It is highly recommended that your read this entire thread - at least until page 10. If you make uninformed opinions that have been answered by the thread, col management or Destiny, you will be banned.
On June 23 2011 05:53 Elefanto wrote: I think it's only secondary to destiny if he would lose / gain viewers by changins his attitude / censoring himself on stream. He likes to be provocative and be free / say whats on his mind / do what he wants. The contract with col would have seriously cut into his freedom / the way he wants to be, so he chose to be independant (for the time being), as long as he finds a team that accepts how he handels things / presents himself.
If that would be the case, i have even more respect for him.
It sucks that he was kicked off but I agree ^^ that it depends on what Destiny wants that determines if this is bad or good for him.
~He's said he doesn't want to conform, so that suggests that he doesn't care about being on a top team, or at least a good team that can help him improve and support him going to tournaments.
~He's also said he would rather be the worst player on a good team than the best on a bad team for his sake of improvement.
Those two statements kind of clash so it's really up in the air how he actually feels on the whole subjects of teams.
I feel like Destiny has a lot of raw talent that could make him a great high level pro if he ever decides to sit down and put in the practice time into doing that.
However if he doesn't want to do that and is content with living on stream revenue then that's his choice and it's good for him.
Really only Destiny knows how this will all turn out and I wish him the best, although in my personal opinion I feel like he should have "conformed" just a little to stay on coL.
On June 23 2011 15:21 zerglingrodeo wrote: Here's what esports doesn't need: players that are both terrible at the game and open heteronormative misogynists. Good riddance Destiny. I hope you don't make any other team.
From this post I gather that you either don't know what these words mean, or you have never watched Destinys stream and based your argument(opinion) on something completely unfounded.
After sifting through 30 pages of crap, this was just a parting blown way out of proportion. I seriously don't see where the drama is coming from. If it was because Destiny caught some flak from compLexity for using foul language, fine, ok, he couldn't accept it so he chose to leave. I'm really just praying mods will close this. After a few pages in, this thread was basically people picking sides and bashing each other.
On June 23 2011 15:17 danbel1005 wrote:
"Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language."
Holy shit. Please let this be known to all who follow Starcraft 2. Please. Anyone and everyone NEEDS to read the damn labels. In this case, Starcraft 2 clearly came with a label stating it has strong language in the game itself. And people are bashing players using foul language when there's a slightly more serious problem with the game? (balancelolzjk people shooting each other, stimpack/drug usage, and if we feel like stretching things quite a bit suicide bombing by banelings).
Anyways, on topic. Quit the drama whoring. It's almost borderline disgusting with what people are doing in this thread.
On June 23 2011 15:21 zerglingrodeo wrote: Here's what esports doesn't need: players that are both terrible at the game and open heteronormative misogynists. Good riddance Destiny. I hope you don't make any other team.
Thats an awfully nice post you have there. Destiny has done more for ESPORTS than you ever would. He has 1000s of people watching his stream whenever its on and its on most of the time. I personally am not a fan of his stream but he has definitely been a great influence on the observing of the game. Destiny and Complexity broke up on a misunderstanding about the contract. Destiny never wanted to put that level of involvement into a team but if anyone who is bashing him for his lack of involvement of ESPORTS I challenge them to put 1/4 of the involvement to the scene that he does already.
I am not saying that Destiny hasn't been 'involved' in esports. Sure, he has streamed a lot. I am saying that people like him (with constant exclamations of 'fag' and jokes about rape) are not what esports needs if it is going to grow. We all know the 'gaming dudes' who call each other 'faggots' all the time because they are immature children. We don't need those immature children representing professional gaming.
I dont watch him because he swears, or because i might catch him trolling. Some of those parts are hilarious but you can get that on several other streams. I watch him because he wants to get better and SC2, he always has something to say and he talks about interesting topics. Watching him do skype calls for hours to open lines to any one to argue their point on his language. His reddit posts. I want destiny to succeed cause i feel he is the underdog. Alot of people push a lot of hate towards him but he has never been dishonest. I heard lots of pros talk like he was a nobody but a streamer. They also made it sound like he thought he was way better than he was and i have never seen destiny claim he is the hugest player out there. He seems like just a guy who is making a living off being a streamer and wants to improve his game. Thats why i watch him. His language isnt even a factor.
On June 23 2011 15:45 Tatari wrote: After sifting through 30 pages of crap, this was just a parting blown way out of proportion. I seriously don't see where the drama is coming from. If it was because Destiny caught some flak from compLexity for using foul language, fine, ok, he couldn't accept it so he chose to leave. I'm really just praying mods will close this. After a few pages in, this thread was basically people picking sides and bashing each other.
"Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language."
