On October 07 2010 09:55 CynanMachae wrote: Ok, good idea to remove DO and Kulas, but wow the additions >< Wtf get Crossfire in there
As much as I personally like Crossfire, I can understand why they don't want to put it in the ladder map pool. It's probably the most challenging map to play out of all the maps in the Blizzard map pool for 1v1s. Position and scouting is so important, and learning to expand backwards instead of forwards and when to expand and all that stuff does seem rather challenging for most players.
Yep, just checked NA, nothing new.
I really hope this isn't a troll, because you honestly wasted alot of peoples time if it is.
When i read title i tho "Good ICCup maps!!" I will not loss my hope!
I haven't yet had a directly vertical spawn on Shakuras Plateau after 5 games. Not a large sample size so not conclusive but they have always been horizontal or diagonal spawns.
Incredibly suprised when I queued for 1v1 and got a new map though. I guess Blizzard listened when the community said Desert Oasis is an idiotic map which is so different it screws up conventional strategies.
Jungle basin looks like quite a kind map for Zerg. The natural is incredibly well defended with a long route leading to destructible rocks to get into it as well as long distances from main to main.
Edit: I'm assuming this is only live on SEA servers due to Blizzard testing the waters. Sea is less popular with a smaller userbase so we end up being the guinea pigs for changes and updates.
On October 07 2010 09:32 iCCup.Diamond wrote: Ok Azz confirms. It's legit.
Blizz: I cannot describe how upset I am at you right now.
Guys, it's true, at least according to iCCup.Diamond, which I'd take as a fairly legitimate source.
Remember the v1.1.1 patch last week? It was done in the SEA servers one day before it was applied to the NA servers. I'm pretty sure we'll see the same thing happen with these new map selections.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
On October 07 2010 09:58 Smigi wrote: Yep, just checked NA, nothing new.
I really hope this isn't a troll, because you honestly wasted alot of peoples time if it is.
can you not see the images or read people's posts? yes its legit for the SEA server. i guess we'll see the change for the rest soon unless SEA is being used as a guinea pig.
Expect an epic rage post on the b.net forums tonight. I'm just calming down a bit so I can make sense.
Alright, Shakuras horrible like you've never seen before, Jungle Basin also retarded. All I want, is a map like Fighting Spirit or Eye of the Storm in the map pool, or something like GOOD. Honestly, these maps are CRAPPPP! No more freaking back door expansions, or rocks or back doors, or anything stupid like that, PLEASE!
i wonder if the phoenix was hotfixed during this.....a boy can dream
Expect an epic rage post on the b.net forums tonight. I'm just calming down a bit so I can make sense. Chill out dude :o the world hasnt ended here :D
Shakuras Plateau reminds me of Metalopolis. In diagonal spawn positions, there are long rush distances. In two adjacent spawn positions, there is a very short rush distance. In the other adjacent spawn positions it's a long ground rush distance and a short air rush distance (due to a canyon on Metalopolis and two sets of destructible rocks on Shakuras).
Given that most people think that Metalopolis is one of the better maps, I think it's pretty premature to call Shakuras a problem map when it has so much in common.
On October 07 2010 10:01 iCCup.Diamond wrote: GUYS IT'S LEGIT. I HAD AZZ CONFIRM.
Thank you for confirming . I was on the recieving end of a bit of hate.
Both the new maps are too small. Horribile. The plateau one is like a seige tanks shot away from one ramp to the other. Jungle Basin is slightly better but still small and seems way too similar to other 2v2 maps.
This is a complete and utter joke if these 2 maps have really been added to the pool and shows how completely out of touch blizzard is with this game.
On October 07 2010 09:59 wonderwall wrote: Incredibly suprised when I queued for 1v1 and got a new map though. I guess Blizzard listened when the community said Desert Oasis is an idiotic map which is so different it screws up conventional strategies.
They listened to the "community" about DO, but didn't listen to the community about putting in non-terrible maps.
The people who didn't like DO had legitimate grievances, but the map itself only had one bad feature on it - the long distance to natural. If they had have fixed that it would have rivaled the ICCup maps IMO.
Just because people have to adjust their strategies for it does not mean that a map is bad, so long as one race is not too strong on it.
United Kingdom16710 Posts
On October 07 2010 10:03 CaptainFwiffo wrote: Shakuras Plateau reminds me of Metalopolis. In diagonal spawn positions, there are long rush distances. In two adjacent spawn positions, there is a very short rush distance. In the other adjacent spawn positions it's a long ground rush distance and a short air rush distance (due to a canyon on Metalopolis and two sets of destructible rocks on Shakuras).
Given that most people think that Metalopolis is one of the better maps, I think it's pretty premature to call Shakuras a problem map when it has so much in common.
if blizzard edited shakuras so that you can only spawn in cross positions on the map, that'll actually turn it into a decent map. anyone on SEA play the new maps yet?
i find it interesting that they made those tweaks to DO and now have apparently removed it from the map pool not too long after
On October 07 2010 09:53 Beef Noodles wrote: Man, I wanted to save my 200th post, but I have to say... 1) yes the distances on Shakuras suck for vertical positions... but, 2) have you ever seen a more muta-harass friendly map?
lololol. you realise the point of muta harass is to keep an opponent in his base right? so that he's scared to move out?
Yeah, really scary to move out when you get to opponent's base in 8 secs.
Looks like Zerg got the nerf-bat, map style.
jungle basin is stupid... terrans can wall off and basically CC before building any units, and it'll be 2 base + mules vs 2 base until mid-late game because getting a third is fucking hard.
Just because people have to adjust their strategies for it does not mean that a map is bad, so long as one race is not too strong on it.
When you need to have an entirely different build order for one specific map that doesn't seem like good design to me and just needlessly complicates things.