On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
How the hell does someone making money from Starcraft 2 make them some cynic just trying to make money off naive young people? The guy needs to pay bills and take care of himself. Who are you to say he doesn't have good intentions? And who in their right state of mind would say he doesn't deserve to make good money? He pours hours and hours of his time for a free show that didn't become Day9 TV until recently. Also of course he won't talk about balance. He represents not only himself, but Day9 TV. What he does has effects on everyone working for Day9 TV. He is being responsible. I got the privilege to meet Sean and I think he is most definitely a good person. Please at least give some room for the benefit of doubt if you are going to criticize his intentions.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
day9 has admitted to watching players stream all day on his free time, nobody would do that if he didnt care. he got a masters degree, and of course hes looking out for his best interest, but he is very passionate about the game, he hardly runs any ads on his streams. keep in mind how many casters suck at what they do, the reason why day9 is so good cause he puts in the time and he cares about the game, you cant be as good as him without loving what you do.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
Of course he has to make a profit, how the hell he suppose the life if he doesn't make a profit? And why shouldn't he make a profit when he is able to do so?
Oh and Day9 has done more to SC2 community then you, so who are you to judge him to say he's only in it for the money? Even if he is, who cares?
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
How the hell does someone making money from Starcraft 2 make them some cynic just trying to make money off naive young people? The guy needs to pay bills and take care of himself. Who are you to say he doesn't have good intentions? And who in their right state of mind would say he doesn't deserve to make good money? He pours hours and hours of his time for a free show that didn't become Day9 TV until recently. Also of course he won't talk about balance. He represents not only himself, but Day9 TV. What he does has effects on everyone working for Day9 TV. He is being responsible. I got the privilege to meet Sean and I think he is most definitely a good person. Please at least give some room for the benefit of doubt if you are going to criticize his intentions.
I don't care that he tries to make money. I was simply pointing out that, despite the character he has adopted, his goals are and always have been profit. If you find his fake persona to be endearing or it fools you then great, enjoy his acting all you want.
A little glimpse of what Day9 is like when not putting on a show for his adolescent fans came when JP told a story about Day9 recieving twinkies from adoring fans after mentioning he liked twinkies. Day9 then proceeded to deliberately leave the gifted twinkies behind in his hotel room for the maids to throw in the trash. You could tell JP was a bit bothered by it, as though he would treat his fans (if he has any) better than that. Day9 obviously didn't care about the fans sentiments, but probably put on his act "WOW YOU GAVE ME TWINKIES!? AMAZING!!! I AM SO HAPPY AND I AM PRETENDING TO BE YOUR FRIEND! DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND PAY ME MONTHLY!"
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
This attitude is more likely to kill e-sports than the good people with rational self-interest.
Anyways, that is from early 2011, he was still in college afaik. His situation obviously changed since then.
He was already making healthy profits from youtube and blip advertisements at this point in time. However he had not yet found a way to directly monetize his viewers, which changed when twitch added subscriptions.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
Stating the truth plainly can often be considered rude. However I think if you set aside emotion for a moment you will see that Day9 has been positioning himself to profit from SC2 before it was even released, and shows no real passion for the game outside of activities that can generate revenue for himself.
Or maybe he didn't feel like eating dozens of Twinkies? If I spent a quarter to give Day9 a funny little gift, I wouldn't expect him to keep it, it's a fucking Twinkie, not something of value.
What a ridiculous anecdote to use to prove your point.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
Stating the truth plainly can often be considered rude. However I think if you set aside emotion for a moment you will see that Day9 has been positioning himself to profit from SC2 before it was even released, and shows no real passion for the game outside of activities that can generate revenue for himself.
Because god forbid some body takes esports seriously and tries to make a living and a business out of it right? Cant have this thing growing because if it gets to big then we might not be able to call people niggers huh?
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
day9 has admitted to watching players stream all day on his free time, nobody would do that if he didnt care. he got a masters degree, and of course hes looking out for his best interest, but he is very passionate about the game, he hardly runs any ads on his streams. keep in mind how many casters suck at what they do, the reason why day9 is so good cause he puts in the time and he cares about the game, you cant be as good as him without loving what you do.
"Admitted"? That's a strange choice of words. I would use the word "claimed".
He has also claimed to be grandmaster rank with all three races, of which he has never offered any evidence.
It's no surprise he would make claims that portray him as a Starcraft enthusiast or guru. His whole business model is based on that persona.
EDIT: Also he is not really such a great caster. Some people think he is because they have very little game knowledge themselves and he has portrayed himself as some sort of expert so they just accept whatever he says.
Wow I guess you also think that Daily #100 was some kind of publicity stunt to get almost 3 million views rather than him just pouring his heart out to the community? GTFO.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
Stating the truth plainly can often be considered rude. However I think if you set aside emotion for a moment you will see that Day9 has been positioning himself to profit from SC2 before it was even released, and shows no real passion for the game outside of activities that can generate revenue for himself.
nobody questions that day9 is making money from what he is doing. as for whether he shows passion, thats merely an opinion and we'll just have to disagree. out of all the casters, he seems the most sincere. there are some money grabbers out there, and day9, in my opinion of course, is not on that list. he gives back as much as he takes from the community.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
How the hell does someone making money from Starcraft 2 make them some cynic just trying to make money off naive young people? The guy needs to pay bills and take care of himself. Who are you to say he doesn't have good intentions? And who in their right state of mind would say he doesn't deserve to make good money? He pours hours and hours of his time for a free show that didn't become Day9 TV until recently. Also of course he won't talk about balance. He represents not only himself, but Day9 TV. What he does has effects on everyone working for Day9 TV. He is being responsible. I got the privilege to meet Sean and I think he is most definitely a good person. Please at least give some room for the benefit of doubt if you are going to criticize his intentions.
