On November 22 2010 00:56 Copenap wrote:Show nested quote +On November 22 2010 00:19 {88}iNcontroL wrote:On November 21 2010 20:50 ironside wrote: Ok so Incontrol is surprised that Select doesn't want to shake his hand.. Is this guy fucking simple? During the live show after mlg dallas he starts shouting about how select has a small penis and starts describing select being anally penetrated by other players.. to a stream thousands of people will watch.. and he expects select to show him any kind of respect? oh wow. Mate I don't care how fucking funny you think you are, you are not going to get away with pulling crap like that on people you don't even know, keep it to your friends. Especially with someone from a different culture who could be doubly offended by that kind of thing. Try showing a bit of respect and you might get some back. YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS INCONTROL! I WILL GET YOUUUUUU roflflfl I don't think you have to justify youre comments to anyone here (except for probably Select) but I still would like you to hear your thoughts. Would you make the same comment again (I only mean the above mentioned comments, pointing out flaws in ones game such as using only one build is absolutly ok in my opinion) from your todays perspective? And can you atleast comprehend why someone could be offended by these comments? On a less serious topic: I really love the podcast, keep up the great work! <3 Edit: To make it clear, if you want to leave this ongoing drama behind I don't think you have to make any more comments on this. Would be nice though, if you get things straight with Select.
InControl will probably NEVER understand why Select would be offended and we should probably let this one go.
The problem is that he would have to go all the way back to the first MLG cast, and listen to the whole thing from a fan perspective.
Let's put it this way: If Machine made it to second place in MLG DC, after playing like 10 or more elimination matches in a row on same day against some pretty baller protoss players, no one would have mentioned, or cared, that he used the same build over and over again. The entire narrative would be about how badass Machine was.
But it really doesn't matter. SOTG is an OPINION SHOW, and has no obligation to be objective at all. THAT'S WHY WE LIKE IT.
As a fan I listened to that first podcast. And frankly, I agreed with Incontrol. And he said at the time it was an impressive showing. And frankly, he's right about using the same style game in and game out. I think FruitDealer suffered from this problem in GSL2. In GSL1 he used enough wacky builds on maps like Kulas that it wasn't until the semis/finals that even the announcers noticed he had a standard macro build he used most games.
By the time GSL2 had come out, that weaknesses of that build had been discovered. Same thing. And, in fact, I remember in the finals Artosis was saying that if HopeTorture could review the replays, he'd see how to attack FD's build.
But of course everyone with half a brain knows that's the same thing.
I don't think iNcontroL did anything wrong really, most people would shrug it off. But Select is known to take things a tad bit too seriously. I remember watching a stream with a bunch of top players practicing together while on vent, and one guy asked if Selects girlfriend was hot and select got all pissed off saying shit like he doesnt consider the guy his friend anymore and will never talk to him again rofl. So yeah, if select took it as a joke like a normal person would, you negative nancys would of probably never said anything, so relax.
And iNcontroL keep being awesome!
Incontrol has pushed that issue far over the top tbh. Anybody could've realized that the Select thing wasn't the sort of friendly banter like Artosis trash talking is, or mocking a German accent or GSL or whatever. I wouldn't have taken it as a joke at all if I were Select, but each to his own I guess.
From a gameplay analysis point of view, it was pretty bad as well. The guy did great at DC and what he did worked quite well. To nonchalantly concede Select did great once, but then go on a spree of how he'll suck so much in the future if he doesn't change what he's doing is plainly silly.
Ironically, the exact same thing could have been said about Idra after his victory in DC. In his case it was even more obvious and has proven to be true, ironically against Select as well.
It's funny, because nobody would still care about this whole thing if people didn't keep dragging it out on the forum.
then go on a spree of how he'll suck so much in the future if he doesn't change what he's doing is plainly silly. How is saying that if someone doesn't stop playing one way will start to lose after a while wrong?
Ironically, the exact same thing could have been said about Idra after his victory in DC. In his case it was even more obvious and has proven to be true, ironically against Select as well.
Because of one loss? really.....?????
On November 22 2010 05:34 Fa1nT wrote: How is saying that if someone doesn't stop playing one way will start to lose after a while wrong?
I didn't say it was wrong, I said it was silly (well, I put that lightly).
Making a point out of that a day after somebody did fantastic in a tournament is irrelevant, makes no sense and reeks of somebody holding a grudge. Which is what I meant when I said silly.
On November 22 2010 05:34 Fa1nT wrote: Because of one loss? really.....?????
One loss?
Zenio, Tyler, Nazgul, Select. Three of them in 2 top tournaments on the planet, one in a high profile showmatch (for a money prize if I remember correctly).
I'd say it's fairly accurate to say that he got completely rolled lately.
On November 22 2010 05:45 Talin wrote:One loss? Zenio, Tyler, Nazgul, Select. Three of them in 2 top tournaments on the planet, one in a high profile showmatch (for a money prize if I remember correctly). I'd say it's fairly accurate to say that he got completely rolled lately.
Yeah, being the only foreigner in the world to make it to the Round of 16 in ANY GSL (during this so called spree of "rollage") and then getting Code S status (again only non-Korean Code S) means he's fucking horrible.
How can you say this stuff with a straight face?!
Losing to the top players in the world does NOT make you bad, or everyone playing the game would be bad.
On November 22 2010 05:50 dcemuser wrote: Yeah, being the only foreigner in the world to make it to the Round of 16 in ANY GSL (during this so called spree of "rollage") and then getting Code S status (again only non-Korean Code S) means he's fucking horrible.
How can you say this crap with a straight face?!
Losing to the top players in the world does NOT make you bad, or everyone playing the game would be bad.
