We have launched our Google Chrome Extension. You should take a look. Chrome Extension
![[image loading]](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/RjG_L-cTSJ60ZgVQH6mnCEbH6VvasMf_Zq4ITvhL4taybeay97XHJWo748nm31bqGywBWdnQK0w=s640-h400-e365)
This lets you rate matches, and see their ratings, from the page where the VOD is hosted. An account is required to rate matches, but not required to see the ratings. To rate matches, after downloading the extension, get your user token from your profile page and paste it into the chrome extension options
That looks pretty cool, now if only i used Chrome XP...
Very cool. Gonna test it out tonight.
We have so much going on, so many things we want to do, but we just don't have the man power. If there are any designers or php developers out there that want to help us out, let me know
Added a new navigation tab! Reviews!
So, go write up reviews, go read reviews, go comment on reviews, and go rate matches!!! GOGOGOGO
MLG Winter Arena and Assembly are live and on the site! GO RATE!
Also, write reviews. :D
We need to know which matches you think are the most entertaining.
This is the first team kill final since MVP vs Nestea. Should be a good match.
IPL TAC finals are tonight! Rate the matches here.
NASL Team league is over. If you've watched it, you should rate it!
GSL Code S matches are up and ready.
MLG Brackets will be going up later this week.
GSL Team League is nearing it's end, and had an incredible run this last week. I highly recommend you check those games out.
MLG Winter championship brackets are up! I'll do my best to update them live from MLG, but they'll be a little slow (due to technological difficulties )
So, rate away
On February 17 2012 09:05 Koibu0 wrote: We have launched our Google Chrome Extension. You should take a look.
Awesome work Koibu! Are you planning on developing more SC2Ratings tools?
ONOG brackets have been updated to include VODs
IPL4 brackets are up!
Iron Squid is a great tournament with some excellent games that isn't getting enough attention - both in terms of people rating on SC2Ratings, and people watching. Production is high level, players are great, and the games have been amazing. Check it out.
Lastly, we will be at IPL4, hopefully doing live updates from the floor.
IPL4 is going on, so go rate the matches! They've been pretty good so far, and promise to only get better.
Rate here
Looking forward to the GSTL matches!