In other news, user reviews and comments are at about 40% complete. We're ahead of schedule :D :D
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United States513 Posts
In other news, user reviews and comments are at about 40% complete. We're ahead of schedule :D :D | ||
United States513 Posts
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United States513 Posts
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United States513 Posts
Those games probably wont hold up today, but I remember some of them being pretty sweet in their time. | ||
United States513 Posts
We are done developing the reviews system, and comments on reviews. Now we are working on moderation, and the +/- system for reviews and comments. Due to the delays of last week, it looks like we've slowed down enough to be right back on schedule. If we can pick the pace back up, we should be done in 2 weeks. Then give us a week for testing and tweaking. I'll make a big fuss when we're ready to go live. One of the things we're doing with this new reviews and comments (comments on reviews. not on matches.) system, is having a reddit like rating system. You can vote + or - on a review or comment. Theses votes will give (or take) reputation. We're still working out what it is we want reputation to do, but until then, people will just accumulate it. A few ideas we're tossing about: 1) All users gain reputation over time, even if they don't have anything that is + or -. That way, somebody that lurks for long period of time still has some credit over a newb. There are problems with this idea, but we're working on it. 2) If a comment/review requires moderation on the part of the staff (for being inappropriate) that user will lose reputation. There will be many levels of moderation: warnings, 5 day bans, 10 day bans, etc. We will not have a perma ban system (because that's really quite silly), and each level will have its own amount of reputation damage. If you get warned for a post, you might only lose a point or two. If you get a 30 day ban for something, you'll probably lose a lot of points. Again, this is in the works and has a bunch of problems we're trying to work out. Please feel free to discuss these ideas, provide feedback, and offer up other ideas. | ||
United States513 Posts
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United States513 Posts
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United States513 Posts§ion=Group Play | ||
United States513 Posts
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United States513 Posts
We've finished the basic functionality. Writing reviews, writing comments, editing reviews, and the full flow of moderation surrounding that has been finished. What's next? The + / - voting system for reviews and comments. This shouldn't be too hard to implement. After that? Searching for reviews, sorting reviews, finding reviews by a specific user. And then? Point system for reviews and comments. Only after these things have been done will we launch everything. We're still a ways out, but we're getting closer. | ||
United States513 Posts
Now, everything is still pretty ugly. Needs a lot of visual work, so there's still lots to do. | ||
United States513 Posts
IPL TAC GSL TL Other stuff, can't keep up with everything... pretty sick. | ||
United States513 Posts
ONOG 1 This is going to be pretty sweet, so you should check it out :D | ||
United States513 Posts
So, everything is in place to write and see reviews! In fact, it's all live right now. ![]() Author (working, but not live on site) Date written Highest / Lowest rated Tournament You can sort reviews by: Date posted Date updated Highest/Lowest Score And you can also see reviews for any given season or user (click on the "reviews" link on a season page, or on somebody's username) Still, reviews work, and you can comment on them and everything. User reviews are a way for people to write up their thoughts on a specific match, with the idea that they will be enlightening other people with their knowledge. If you want to know what happened in the Idra vs MC game, but can't watch it because you're at work/school, you can read the review somebody wrote on the match. Yes, there are other reviews other places on the internet, but not quite nearly as organized as this. Also, we now have a TOS and posting guidelines. (-_-) <--- not excited by this. In general, we'll have fairly strict moderation for people being jerks. If you're writing something unpopular, that's fine. Want to say the best game ever was terrible? Go for it. Want to tell the author he's wrong? Knock yourself out. Want to be a dick to the author? No. Bad. Moderation will have 2 parts: 1) Temp bans 2) Reputation penalties Temp bans are obvious. You cannot write reviews or comments for a period of x days. (you can still rate stuff, and do everything else). Reputation penalties are a little more complicated. As you write content (be it reviews, or comments), and if you are active on the site (judging by frequency of login), you will accrue reputation. When your content gets downvoted, you lose reputation. When your content gets moderated (you get warned / temp ban), you lose reputation. (more on reputation later) How do you write a review? Click on the + to the left of a match. See the link to "Write a review"? No? Log in and try again. Now do you see it? Good. Click on it. Tada! Write away. I want to format my text! How come there's no text formatting? We're holding an internal discussion on text formatting. It may come, it may not. Why can't I edit my comments? It is the belief of SC2Ratings that allowing people to unwrite things leads to confusion and sloppy commenting. You write something chalk full of typos? Well, now you're known as the guy who writes chalk full of typos. Take some more time next time. What if I write something, and then seconds later I realize that I was being an idiot We're looking into the best way for users to redact statements, without destroying the integrity of the thread. It will come. This sounds pretty incomplete... Not really. The core functionality is built out. Our dev team is small, and we're so busy things, that it takes a while to do stuff, so we thought it'd be better to give you 80% of things, and then throw on bells and whistles as we go along. Remember when I said more on reputation later? That's now. What is reputation? Well, reputation is a point based system, much akin to something like Reddit's Karma. What does reputation do for you? Right now it doesn't do anything. We're waiting until everything is worked out before we start adding in what it does. Any upvotes/downvotes/moderation that happens now will be applied to reputation in the future. One thing I want to make very clear - Rating content, be it matches, shows, reviews or comments, will not accrue reputation. Ever. The only way for your reputation to go up, is for you to contribute content, and for you to visit often. How do I game the system to get the most reputation possible? Write good stuff. You can try to keep up by visiting all the time, but that will only get you so far. So, if I visit every day, I'll get more reputation than somebody that visits only once a week, if that's all we do? Not daily. The current thinking (and this can change) is that you'll get reputation for weekly visits. This reputation for visiting frequently sounds super lame. You're just trying to get people to come to your site all the time! Well, yes and no. The idea is that somebody who has been lurking for a year should have a higher status than somebody who made an account a year ago, but this is only his 2nd time logging in, so he's not as active as the lurker (who may not be contributing content reviews / comments, but may be contributing ratings). Well, then you should give reputation for people actually doing stuff, like rating things! No. That's dumb. Having rated something doesn't mean you are contributing meaningful content. I could rate 5000 things in one day if I just submit random ratings. So, tell me again, how do I gain reputation? Being upvoted, and visiting the site. That's it. And what does it get me? Right now, nothing. Eventually, users with higher reputation will get more privileges. Avatars, custom site skins, highlighted reviews, moderation privileges... all possible. How do I see my reputation? It's not finished being built. We'll let you know when it is. | ||
United States957 Posts
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United States513 Posts
On February 01 2012 12:31 wattabeast wrote: This site is really well done and a pretty good idea, but sadly like nobody uses it, and it isn't nearly as fun (as in i would use it but i don't) due to the limited participants TT maybe sponsoring some big show or something would be good for notoriety because too much good work is spent into this for naught TT Yes and no. I've noticed a cyclical pattern of user involvement. Right now, we're at a low spot because the tournaments that nobody actually cares about (Sorry guys) are happening. If you just look at GSLs and MLGs, you'll see a lot more user involvement than if you look at IPLs and NASLs (although NASL season 1 did quite well). Also, we've been a little quiet on the marketing front lately. It comes and goes. But if you like it, use it. Tell your friends. We don't have the funds to do any amount of real advertising [read: there are no funds] | ||
United States4411 Posts
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United States513 Posts
Yet. There's a lot on the development plate, including adding a format for show matches, and one off games that people should see, but it is 3rd or 4th in line of things to add. | ||
United States4411 Posts
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United States513 Posts
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