that they admitted themselves.