Holy shit. Please let this be known to all who follow Starcraft 2. Please. Anyone and everyone NEEDS to read the damn labels. In this case, Starcraft 2 clearly came with a label stating it has strong language in the game itself. And people are bashing players using foul language when there's a slightly more serious problem with the game? (balancelolzjk people shooting each other, stimpack/drug usage, and if we feel like stretching things quite a bit suicide bombing by banelings).
Anyways, on topic. Quit the drama whoring. It's almost borderline disgusting with what people are doing in this thread.
"infrequent use of strong language." I don't think anyone would dare classify Destiny's usage of strong language as "Infrequent"
Good luck in your future endeavors Destiny. Unfortunate circumstances happen.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
So incredibly true, people need to stop forcing their way of life on others.
On June 23 2011 15:21 zerglingrodeo wrote: Here's what esports doesn't need: players that are both terrible at the game and open heteronormative misogynists. Good riddance Destiny. I hope you don't make any other team.
I don't know Destiny personally but tonight I will watch his stream again. I'll eat bad cheese pizza while watching his roaches going pew-pew and Debo going n****n****n**** and point my greasy fingers at the little colors on the screen while shouting "racists united!" and curse them all to the Mac OS XX generation. Then I'll feel morally superior and will go to youporn, the gay section and send them a 6 pages essay on why their search engine is inherently politically incorrect. I'll stay there for a while till morning comes (one gotta keep busy!) then will head on to church.
I challenge any of his fans to take a look at him and objectively evaluate his character. He is an uneducated college dropout with an illegitimate child; moreover, he is a MUSIC MAJOR dropout. That makes him the equivalent of the demographic that he constantly berates (at the most) and uses racial epithets towards... assuming that you want to apply stereotypes like Destiny does.
Okay, I really just could not keep myself from responding to this because this paragraph right here completely destroys your ENTIRE post. Why? Because it is the MOST ignorant thing I have ever seen written ever. Let me explain.
1. You obviously don't have an objective view of his character because your evaluation of it is super ignorant.
2. Having an illegitimate child has nothing to do on character unless you are a strict, and a mean strict, marriage before children person. I'm sorry, but having a child before marriage does not make someone bad. I even believe in God (And follow the bible) and I still do not look down at a person who has a child illegitimately as a lesser person. But no, having an illilegitimate child is bad for some reason that society can't explain, nevermind he is helping the mother of that child with support such as money, shelter, and even actual care (he'll stop playing to feed and give the baby attention)/
3. The MUSIC MAJOR dropout is about the dumbest claim I have ever seen. I'll give you two reasons: Firstly, I am a music major. Secondly, this has no bearing on what type of person he is or even how smart he is. You wanna know how smart some of the people I study with are? Smart enough to be in a much higher paying major that is for sure, but why do they do music? Because they love it. Now think about this, many music majors don't actually finish school a music major or even finish college period. There are several reasons for this.
The first being that being a music major is REALLY hard. It's not all sitting in ensembles playing music. It's not an "easy" thing. It's actually probably more challenging than most majors out there. Why? Because of the insane amount of time you MUST devote to it. You wanna know how often I have to tell my non-music friends that I can't go out because I have a ton of practice to get done, not to mention theory work to do and a concert coming up I need to get ready for.
Secondly, maintaining a job as a music major is not easy. You don't have a schedule that alots much time to do a job, if you take a job you are taking away from practicing the major you are taking and if you do any sort of ensemble that has mass gigs like marching band, most places won't hire you. I know from experience. I mean let's equate it like this. An ensemble credit is 1 credit toward your degree a semester. The actually work you do per week for this credit can be anywhere from 8-14 hours (Outside of actual ensemble time). Let's put thing against say, physics. You get classes that equal 2 credit hours. Most of my physics major friends can get their work for a week done in less than 6 hours.
4. I still can't understand how "uneducated" applies to anyone who drops out of college. Sure, you don't have a diploma to take anywhere with you, but you could still be a really smart and intellectual person. Maybe it's because people emphasize college and higher institutions so much, I don't really know. I just think it's all stupid. Why? Because people of all "educations" are smart or stupid. There have been a ton of college graduates who I have met that I had to wonder how they even walked across the stage during graduation. But somehow they are "educated" because they went to college and finished it.
On June 23 2011 15:21 zerglingrodeo wrote: Here's what esports doesn't need: players that are both terrible at the game and open heteronormative misogynists. Good riddance Destiny. I hope you don't make any other team.
I don't know Destiny personally but tonight I will watch his stream again. I'll eat bad cheese pizza while watching his roaches going pew-pew and Debo going n****n****n**** and point my greasy fingers at the little colors on the screen while shouting "racists united!" and curse them all to the Mac OS XX generation. Then I'll feel morally superior and will go to youporn, the gay section and send them a 6 pages essay on why their search engine is inherently politically incorrect. I'll stay there for a while till morning comes (one gotta keep busy!) then will head on to church.
