It is highly recommended that your read this entire thread - at least until page 10. If you make uninformed opinions that have been answered by the thread, col management or Destiny, you will be banned.
I'm a little confused about the actual reason for why he was let go, I'm not surprised, just a bit confused, after reading all the pages in this thread it seemed fairly clear, but upon looking at some of the statements made on the Complexity post, it seems more ambiguous.
I would assume based on the information we have now, that it was largely in regards to Destiny's use of slurs(in a non-prejudicial context) and language, but a quote from the Head of Staff at Complexity states that "He chose not to play for the organization after he joined.".
The first is to me, just Destiny being Destiny, and I'd have absolutely no issue with him choosing to leave, and the organization choosing to drop him for that, I can understand why they as an organization would not want to be associated with Steven for obvious reasons but if he actually "refused to play" for Complexity in some serious events or some dismissive fashion then that's a slightly larger issue. I think more information is warranted here from both sides, I don't think it's fair for Complexity to make such an ambiguous statement, particularly if it's slanderous.
I'm particularly confused because I just watched Destiny play for Complexity a few hours ago in the EG Master's Cup, so when exactly did he "refuse to play"? Or is this just a way to respond to people who are upset about him being dropped for not censoring himself?
On June 23 2011 14:05 Mordiford wrote: I'm a little confused about the actual reason for why he was let go, I'm not surprised, just a bit confused, after reading all the pages in this thread it seemed fairly clear, but upon looking at some of the statements made on the Complexity post, it seems more ambiguous.
I would assume based on the information we have now, that it was largely in regards to Destiny's use of slurs(in a non-prejudicial context) and language, but a quote from the Head of Staff at Complexity states that "He chose not to play for the organization after he joined.".
The first is to me, just Destiny being Destiny, and I'd have absolutely no issue with him choosing to leave, and the organization choosing to drop him for that, I can understand why they as an organization would not want to be associated with Steven for obvious reasons but if he actually "refused to play" for Complexity in some serious events or some dismissive fashion then that's a slightly larger issue. I think more information is warranted here from both sides, I don't think it's fair for Complexity to make such an ambiguous statement, particularly if it's slanderous.
I'm particularly confused because I just watched Destiny play for Complexity a few hours ago in the EG Master's Cup, so when exactly did he "refuse to play"? Or is this just a way to respond to people who are upset about him being dropped for not censoring himself?
Well, considering the EG Master's Cup is from replays, it could have been any other day besides today I mean its not like we will know for sure when he did stop playing for them and this was indefinitely going to mean that he would stop playing for them.
On June 23 2011 13:20 thnikkaman wrote: So let me get this straight.. he signed the contract without the intent of honouring it? why didn't he talk to CoL to revise his contract or opt out of it? I think this was very unprofessional of him. After something like this if I was a pro gaming team I wouldn't even think of picking up Destiny.
Destiny said he had half a day to sign the contract.
Your correct in that is unprofessional, but I am confused how you can believe it is understandable? He stated that he knew about the possibility of a merger for a while, so to think he had half a day to make this career changing decision is ridiculous. Also in the post you mention he says he was told he had 1 day remaining to sign the contract that he had already had access too, it wasn’t as if he was given the contract and told to have signed by the end of the day. Is it understandable in any other field or business to renege on a contract you just signed? This whole incident belittles the credibility of esports as a respectable field.
While I am sure Destiny is doing what he feels is best for himself, something I find hard to fault someone for, I think this could have been handled in a much more professional manner. GL to both parties involved.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
I muted that after about 30 seconds; couldn't listen to anymore of it. The way they live in their bubble ideology of me-against-the-world is amazing.
On June 23 2011 14:05 Mordiford wrote: I'm a little confused about the actual reason for why he was let go, I'm not surprised, just a bit confused, after reading all the pages in this thread it seemed fairly clear, but upon looking at some of the statements made on the Complexity post, it seems more ambiguous.
I would assume based on the information we have now, that it was largely in regards to Destiny's use of slurs(in a non-prejudicial context) and language, but a quote from the Head of Staff at Complexity states that "He chose not to play for the organization after he joined.".
The first is to me, just Destiny being Destiny, and I'd have absolutely no issue with him choosing to leave, and the organization choosing to drop him for that, I can understand why they as an organization would not want to be associated with Steven for obvious reasons but if he actually "refused to play" for Complexity in some serious events or some dismissive fashion then that's a slightly larger issue. I think more information is warranted here from both sides, I don't think it's fair for Complexity to make such an ambiguous statement, particularly if it's slanderous.
I'm particularly confused because I just watched Destiny play for Complexity a few hours ago in the EG Master's Cup, so when exactly did he "refuse to play"? Or is this just a way to respond to people who are upset about him being dropped for not censoring himself?
Well, considering the EG Master's Cup is from replays, it could have been any other day besides today I mean its not like we will know for sure when he did stop playing for them and this was indefinitely going to mean that he would stop playing for them.
