Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully.
On April 26 2011 17:23 yrag89 wrote: Protoss style would be now be using gateway when massing up at home, and convert to warpgate when pushing out. I predict a more dangerous 6 gate push incoming if a protoss doesn't miss a beat in his macro during the gateway phase.
For the 999999th time, warpgates are still faster than gateways.
edit: or the same. Either way~
Am I doing something wrong in this or will it be faster to use both warpgates and gateways?
Im really interested about the ghost change...200 minerals is very respectable but reducing the gas cost...not so shure about that cuz for terrans minerals arre always less of a problem so i think this will make the ghost more accesible...although the extra mineral cost could cut into maybe the number of barracs that can be supported overall. so many questions well see how it turns out.
from wot i've read on the internet, does making archons a massive unit means that marauder's concussive shell not affect them?? cos then i think more ppl are goin to integrate archons more into their army
So, PTR 1.4 will bring back zealot-buildtime to 38 for the lulz?
I just don't get the logic behind all this. Nerf zealot-buildtime to nerf proxy-gating for the revert it AGAIN? Seems like Blizz is really undecided how they wanna proceed with all this. I'm fine with 33 sec zealots for the record and I don't proxy gate. Nevertheless I kinda like seeing it in pro-games and as of now it's too easy to hold even if you scout it extremely late.
Although I'm not all against a warpgate change in general, I think it limits protoss gameplay regarding the use of chrono-boost. I've always been a heavy probe-booster in my non mirror matchups...although this is only theory-craft, I feel like I have to stop doing this, at the very least in PvT, since terran could probably lol at me in the early game without the initial warp-in.
On April 26 2011 17:30 Dante08 wrote: Wtf as if ghosts are not expensive enough, well you will now have to protect them like babies ! :D
How can people not get that ghosts were BUFFED. What the....
On April 26 2011 16:44 kuroshiro wrote: Can anyone clear this up for me? -> gateway build time and warpgate cooldown are now equivalent for all gateway units right? (not including warp in time)
Warpgate warpin + cooldown = gateway build time
Ok so just to get this double-straight -> A warpgate cycle is still quicker than a gateway cycle (by the length of the warp in time)?
Yes they were 10s faster across the board, now they'll be 5s faster (DTs and HTs are still 10s faster..). Warpgates are still 100% superior to gateways, sorry to disappoint anyone who thought that might change.
Thats a bit simpleminded, sorry.
Even when Warpgates are 5 seconds faster, it still takes 5 seconds until those units are more than meatshields.
At least for Zealot/Sentry/Stalker Warp Gates don´t change the building time at all now.
Yes, it does. Stop spreading misinformation. With warpgates buildtimes for zealot/stalker/sentry are 28/32/32. New gateways are 33/37/37. As I said, warpgates used to be 10s faster for these units, now they are 5s faster.
You forgot the time during they are useless while warped.
And you forgot that the cooldown resets when the unit begins warping in, not when it finishes.
It's still 28 seconds from one zealot to the next, which is 5 seconds faster than 33 seconds from one zealot to the next.
On April 26 2011 17:23 yrag89 wrote: Protoss style would be now be using gateway when massing up at home, and convert to warpgate when pushing out. I predict a more dangerous 6 gate push incoming if a protoss doesn't miss a beat in his macro during the gateway phase.
For the 999999th time, warpgates are still faster than gateways.
edit: or the same. Either way~
Am I doing something wrong in this or will it be faster to use both warpgates and gateways?
So instead of any acknowledgement of the strength of the P deathball aka Colossus, Protoss get another way to kill Z in the early game. Proxy 2-gate Zeal rush is strong with the present timings, especially on smaller maps like XNC.
I perceive Z to be having an even tougher time against P if this change goes live, this will seriously threaten 13/15 hatch, and contain Z on one-base under extreme pressure...doesn't look good.
On April 26 2011 17:27 Dente wrote: I'm quite happy about the ghost change. In my opinion gas is not a problem when going bio. Gas is a problem when going mech. This change is great for mechplayers .
I actually didn't think about that!!I like it, more diversity is always great :D!
On April 26 2011 17:31 Velr wrote: Welcome back 2 Gate in ZvP. Byebye easy FE .
Well, the 2 gate ZvP was strong in particular due to the maps and positions. No steppes, no blistering etc. means that the 2 gate has lost much of its potentiel.
Nevertheless 2 gate on close position slag pits will be ridiculous, even makes me wanna revert my thumb-down just to experience all the zerg-hate
On April 26 2011 12:03 Mastermind wrote: The ghost buff is so fucking random. What made them think ghosts needed to be cheaper?
The slavage nerf is about fucking time. Free return was just retarded.
I am not a fan of how they are trying to "fix" pvp. These changes are not worth it at all. I would prefer them to leave that mu alone if this is their idea of a fix. 4gate isnt so bad because both players do it, then the game can go into the mid game, where it gets interesting.
Well, the fact that ghost usage is so scarce that when someone is actually going for a ghost build everyone is like "WHOA what the hell is going on". Of all the major, awesome tournaments ive followed the last month i think i have seen 1 (one) set where ghost usage actually tipped the scale in favor of a terran.
You missed the GSL last night I already know it! No more will I spoil but it twas epic
On April 26 2011 17:21 Binabik wrote: I hope everyone realizes that they just HUGELY nerfed the PvZ ForgeExpand. The 1 Pylon won't be able to block the entrance on maps like Shattered/Scrap/TalDarim anymore O_o
WTF you're right, didn't think about it.. forge expand is the only thing I do in PvZ
On April 26 2011 17:28 mike1290 wrote: Am I doing something wrong in this or will it be faster to use both warpgates and gateways?
On April 26 2011 17:23 yrag89 wrote: Protoss style would be now be using gateway when massing up at home, and convert to warpgate when pushing out. I predict a more dangerous 6 gate push incoming if a protoss doesn't miss a beat in his macro during the gateway phase.
For the 999999th time, warpgates are still faster than gateways.
edit: or the same. Either way~
Am I doing something wrong in this or will it be faster to use both warpgates and gateways?
are you sure you can transform back to gateway , while warpgate cool downs are active? IF you can do that , yes you can produce 2 zealots in 10 + 33 seconds but I highly doubt that
Archons are now a massive unit. ---> They can't get kited like nobody's business now, a pretty good buff for PvT.
Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5. ---> Doesn't really change alot, just that you would have to put the pylon nearer to your opponent's base if you want to warp in units, giving them a higher chance to spot it.
Cybernetics Core
Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 180. ---> Quite a significant change, gives the defender more time to get bunkers or spines up.
Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100. ---> Good change for me as a terran user
Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%. ---> Should have been this way from the very start.