I'm actually happy that Blizzard is willing to put new maps in the pool (I doubted it) so I vote for "like". Played a ladder ZvZ on Jungle Basin (win) and a custom ZvT (loss) on Shakuras today but that not's enough to judge them really, I'm just appreciating the variety.
I didn't have so strong feelings about Kulas despite being Zerg but I understand that many people disliked it so it's a good removal I guess, what I don't understand is the removal of DO! After the patch it was pretty decent and I really enjoyed playing on it (albeit rarely because so many players vetoed it I guess). It was the only map besides Scrap Station that encouraged a longer, macro-oriented play and they removed it ...
I'd be happier if they removed Blistering Sands and Steppes of War instead. I really hate those.
Shakuras is so bad.
Positional based balance (to a ridiculous degree) and more backdoors.
Seriously, the push distance for 10 and 7 and 2 to 5 isn't even a full screen.
Jungle Basin is an amazing map for tanks! <3
But also for carriers -_-
On October 07 2010 15:28 kojinshugi wrote:Show nested quote +On October 07 2010 14:52 TheRabidDeer wrote: The same way protoss and zerg stop them? Make a bunker, make marines, use workers... you know, defend. Toss and terran wall off against Z for a reason. Lings are too fast for rines and zealots to handle if they can run around as they please. The idea of stopping 6 pools with bunkers is pretty hilarious though. Kudos. Terran is DESIGNED to wall off against MELEE units. These walloffs put critical structures in vulnerable positions. Seriously, this is Starcraft, not Age of Empires.
Wow I literally just played against a random on steppes of wars (as terran) who ended up 6 pooling me. I went 10supp 10 rax (because its the cheese map) and when my scout got to his base, his lings popped out. I dropped a bunker and got it up in time for my marauder (didn't even make a marine) and his 6 pool was done.
This was at 1000 diamond rating. Even teams.
On October 08 2010 01:46 Piy wrote: Shakuras is so bad.
Positional based balance (to a ridiculous degree) and more backdoors.
Seriously, the push distance for 10 and 7 and 2 to 5 isn't even a full screen.
You only spawn cross as far as i heard.
Shakuras is so bad.
Positional based balance (to a ridiculous degree) and more backdoors.
Seriously, the push distance for 10 and 7 and 2 to 5 isn't even a full screen.
Its set up so you can't spawn vertically. Its cross or horizontal spawns only.
Which actually makes it a pretty good map.
I wonder how many of the votes for "dislike it" on shakuras are based on the vertical rush distance.
If it's true that vertical spawns are impossible on shakuras, it should be on the front page; it's a pretty significant factor in judging the map.
Honestly, both of these maps were my least favorite of the "extra" Blizzard maps But! I'm glad they're rotating in maps at least. That's definitely a positive, though I think they can accelerate map rotations a little bit. Two maps every two months feels like a good pace, rather than two maps every three months.
On October 07 2010 12:25 Camlito wrote: What the fuck, more backdoor maps?
yes... more backdoor maps ((
Really disappointing to see DO go... I felt it was a great map after the changes and finally a map that felt like it favored Zerg a bit.
Always thought Shakuras was a pure 2v2 map considering the layout, weird that they would put it in the same league as LT/Metal.
This is really just all the more reason for tourneys to start using 3rd party maps and get out of this "we must play Blizz maps" mindset.
Seems nobody remembers Shakuras Plateau from the beta, they removed it from the list after seemingly being deemed balanced and added new maps to test. I like it.
You know Diamond, since Blizzard is so far not responding to your rant, can we make an attempt to work on my idea of getting Blizzard to make edits to their existing maps?
I PM'd ProdiG about it but he stopped responding.
So glad DO is gone, it's such a weird map, it's to big to be a ground map, but to open to be an air map.
Even tho Kulas and DO are off the pool in terms of that screen, I still played a couple of games Kulas today, so its not completely out of the map pool (ladder)
why can't they just let iCCup do this work for them
very busy day for sc2 lol. my first impression is that these maps are awesome
Wow, people don't like Shakuras Plateau? I really like it, tbh. I think it plays a lot more balanced than the others, and it's the macro-oriented, no gold expo map people have been clamouring for for a while now. The only think i can think of that I don't like is the huge impact of spawn positions. But if anything, that adds variety to the map that makes playing on it less tedious and repetitious.