Ghosts are now cheaper? For some odd reason i still dont see Terran players make many of them, only few of them seem to want to take advantage of Ghosts, it should be a staple unit in any army yet it rarely is.
Patch 1.3.3 PTR - Page 52
Forum Index > SC2 General |
Massive units are not affected by concussive shells. If you think they are, you are wrong. It's SPORE crawlers that are being changed, not SPINE. Please read carefully. | ||
1508 Posts
Ghosts are now cheaper? For some odd reason i still dont see Terran players make many of them, only few of them seem to want to take advantage of Ghosts, it should be a staple unit in any army yet it rarely is. | ||
Australia191 Posts
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Wales662 Posts
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Portugal1259 Posts
On April 26 2011 17:04 lorkac wrote: So what you're saying is mission accomplished? PvP is regarded by many as the worse matchup because of 4Gate (I disagree, but that's because I hate playing ZvZ, but I digress) A patch shows up that nerfs 4gate in PvP but doesn't nerf too badly the 4gate in PvT or PvZ? And you have a problem with this? 4Gate will still be a threat. Zerg's most feared 4Gate is the 3Gate fake into 4Gate. Delayed 5-6 Gate timing pushes is the preferred "gate push" vs Terran--which means 4Gate will still be in the same "strength" as it was pre-patch which is below the 6gate. The only thing fixed is that PvP now needs-gasp-a more varied build order? Wait, did you want to nerf every single P strategy that scares you? P and Z (or T's if you're Z) also might wanna have a word with you, because they would like also to remove all the strategies of your race that scares them. | ||
Spain622 Posts
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United Kingdom378 Posts
On April 26 2011 16:46 iggyzizzle wrote: Warpgate warpin + cooldown = gateway build time Ok so just to get this double-straight -> A warpgate cycle is still quicker than a gateway cycle (by the length of the warp in time)? | ||
United States2753 Posts
On April 26 2011 16:47 Liquid`Jinro wrote: Ok, they didnt remove air stacking Im almost sure, they are talking about the alternate way to create a Viking flower, that Sockfolder made a thread about (should be searchable). Pretty sure anyway. Patch is interesting, Im scared of proxy gates tho (VERY, VERY scared, I honestly think they are too good even in the current patch). Was it Bisu that popularized the single proxy gate (inside opponent's main) harass into a regular build/expand back at home? I remember some amazing results with this build on 2 player maps because he was able to do successful harass without a large investment. Then when his pylon/gate finally fell he already would have an economic advantage and macro starting to kick in. There's also the chance that it would get scouted and attacked by scvs, but even when that would happen he would still have the economic advantage due to lost mining time and just go with a normal build back at home, securing his advantage. I haven't really seen this in SC2, but I wonder if it will make an appearance with the decreased time of all gateway units. And good to hear they're not removing air stacking. It makes more sense that they're not, because that would just be ridiculous. | ||
South Africa4280 Posts
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South Africa4280 Posts
On April 26 2011 17:09 kuroshiro wrote: Ok so just to get this double-straight -> A warpgate cycle is still quicker than a gateway cycle (by the length of the warp in time)? Yes they were 10s faster across the board, now they'll be 5s faster (DTs and HTs are still 10s faster..). Warpgates are still 100% superior to gateways, sorry to disappoint anyone who thought that might change. | ||
United States3087 Posts
On April 26 2011 17:09 Apolo wrote: Wait, did you want to nerf every single P strategy that scares you? P and Z (or T's if you're Z) also might wanna have a word with you, because they would like also to remove all the strategies of your race that scares them. 4gate is not scary, it was removed because it is fucking boring to watch and ruins the entertainment value of the game, everyone always knows how to scout and defend 4gate, because protoss do it 24/7 | ||
United States17920 Posts
On April 26 2011 11:21 neobowman wrote: Spore Crawler change: Holy shit, I love this! Such a brilliant change. Pylon power radius seems pretty random though. I have a feeling that 2 gate early game will actually be used now. Ever had someone 4 gate and warp in to your base from the low ground, negating your wall off/ramp advantage? I'm guessing thats why. Now pylons placed close enough to warp to the high ground will be in range of the defender. | ||
Netherlands1542 Posts
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United States88 Posts
![]() If you do this then you end up with an extra zealot in about 152 seconds of game time? | ||
481 Posts
Depot before rax needs to be reverted, i want my 10 rax back. Freakin proxy gateway zealots with 10 APM requires INSANE micro from the terran to not fall behind, it's just hilarious. AND as a bonus we have horrible blizz servers and terrible sc2 netcode that delays unit respond times 5x the ping you have.Good stuff. | ||
Singapore20 Posts
Increase research time of Warp Gate will effect the Hallucinate Research as well ![]() Range of pylon is 6.5 now, must change he building placement, it's difficult for "15 Nexus" and "Force FE" build | ||
Netherlands2117 Posts
Ghosts at 150 gas every 45 seconds were so expensive on gas it was hard to squeeze in any Marauders or any other tech such as Medivacs without staggering Ghost production. At a 100 gas per 45 seconds (2 geysers give you 200 per 60 seconds) you'll have some gas left. I do like Ghosts and Marines, maybe if this gets live I'll give it a try again. 2gate Zealot is something to be watched out for though... | ||
Switzerland3584 Posts
Still wondering why the colossus doesn't go through a balance change (i'm a protoss) but in exchange buffing templar / dt tech more heavy. (like merging them). Don't know if the ghost change is a buff or a nerf. Spore gives zerg a bit better air defense, nothing wrong there. Proxy 2 gate gonna be really hard to stop, and i think most in PvP, it was already freaking strong there if not scouted in time, now i think it will outright kill you. | ||
Germany802 Posts
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Australia317 Posts
Archons being massive will now make templars less useless in PvT along with what I feel is a Ghost cost buff, so there will be more interesting Feedback > EMP > Archon dances with bio balls. (Ghosts are exceedingly strong early game vs few toss units though and the lack of gas cost could mean instant death against any terran than can land an EMP and then press T). At least if you warp in your templars too late in the lategame they can still be of use as Archons since they are no longer affected by concussive shells. I do feel however that the Templar/Archon path will now be useless in PvP as voidrays have a damage buff vs massive so we will probably just see some laser beam battles. I don't really like the pylon power radius nerf as some maps with larger chokes (Scrap for example) will now be more difficult to wall off and therefore more susceptible to early Z attacks but I do understand that this is probably needed for defence against high ground warp ins. Thank god they have finally made bunkers not 100% salvageable. I think 75% is a lot more reasonable, so often I have seen aggressive bunker play interrupting mining and stalling saturation of expansions and then the terran just up and leaving with literally no cost to them. Losing 25% of the money invested still isn't much but it might at least make a T think about whether it is worth it to build all of those bunkers and not "just because I can". I think the spore crawler buff is good, early game Z have just queens as air defence and they are hardly that mobile not to mention they also have to vomit larvae and spread creep. Now Z won't have to worry so much about losing the game to a couple of banshees or void if they try and reposition their spore. | ||
Netherlands4730 Posts
On April 26 2011 17:15 tienvh wrote: Time for "dual-core" protoss? One core for Warp Gate Research, one core for Hallucinate :D Increase research time of Warp Gate will effect the Hallucinate Research as well ![]() Range of pylon is 6.5 now, must change he building placement, it's difficult for "15 Nexus" and "Force FE" build Also I think its so you cant put a pylon on a lowground in someones base, then 2 gates up. Only room for 1 gate basicly... | ||
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