On January 08 2011 18:08 OrangeNinja21 wrote:Day[9] is THE leader of Esports right now and I will gladly aid him during this new year of 2011. Sound the Trumpets! ![[image loading]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/007/9/3/day9_with_trumpets_by_orangeninja21-d36o5yr.jpg) Here's a picture I made of him today, Day[9] ftw!
holy shit that pic!
aceept sponsorship day 9. your gonna need it. all these big sports wouldnt exist without it.
Next Daily will include my perosnal sponsorship
Yay my drawing got put in the OP! XD
i knew he would eventually ask for donations after he realized he made so much money from reddit
On January 09 2011 10:20 bLuR wrote: i knew he would eventually ask for donations after he realized he made so much money from reddit
Do not criticize if you never contributed to e-sport at all. His donation page was always there, he just said this to make people more aware of that.
He said that he has plans. To make those plan reality, he needs money. So you think it is ok for him to just take his own money to entertain you on top of the free daily he gives everyday?
Just think before posting.
Day9 is such a hard working guy, I have no problem with him making a living off of sponsorships and donations if it means he does Star2 full time.
I guarantee some people are going to complain that he's asking for donations, and I can understand why. But as someone with a strong (if semi rational) dislike of advertisements, I can totally relate to not wanting sponsorship. I don't know about anyone else but every paycheque I get, Sean Plott will get a little slice.
Haha, lol@trumpets on the drawing :D
On topic: great initiative!
I only hope this doesn't lead to people getting huge entitlement complexes and demanding too much more from him.
I've seen it happen in other communities. Minecraft comes to mind.
HAHAHA i just noticed the J is stared on the keyboard.. that's fucking genius!
I don't see the problem with accepting a sponsorship. Being recognized by non-esport entities is a sign of progress.
Day[9] get some revenue from his youtube director channel, right?
He really should accept a sponsorship. As much as I understand the whole 'selling-out' thing he must have going through his head, asking for donations from the community is essentially the same thing. If he really wants to make e-sports happen then he will need to start making compromises like this.
I definitely want to start getting involved with any of the "community projects" that come up. As far as donations and monetary support go, I'd definitely throw him a little extra cash if I had it to spare lol.
I think it's totally fine of him to ask for donations, I mean he contributes so much to the community constantly. Plus it's not like he's the kind of guy who would see 0 dollars in donations and go "Well I guess these people don't deserve any more contributions from me." He loves this game and this community, I don't think he'll ever give up on it.
I think everyone remotely interested in making eSports bigger (which should be everyone here) should watch these. Day[9] is a great role model for the Starcraft 2 community in general imo.
On January 08 2011 18:08 OrangeNinja21 wrote:Day[9] is THE leader of Esports right now and I will gladly aid him during this new year of 2011. Sound the Trumpets! ![[image loading]](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/007/9/3/day9_with_trumpets_by_orangeninja21-d36o5yr.jpg) Here's a picture I made of him today, Day[9] ftw!
Lol the J is highlighted with a star, thats beyond awesome hahaha
Such a great video, and thank you for leading the charge day[9]!!!
eSports is easily the most accessible competition out there. Anyone can watch for free, and for the super cheap 60 dollar cost(compared to normal sports, that is nothing!), anyone can play too! Sooooo much potential. I am psyked for 2011.
On January 09 2011 11:48 McMonty wrote: eSports is easily the most accessible competition out there. Anyone can watch for free, and for the super cheap 60 dollar cost(compared to normal sports, that is nothing!), anyone can play too! Sooooo much potential. I am psyked for 2011. dont forget the price of decent computer and internet connection
![[image loading]](http://i.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/article/9/0/1/30901.jpg?v=1)
Who played in this?