My favorite part is where you try to say 'I watch gay porn' as an insult. Thanks for perpetuating the Destiny marginalization of homosexuality.
When you watch the stream it clearly states there is explicit content... If you don't want to hear cussing just go to a different stream and stop crying to everyone else because your 8 year old heard the F word on a T rated video game stream.
On June 23 2011 15:45 Tatari wrote: After sifting through 30 pages of crap, this was just a parting blown way out of proportion. I seriously don't see where the drama is coming from. If it was because Destiny caught some flak from compLexity for using foul language, fine, ok, he couldn't accept it so he chose to leave. I'm really just praying mods will close this. After a few pages in, this thread was basically people picking sides and bashing each other.
On June 23 2011 15:17 danbel1005 wrote:
"Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language."
Holy shit. Please let this be known to all who follow Starcraft 2. Please. Anyone and everyone NEEDS to read the damn labels. In this case, Starcraft 2 clearly came with a label stating it has strong language in the game itself. And people are bashing players using foul language when there's a slightly more serious problem with the game? (balancelolzjk people shooting each other, stimpack/drug usage, and if we feel like stretching things quite a bit suicide bombing by banelings).
Anyways, on topic. Quit the drama whoring. It's almost borderline disgusting with what people are doing in this thread.
"infrequent use of strong language." I don't think anyone would dare classify Destiny's usage of strong language as "Infrequent"
Good luck in your future endeavors Destiny. Unfortunate circumstances happen.
I wasn't really referring to Destiny's use of language. I was referring more toward the game's use of language. I can't really point out exact examples, but I think Tychus had a few lines that were mildly inappropriate. Again, memory's fuzzy.
On June 23 2011 15:21 zerglingrodeo wrote: Here's what esports doesn't need: players that are both terrible at the game and open heteronormative misogynists. Good riddance Destiny. I hope you don't make any other team.
I don't know Destiny personally but tonight I will watch his stream again. I'll eat bad cheese pizza while watching his roaches going pew-pew and Debo going n****n****n**** and point my greasy fingers at the little colors on the screen while shouting "racists united!" and curse them all to the Mac OS XX generation. Then I'll feel morally superior and will go to youporn, the gay section and send them a 6 pages essay on why their search engine is inherently politically incorrect. I'll stay there for a while till morning comes (one gotta keep busy!) then will head on to church.
My favorite part is where you try to say 'I watch gay porn' as an insult. Thanks for perpetuating the Destiny marginalization of homosexuality.
No, he was just criticizing hypocrisy. Also, how does using the word "faggot" marginalize homosexuality? Did you mean to say "homosexuals" or do you just not know what marginalize means?
On June 23 2011 05:57 KimJongChill wrote: I saw this kind of thing happening, what with Destiny's non-pc language. The only reason this is a problem is because he is well known, and how highly publicized his language became these past few months. I'm sure plenty of other progamers spew racist, sexist, or homophobic insults, but it's not widely discussed enough for people to care. I suppose Idra is an exception simply because of his playing caliber.
Fortunately, Destiny has relatively improved, meaning that he is slowly performing better compared to the progress of his peers. I hope he takes this chance to seriously engage in practice, rather than Sotis all day :b
Good luck.
Idra can be a pretty bad mannared bastard, but never does his bm even graze racist, sexist or homophobic insults. As much as I am an Idra hater, got to stick to the facts.
Why does everyone who has a problem with destiny's language or how he acts on his stream post stuff that is usually more rude and ignorant than anything destiny has said or done? Really the stuff that you are trying to prove is so bad is only thrown out the window by this fact. Really if you dont like his stream dont watch his stream. He has a lot of people that do enjoy his stream and what he has to say. I agree you are all entitled to an opinion. Most of the post that revolve around his language use exactly the same manner he does just less "offensive words". But still the context you use them in are worse than what he would use them in and more judgemental than anything he said. Just saying maybe try using a more a dignified response or else you are doing the same thing if not worse than what he's ever done. And spred the love not hate
On June 23 2011 05:56 Parodoxx wrote: Now maybe im way off base but from a management perspective and a sponsors perspective isn't it in their best interest to have a player that streams often and draws a lot of viewers?
Destiney might have said some things that shine a negative light on Complexity and his release makes since however to say a team would not pick him up is off base. Any team that has a player that can get as much attention for sponsors like destney can and perform at a high level is gold mine.
Correct me if im wrong, I definitely dont understand the business side of E-sports like I would like but it seems sound. ^^
It would do more than just shed a negative light on Complexity but also their sponsors which is extremely important for a gaming team.
Well, there is a saying like "any PR is good PR". Not that I agree with it though. ^^"