Who said anything about Idra being bad and terrible?
He got rolled nonetheless, and I very much doubt he considers the players he lost against to be "top players in the world" himself. Take that whichever way you want.
On November 22 2010 05:34 Fa1nT wrote: It's funny, because nobody would still care about this whole thing if people didn't keep dragging it out on the forum.
Heeeeerrreee we go again!!!!!
To be honest, I love dragging this topic out. It can go in so many different directions!
Right now, it's gone in the 'InControl could say the same thing about IdrA' direction.
Which he has! Listen to the pre-MLG cast with (I think) IdrA and Psy, when they are discussing Huk's expected performance at GSL. Or the post MLG DC cast with most of Team EG, where he defends his comments about Select when Slasher raises the issue.
You guys need to relax and lighten up. sotg and incontrol are hilarious. I guess the majority of people who enjoy the lighthearted vibe of the entire thing don't really post here. Or maybe their simple one lines posts of "i love the show" get lost in the sea of indignation and outrage. It's like tabloid news journalism. "think of the children incontrol!" takes up too much air time.
Keep on keeping guys. Look forward to next week's show. The longer the better!
I love the casts, love Incontrol, he is a beast
What do you guys think of the extended series?
I love listening to the podcasts every week, highly entertaining and its just cool to hear what progamers think of the progaming scene. iNcontroL and Day9 are hilarious, Tyler comes up with some great arguments even if you don't agree with them all. I think JP does a fantastic job putting this together and keeping the pace going (even if they get stuck on tangents at times, its what makes it entertaining).
Either way, I always look forward to a new SotG. Thanks for the work you guys put in.
Another Topic for tuesday, JP
TorcH in ST
MLG changes
Dreamhack predictions, etc
USA29055 Posts
let me just take a stab at giving you guys some actual insight so maybe some people can stop being retarded.
Select was butt hurt BEFORE the lo3 drunk cast. He was butt hurt because 100000000000% of miscommunication. He wasn't butt hurt because he listened to the cast and went "zomg, someone has something negative to say about my play?!??!!?" he was told by a dozen different people that I was sitting on a talk show shit talking him. Because fucktards all over te internet heard me say what I did and interpreted it that way. Now I implore any/everyone to go listen to that first cast and come back here and actually say that was in fact what I was doing. Defacer seems to have become my own little expert so I doubly implore him.
Now there is the issue of LO3. There may or may not have been alcohol involved. Does that make anything said ok? Nope. But them is the facts. Slasher trolled me IRL and was like "HEY GEOFF, WHATSUP WITH SELECT NOW BIATCH?" so I responded in kind and was obviously dramatic/over-the-top for his benefit. Since then I have seen Select and he was actually acting MORE ok with me than the "no hand shake" incident. So whatever. He has told several people he was proud of disrespecting me (I had NO fucking idea there was an attempt at such an act).
So to sum it up. If he's butthurt after LO3 for the LO3 I'd understand. I have my reasons for being silly but sure, he can be mad. Previous to that.. it'd be retarded and a shame. Moving forward I will continue to constructively criticize players if I think it fits. I have with Machine, IdrA and so on. I do it all the time. Sorry guys, it's something I've always done more people are just now hearing it.
Dear iNcontrol,
Some people are just idiots, responding to them wont change their opinion ever, they already have it set in their minds that you are a hellspawn. I love you though <3
You're the motherfucking man =D
Sooooo... going back to the podcast. On the subject of DT's; I know this sounds crazy but I wonder if during Heart of the Swarm they could be given the blink upgrade (like zeratul in the campaign). The comparison with banshees in the last cast got me thinking about how to improve them and make them less 'one-shot' - with blink they could get out of a sticky situation much easier in order to be salvaged for a later battle or for archons, and make them compare better with the 'flying dts with range' (not that they have to, but hey, it's theorycrafting).
Now I know you're thinking 'imba imba!' but in fact it doesn't even make them as good as banshees yet, seeing as you'd need vision if you were trying to get into someones main up a cliff, and there'd be a cooldown, and they're not ranged and you couldn't use them over the empty space blizzard like to put behind your base. i might email the question in for next round...
wtf, why do people act as if they got something shoved up their you know what. seriously, if you don't like what they have to say, don't listen to the podcast..simple as that.
On November 22 2010 09:10 kuroshiro wrote: Sooooo... going back to the podcast. On the subject of DT's; I know this sounds crazy but I wonder if during Heart of the Swarm they could be given the blink upgrade (like zeratul in the campaign). The comparison with banshees in the last cast got me thinking about how to improve them and make them less 'one-shot' - with blink they could get out of a sticky situation much easier in order to be salvaged for a later battle or for archons, and make them compare better with the 'flying dts with range' (not that they have to, but hey, it's theorycrafting).
Now I know you're thinking 'imba imba!' but in fact it doesn't even make them as good as banshees yet, seeing as you'd need vision if you were trying to get into someones main up a cliff, and there'd be a cooldown, and they're not ranged and you couldn't use them over the empty space blizzard like to put behind your base. i might email the question in for next round...
I agree that it is an interesting idea for the DT to have Blink, but perhaps on a rather short range. In PvT, I can imagine that a blinking DT could get out of a Scan a bit too fast.
Either way, since Beta I have felt like the Dark Shrine is a really pointless building to require for DT's. Just make it the damn Templar Archives for both like BW.
As someone who HAS re-listened to the infamous "Select" podcast, it just makes me laugh to hear people even consider that Geoff crossed the line at some point. It was all in good fun and/or highly constructive and for the audience's edification. Butt hurt indeed all you good sirs.
SOTG is great, keep it up guys!