Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully.
bunkers were NEVER FREE, they cost atleast 50 minerals in mining time, and having less money now for the same later is a hurt econ. we can debate the cost of bunkers and their sell value, but people really need to stop stating that building a bunker costs nothing.
apart from that, i think archons to massive makes sense, build time decrease of protoss units.... not so sure about.
On April 26 2011 20:36 Deja Thoris wrote: Holy shit. 66 pages of knee jerk reactions so I'll add my own.
2 gate seems like it will be strong vs zerg. I would have liked to see the spine root timing reduced due to this too.
Archons will add interesting new timings before the colossus window opens.
The other changes I kind of like. Free salvage is out and the ghost may be more viable in tvz.
This 2 gate is the exact same as it was before a shitton of other patches, people held it fine.
The thing about proxy 2 gate is that it's way more risky though, once your opponent has enough forces to break out your gates are done for lol. I like the change. Proxy 2 gate instead of standard 4 gate into expand any day. EDIT: Not disagreeing with you, adding to your point
On April 26 2011 20:36 MacroKing wrote: I don't really think warp gate needed a nerf. It will affect other matchups to much...
sorry but the warpgate is a problem in this game for a whole year now and will continue to do so after this change aswell.
negating rushdistance and basicly bringing your production right into the enemys face is just flawed from the get go for a early standart tech.
i get that people dont want to see their toys get weaker. but if you look at it from a overall balance and design point of view warpgates are a problem in all matchups.
On April 26 2011 20:09 Mr.X wrote: I do not know what type of dimensions used in Blizzard, but I can find the estimated reduction of the pylon using percentages.
If this is the reduction, I do not think a change as significant as many think.
Stating that it is only a simulation based on data.
New radius is aprox 0.85% of old one like shown on the pic. However,
So the area is being reduced in almost 30%. How is it not significant?
the only significant effect it has on the game is that those "tiny edge of my pylon radius on your highground to warp zealots in your base." moves are now way harder/impossible. and thats a VERY good change esp for PvP.
On April 26 2011 20:35 Kokosaft wrote: its +40 seconds but you can spend at least one more chronoboost on warpgate making 20 gameseconds researching 30seconds of warpgate, but still, it look like 4warpgate wont be to huge anymore but earlier gatewayplay will become a matter (not necessarily balancewise) i think - not only 2gating
One chronoboost lasts 30 production seconds. So to full chronoboost this 180s you need 6 of them, which means the fastest possible time to get WG will be 180-60=120s since each chrono takes out 10s. Of course this will mean no chronoboost on probes or units.
Now the fastest possible time to research WG is around 92s. So it's pretty significant.
On April 26 2011 20:09 Mr.X wrote: I do not know what type of dimensions used in Blizzard, but I can find the estimated reduction of the pylon using percentages.
If this is the reduction, I do not think a change as significant as many think.
Stating that it is only a simulation based on data.
New radius is aprox 0.85% of old one like shown on the pic. However,
So the area is being reduced in almost 30%. How is it not significant?
Quite. Don't forget that you need a fair amount of pylon power area on the topside to warp in your units, since you can't warp if you don't have a certain diameter of space for the unit (different for each unit according to size).
Looks reasonably significant to me but we won't know for sure until we see it done.
On April 26 2011 20:30 ffadicted wrote: Honestly, as a protoss, I hated colossus wars more then 4 gate wars. I'm gonna just 2 gate every game now probably. Also, I think the changes make protoss once again vulnerable to terran timings. It's going to be so hard to get up an early expo with the delayed warp gate tech. And 100 gas ghosts seems really over powered, considering how much more powerful EMP is then Storm. MULEs make the mineral increase negligible honestly. I can see a lot of ghost rushes coming as well.
Well, you should be able to get out more units before warpgate tech so you should be fine vs early terran openers. You just need to get the additional gates up maybe a little earlier and actually produce units while you wait for warpgate tech. Remember that terran stim pushes are also delayed by 30s since the latest patch. The reduced gateway training times should make up for the delayed warpgate tech (at least for defensive purposes).
On April 26 2011 20:30 ffadicted wrote:In fact, PvP and PvT have just basically been entirely changed. So many new timings to die to terran early game, and late game ghosts are going to be ridiculous to deal with. I don't understand the thought process behind 150 templars, 150 infestors, but 100 ghosts? Not to mention our late game composition is MUCH more gas heavy then terran's, yet they get the gas cheap spellcaster? I don't understand the thought process.
Archon and spore change is nice.
Templars are 50/150 (=200 total resources), infestors are 100/150 (=250 total resouces), ghosts are 300 total resources (150/150 or 200/100) - so they are the most expensive spellcaster.
I'd rather have them 50/150 (like templars) or 100/150 (like infestors) instead.
On April 26 2011 20:40 turdburgler wrote: bunkers were NEVER FREE, they cost atleast 50 minerals in mining time, and having less money now for the same later is a hurt econ. we can debate the cost of bunkers and their sell value, but people really need to stop stating that building a bunker costs nothing.
apart from that, i think archons to massive makes sense, build time decrease of protoss units.... not so sure about.
A spine must cost an infinite amount of minerals since it cost a drone that could of mined the whole game
How does this affect early game ZvP exactly? Namely, the nexus cancel 4 gate, which is really the hardest one to stop/scout in time. Can you get a bit more drones earlier and thus be safer? If that stupid build still remains viable, zerg can't really be any greedier than before.
I'm quite sure this "nerf" will open a whole new lot of early pressure strategies for protoss that will eventually lead them to follow up with a 4 gate. Against Terran you can easily imagine pressuring with proxy zealot or with a chronoed stalker getting a second gate and continuing pressuring then waiting for the warpgate research to finish to actually 4 gate. I'm really unsure this patch will really affect 4 gate. I like the pylon change tho which should make warp-ins less abusable. Time will tell for the rest.
The percentage of resources returned by salvage is a start. However I always found it strange that the remaining hp of a bunker doesn't factor in. It would only be reasonable to return bunker costs * 0.75 * hp/maxhp.
Also destroyed bunkers should damage or kill the units inside just like destroying a medivac does.