Patch 1.3.3 PTR - Page 69
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Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully. | ||
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France748 Posts
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United States16991 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:08 Naniwa wrote: zzz.. so now impossible to practice for tsl since there is a possibility of a patch randomly popping. Knowing Blizz, the patch won't drop until long after TSL. | ||
Canada1000 Posts
As for people's complaints about changes, keep in mind this is a PTR. They have shown numerous times through PTRs that they are willing to revoke changes that they find to not be working.... As for the 2 gate pressure. Wasn't it fairly manageable for Z when they pooled first? Zerg haven't been hatching first because any competent Protoss on a map they can scout quickly enough, will block the hatch anyways. I don't play Zerg or Protoss, so I could be wrong; but I seem to recall that was the case watching games way back then when zealot build times were shorter. We should be supporting Blizzard's ideas of throwing changes into the mix on a PTR. It's the best way to test their place in current game balance. | ||
Sweden1867 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:00 Corvi wrote: i dont like the ghost change. gas was never the problem in tvp. maybe some can play mech/ghost now, but let me say you, that its a fuckin difficult strat and your average below gm player will never pull that off. You have to understand that it frees up gas for other things. Tank/ghost is just a example, but you could get Faster and More ghosts, faster upgrades and perhaps more medivacs/vikings etc. In the end it will provide more room to wiggle with resources and that is very good for Terran. I personally love the change and I think it will create more dynamic in all matchups. And when it comes to overall costs and comparisions to HTs and infestors you need to consider the fact that the ghost can actually attack (very nice DPS vs light and eventually cloak), they have no armortype (only one of the three) and a big HP pool for a terran infantry unit which makes them quite difficult to kill. | ||
China2908 Posts
Full refund is always bad in business prospective. Making SCV build more bunker and salvage it. Waste his time and labour. | ||
United States28 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:05 Binabik wrote: I'm so gonna focus fire every Pylon I see ^_^ ... i hate you. a couple other effects - 9 pylon will have to be more accurately placed in order to wall off vs zerg. - i won't be cannon rushed as often. | ||
Norway600 Posts
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Germany14 Posts
![]() PROTOSS Archons are now a massive unit. 'tis cool, sentries blocking archons was ridiculous. Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5. Huge nerf to Warpgate rushes in generall, in particular 4 gate and cannon rushes. Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. Blizzard trying to give players a litte bit more time to react to 4 gate in all matchups. Gateway Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37. Stalker train time decreased from 42 to 37. Zealot train time decreased from 38 to 33. Protoss will for the first time experience something like a defenders advantage. Particularly in pvp. As a Zerg I fear a swell of 2 gate/proxy gateway rushes coming. Also, expect protoss to leave their gateways producing units and in time of need warp them to warpgates, reducing buiding time for one unit to 10 seconds (time it takes to switch from GW to WG) with a drawback afterwards as every unit after this big influx comes 5 seconds later. It helps them to generate just enough units to hold a push. Requires micro. Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged. Expected from the latest post from Blizzard regarding pvp balance. TERRAN Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. In my opinion a little buff for Ghosts, cause you can't mule a bunch of gas. Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. Terrans finally must pay for their bunker rushes, but I'd let it scale with the bunkers HP. 100% HP: 75% refund. As HP approaches 0, the refund is being reduced to 50%. That's one marine every time they salvage a burning bunker. Big difference in all matchups early game. ZERG Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6. Nerf to cloaked banshees. Also good against that Stargate rushes consisting of multiple voidrays/ 1 voidray multiple phoenix. As it is, if you know a bunch of cloaked banshees are coming, you have to build many colonies that it nerfs your eco just as much as them killing your workers. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location. With EMP nerf this is fair. Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other. Was a long time coming. Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged. Expected from the latest post from Blizzard regarding pvp balance. More units at the expense of mobility is a good trade. TERRAN Ghost Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. In my opinion a little buff for Ghosts, cause you can't mule a ton of gas. Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. Terrans finally must pay for their bunker rushes, but I'd let it scale with the bunkers HP. 100% HP: 75% refund. As HP approaches 0, the refund is being reduced to 50%. That's one marine every time they salvage a burning bunker. Big difference in all matchups. ZERG Spore Crawler Root time decreased from 12 to 6. Zerg to cloaked banshees. As it is, if you know a bunch of cloaked banshees are coming, you have to build many colonies that it nerfs your eco just as much as them killing your workers. Bug Fixes Fixed a bug where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location. With EMP nerf this is fair. Fixed a bug where players were still able to stack flying units on top of each other. Was a long time coming.I'm not a native english speaker, so forgive me some strange formulations, please ![]() So long, Citrone | ||
United States2748 Posts
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South Africa4280 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:11 Vetrocide wrote: I still think they should focus more on the units that are fucked up rather then focus on build time of diff stuff. Not saying these are bad changes I just hoped they would prioritize some of the HUGE flaws What are these HUGE flaws? Ask 5 people and you'll get 5 different answers. It's much better to make small changes and see if the supposed HUGE flaws aren't actually very big at all - which is often the case. | ||
United States3789 Posts
On April 26 2011 15:31 Rinny wrote: 6 seconds is only 2 more than siege tank. Spore crawlers are now incredible mobile for a tower unit. If you engage in the middle of the map on creep spore crawlers seem a viable anti air mobile option, especially late game when there are 200/200 armies. And now zerg players regain something that acts like lurkers in terms of positional warfare. Too bad it's only a deterrent on air focused armies. | ||
United States1739 Posts
Come on guys it's not like they removed a unit. | ||
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United States3545 Posts
On April 26 2011 20:57 Lurk wrote: MULEs only make up for chronoboosted probes or powerdroning, a terran doesn't have more minerals than other races because of it. If you make such a claim, you better prove it. Also, since you stated we might as well ignore mineral costs, i'd gladly take those 0/150 ghosts (hell, i'd even take 100/150 like i said earlier). I'm sorry but no matter how you want to spin it, minerals =/= gas. That's just an aspect of the game. Gas is more scarse and important. This is a Ghost buff, I don' think anyone is going to try to deny that. Having 100 gas ghosts over 150 gas ghosts is a buff, doesn't matter on the minerals side unless minerals went up to like 500 | ||
South Africa4280 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:14 Citrone wrote: Also, expect protoss to leave their gateways producing units and in time of need warp them to warpgates, reducing buiding time for one unit to 10 seconds (time it takes to switch from GW to WG) with a drawback afterwards as every unit after this big influx comes 5 seconds later. It helps them to generate just enough units to hold a push. Requires micro. Warpgates produce units faster than Gateways. The difference is now smaller, but they still produce them faster. It blows my mind how many people have no idea how warpgates work.. | ||
France8650 Posts
On April 26 2011 21:18 StRyKeR wrote: Every time there's a patch people think it's the end of the world. Come on guys it's not like they removed a unit. It's hard to see any kind of intelligence in this patch yet. Removing KA amulette and not nerfing it. Tweaking bunker building time... Zealot back and forth 33 & 38 build time... Archon out of nowhere Spore taking less time to root themselves... yes man it matter so much, this will help every zerg. Salvage nerf ??? why ? what for ? I'm sorry but bunker rushes were a good strategy that everybody should be able to counter already (and I'm zerg). | ||
Poland40 Posts
let's wait and see how long it will take them to give roaches their 1-supply-cost back ^_^ | ||
United States210 Posts
As for ghosts cost change, 200mineral is a little much for bio for my taste but the 100 gas is a nice trade off. I think this is a big indicator that blizzard wants us to use ghosts vs infestors more... I was also hoping for infestor nerf =< lol. 2 FG and goodbye marines. | ||
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