maby giving the queen a higher energy recovery rate either by default or by upgrade could help without being too powerfull, it would leave the queen with the extra chance of defending from early air-harass (provided 2 queens are out) thanks to the extra energy being able to be spent on heals. You would still have the strategic option of spreading creep or staying safe from early air attacks. It would however not allow the zerg to start creeping directly which seems a bit to strong.
Put mules and scan a 40 sec sharing cooldown and give oC 150 statring energy and none would care imo .
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way the Queen works right now. You have a choice between spreading creep or injecting larva. If you forget to inject larva at some point in the game it in effect is the exact same thing as forgetting to warp in units as Protoss, you wasted production time.
The fix for Zerg is likely in making Roaches more viable early game since almost every strat that Zerg struggles with early could have been countered by Roaches.