Yeah, but that's a serious statement to make in regards to a player's compatibility with their team. If he legitimately said, "Fuck it, I'm not gonna play that match" and that's why they decided to drop him, that's very different from dropping him for the comments on his stream, it's all very ambiguous but the post suggests the latter while some of the other statements suggest the former.
There's a big difference between having a vocabulary your team doesn't like(on your personal stream) and refusing to play for your team.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
Destiny is NOT a talented player. He's good, but not TOURNEY LEVEL. He plays WAY too stylistically. ALWAYS uses infestors... come on man, people can easily counter that =.=
I actually went into Destiny's stream and posted the link and everyone thought I was trolling... soon they all realized what happened. Then about 5 minutes later Destiny realized too.
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
I muted that after about 30 seconds; couldn't listen to anymore of it. The way they live in their bubble ideology of me-against-the-world is amazing.
Pot, meet kettle.
Their argument is solid in that people are getting offended by words and complaining when watching a stream that they voluntarily choose to watch.
I don't know if you actually listened to it or not, or have some selective hearing when you listened to the clip...but I'll just leave it like that...
okay, they are cussing, stop acting like they are the only ones in the world who cuss, they have a good argument and agree with debo and destiny 100%...i think the sc2 community needs to sway away from all this "professionalism" and stop getting offended with every bad word that is said
On June 23 2011 14:28 ShootingStars wrote: Destiny is NOT a talented player. He's good, but not TOURNEY LEVEL. He plays WAY too stylistically. ALWAYS uses infestors... come on man, people can easily counter that =.=
You can say the same thing about every other player's standard play such as marine tank, ling bling muta, the collossus ball, etc..
Well you know what they say, any publicity is good publicity. Glad Destiny is getting some attention, and hopefully more stream watchers to help his income now that he is without a team.
On June 23 2011 14:28 ShootingStars wrote: Destiny is NOT a talented player. He's good, but not TOURNEY LEVEL. He plays WAY too stylistically. ALWAYS uses infestors... come on man, people can easily counter that =.=
You can say the same thing about every other player's standard play such as marine tank, ling bling muta, the collossus ball, etc..
The issue with that is those are standard for obvious reason, just like how me saying, "He goes for Ravens every game" is different from me saying "He goes for marines every game".
I think Destiny's style needs some refinement, I think the Mutas are a good addition and zergling/infestor is quite strong but I don't know if he really needs the 20+ Infestors he gets, when it works it looks sick, but then you see one EMP take out 5+ Infestors and it seems to fall apart. I think it's just a numbers balancing game, with the Mutas, Zergling, Infestor and the transition into BroodLords, I just think it's a bit too heavy on the Infestors right now but It'll refine itself over time.
I don't want to be mean, but col is apparently a "big organization" to him and that he couldn't be a part of it (for some reason). But had no problems giving an interview to Forbes. I dunno, sounds like he's got problems...
I don't want to be mean, but col is apparently a "big organization" to him and that he couldn't be a part of it (for some reason). But had no problems giving an interview to Forbes. I dunno, sounds like he's got problems...
Giving an interview to Forbes representing yourself and being a part of Complexity is pretty fucking different... What problems has he got?
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
I muted that after about 30 seconds; couldn't listen to anymore of it. The way they live in their bubble ideology of me-against-the-world is amazing.
Pot, meet kettle.
Their argument is solid in that people are getting offended by words and complaining when watching a stream that they voluntarily choose to watch.
I don't know if you actually listened to it or not, or have some selective hearing when you listened to the clip...but I'll just leave it like that...
okay, they are cussing, stop acting like they are the only ones in the world who cuss, they have a good argument and agree with debo and destiny 100%...i think the sc2 community needs to sway away from all this "professionalism" and stop getting offended with every bad word that is said
Even if it is his right to talk the way he does, why does he have to do it? I'm certainly no saint when it comes to language, but I'm not about to start dropping f-bombs in front of my mom because I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that. I just don't understand why he feels like he HAS to talk this way, are people seriously going to stop watching him if he stops calling people fag like that's the only redeeming aspect of his stream?
I don't want to be mean, but col is apparently a "big organization" to him and that he couldn't be a part of it (for some reason). But had no problems giving an interview to Forbes. I dunno, sounds like he's got problems...
huh??? What does giving an interview have to do with being on a team? Its not like he agreed to take a salary writing for forbes
On June 23 2011 12:24 shockaslim wrote: If you've never heard Destiny make fun of black people (or any race of people) then you haven't watched enough.
Anyone referring to Destiny's use of language should watch this first.
Well this is sad news. I think after the whole root disbanding i will stop cheering for teams all together, I was leaning towards complexity, they had majority of the rootsi love. Now its way to spread out. I will still cheer for drewbie, catz, minigun as individuals. Not for complexity. I do undestand there reasons for both sides and hopefully it works out. Catz and Drewbie hope you get the time you need to work on your games, cant wait to watch the magic work. Minigun i hope you being in col means you have to go to MLG's. Good luck to Destiny hope you keep getting better. p.s. I really hope catz still comes on stream with destiny cause those two on stream has got to be the seriously the most funniest thing on the net