Warning this was leaked on US forums after 20min blue post deleted thread this means it must be legit and it means US blue post are more active than EU am i surpised? no this just means this thread will stay alive longer 
Maps - Destructible Rocks have been added to the natural expansions of Desert Oasis, and the center has been narrowed. - Various ladder maps have been added.
General - Ground Units of type Psionic now have vision in the air plane.
Protoss - Zealot build time increased from 33 to 38 seconds. - Zealot warp-in cooldown increased from 23 to 28 seconds. - Warp Prisms now unload their cargo instantly while in Phasing Mode. - Chronoboost cooldown increased from 0 to 20 seconds. - Dark Shrine build time decreased from 100 to 80. - Dark Shrine cost decreased from 100 minerals 250 gas to 100 minerals 200 gas. - Carrier cost increased from 350 minerals 250 gas to 400 minerals 250 gas. - Carriers now spawn with four Interceptors prebuilt.
Terran - Reaper build time increased from 40 to 45 seconds. - Bunker build time increased from 30 to 35 seconds. - Siege Mode damage decreased from 50 to 35, +15 armored. - Siege Mode damage upgrades per level changed from +5 to +3, +2 vs. armored. - Battlecruiser damage vs. ground decreased from 10 to 8. - Calldown MULE cooldown increased from 0 to 40 seconds. - Planetary Fortress build time decreased from 50 to 40 seconds. - 250 mm Cannons research time decreased from 110 to 80 seconds. - 250 mm Cannons cost decreased from 150 minerals 150 gas to 100 minerals 100 gas. - 250 mm Cannons may now be used on friendly and neutral structures and units.
Zerg - Ultralisk damage decreased from 15, +25 vs. armored to 15, +20 vs. armored. - Ultralisk Ram attack removed. - Nydus Worms can now be cancelled and refunded while building. - Overlord base speed increased to from 0.469 to 0.938. - Overlord upgraded speed increase from 1.875 to 2.344. - Overlords can now use Excrete Creep while moving. - Overlord base speed now decreases from 0.938 to 0.469 while Excrete Creep is active. - Overlord upgraded speed now decreased from 2.344 to 1.875 while Excrete Creep is active. - Spawn Larvae energy cost reduced to 20 from 25.
Bugfixes - Fixed a bug that caused cloaked units to cast shadows. - Fixed a bug where Larva would sometimes accidently die by walking off cliffs. - Fixed a bug where a Nuclear Strike target could be hid behind a Lair. - Fixed a bug that allowed SCVs to construct halted buildings from within Bunkers. - Fixed a netcode bug that enabled players to warp in Immortals from Warp Gates. - Fixed a bug that caused Random players to not see their cursor during the loading screen. - Fixed a bug where Changelings morphed slower while coming into range of enemy units than when dropped from an Overseer over enemy units.
General - Improved the functionality of voice chat. - Manually queued waypoints can now be set to all 5 basic commands. - Numerous performance and stability improvements.
source: http://www.goodgame.ru/read_topic.php?t=17450&pg=0
that would be a phenomenal patch.
Don't take this too serious, most likely bunch of confirmed changes with some fake ones. If you ever played wow you know 100s fake notes get released every patch and fake or real they both get deleted.
Few not expected ones in there ><
The chronoboost and mule cd's are actually fair if you compare them with Zerg. Moar scans incoming I guess.
Those are some interesting changes
I do like the mule change, nothing makes me cringe more than seeing a noobish terran player call-down 10 mules on a gold island expansion.
I like those overlord changes but hopefully theres more.
mule & chronoboost changes are interesting, and bring those 2 abilities onto a par with spawn lava 
else, looks alright to me, cept toss will now have fun Vs 6-pool!
reaper build time nerf is pointless tho... love the overlord changes (and i play T)
I like the Mule cooldown. That's huge. And I'm a Terran player.
If this is all true Blizzard did an excellent job.
Assuming these are real...
- Various ladder maps have been added.
- Calldown MULE cooldown increased from 0 to 40 seconds.
As a T, more than welcome. 40s i assume is to bring it in line with Spawn larva - that is you miss one, you can't that lost time up. Makes the macro mechanic much less forgiving and makes good t's standout. Subtle nerf but necessary.
Some seem likely: - Calldown MULE cooldown increased from 0 to 40 seconds. - Nydus Worms can now be cancelled and refunded while building.
others were in the official patch notes already, like: - Reaper build time increased from 40 to 45 seconds. - Bunker build time increased from 30 to 35 seconds. - Siege Mode damage decreased from 50 to 35, +15 armored.
others I have trouble with believing. could be partly true, party fake?
That would be dream patch
I can't believe they made overlord speed twice as fast on defaultt
I approve of these patch notes. Hopefully they're real. Sounds like Z macro is going to be a little bit more intense, and the chronoboost/mule CD will bring it on par with spawn larvae, as opposed to noobs being able to spam saved up energy.
Overlord creep change by far my fav. Hydras will now be more viable!!!
Also love the build time nerf's for Terran . Their bullshit will be less abusive now.
Overall, it's nice to see that Blizzard listens.
Aotearoa39261 Posts
I must say these looks pretty legit o.o although, as always, until a blue posts it I would be sceptical
the overlord changes are weird. what do you think?
On September 16 2010 18:10 bleen wrote: - Carriers now spawn with four Interceptors prebuilt.
People who make fake patch notes should play the game a bit so they don't do stuff like this.
Also, Blizzard never elaborate on bugfixes do they?
If these are real, holy shit.
Especially the balance of macro-mechanics is gonna be amazing imo.
But I really doubt if it is true
Oh shit, mule/chrono cooldown 
Increased ovy speed is probably good. Decreased spawn larvae energy is interesting.
Dt is still pretty expensive =/
"250 mm Cannons may now be used on friendly and neutral structures and units" lolwut.
Seems like a pretty good patch if it's real.
"Ground Units of type Psionic now have vision in the air plane" Sentries can now see up cliffs?
ouhh ouhh,
the mule cooldown, hits me bad :D
no energysaving anymore for new exp.
Oh my god if this is true if anyone says zerg is UP after this patch I will smack you in the face (I am a zerg player)