I don't care that he tries to make money. I was simply pointing out that, despite the character he has adopted, his goals are and always have been profit. If you find his fake persona to be endearing or it fools you then great, enjoy his acting all you want.
A little glimpse of what Day9 is like when not putting on a show for his adolescent fans came when JP told a story about Day9 recieving twinkies from adoring fans after mentioning he liked twinkies. Day9 then proceeded to deliberately leave the gifted twinkies behind in his hotel room for the maids to throw in the trash. You could tell JP was a bit bothered by it, as though he would treat his fans (if he has any) better than that. Day9 obviously didn't care about the fans sentiments, but probably put on his act "WOW YOU GAVE ME TWINKIES!? AMAZING!!! I AM SO HAPPY AND I AM PRETENDING TO BE YOUR FRIEND! DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE AND PAY ME MONTHLY!"
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
This attitude is more likely to kill e-sports than the good people with rational self-interest.
Anyways, that is from early 2011, he was still in college afaik. His situation obviously changed since then.
He was already making healthy profits from youtube and blip advertisements at this point in time. However he had not yet found a way to directly monetize his viewers, which changed when twitch added subscriptions.
I'm not claiming to be a personal friend of Day9, but I got to share a few meals with him and occasionally hang out with some mutual friends (we used to go to the same school). At some points he was definitely more relaxed and was not using his stage voice. But never in those occasions did it feel like he was some cynic. If anything he seemed like the nicest guy I have ever met. He even put himself in the way of someone bullying someone else. I think you are just trying to make assumptions about someone you don't know and are assuming all of his supporters are just a bunch of idiots, but you need to realize you are just making shit up.
zaqwe....how much has day9 done for SC2? think about all the amazing casting hes done at events that everyone loved. how about all the dailys that taught tens of thousands how to play SC......and all you can do is bash the man
On May 05 2012 08:32 WHyTePoWeR wrote: Um im sure he could be making more money not doing things for e-sports, he obviolsy enjoys the game, and is trying to help e-sports grow
What else could he be doing that would generate $20,000 for him over the course of a weekends work, and constant passive revenue from advertisements on his videos?
He's making incredible amounts of money which vastly exceeds most average jobs and takes far less actual work.
Stop portraying him as some sort of martyr. He is living far better milking money from esports than he ever would following a different career.
On May 05 2012 08:32 WHyTePoWeR wrote: Um im sure he could be making more money not doing things for e-sports, he obviolsy enjoys the game, and is trying to help e-sports grow
What else could he be doing that would generate $20,000 for him over the course of a weekends work, and constant passive revenue from advertisements on his videos?
He's making incredible amounts of money which vastly exceeds most average jobs and takes far less actual work.
Stop portraying him as some sort of martyr. He is living far better milking money from esports than he ever would following a different career.
No one is trying to say he doesn't make money, but you are absolutely wrong in your one sided view of his intentions
On May 05 2012 08:32 WHyTePoWeR wrote: Um im sure he could be making more money not doing things for e-sports, he obviolsy enjoys the game, and is trying to help e-sports grow
What else could he be doing that would generate $20,000 for him over the course of a weekends work, and constant passive revenue from advertisements on his videos?
He's making incredible amounts of money which vastly exceeds most average jobs and takes far less actual work.
So basically you hate anyone in the entertainment or sports industry. Right? Might as well stop watching movies, TV shows, or any sports for that matter.
On May 04 2012 11:24 obsidia wrote: I think bad casters are already getting weeded out, or atleast being publically acknowledged as lacking. It's up to them whether to shape up or see how long they can last. It's annoying when people defend them to the hilt for some inane reason like "he's done so much for esports", you do realise they were getting payed handsomely? Argueably people like total biscuit who finance their own tournements and donate any profits back to the players or charity should be the ones getting praised for their contribution, rather than the same grey casters doing commissioned work.
On the other hand many casters are working hard to improve their style and it's really noticeable. I feel sorry for jp that he gets bashed so much when he probably has more game knowledge than the average hater. He knows his limits and doesn't try and overstep them or just add useless generic fluff. I personally really enjoy His casting and it's improved leaps and bounds other the course of mlg's
Wish we could see more of grubby casting, he was amazing at mlg arena. Incredible game knowledge and a pleasure to listen to
Why do people think casters make a ton of money? They simply don't, there isn't that much money in the scene. Painuser didn't outright disclose his salary, but he hinted on ITG that he makes a LOT less than what people seem to think, and simply would not be doing what he does if he was picking his career based on salary. I can't imagine that IPL pays their casters significantly less than GOM or NASL.
effectively, Huk made a tweet forever ago.
Then people blew it up on reddit and made shit up even though half a dozen people actually in the scene declared it was a load of shit.
And then...somehow random people blowing it up on reddit became general "known fact", even though it was called out as being bullshit at the time by people like wheat.
There is also this post. Why does everybody forget about this post it makes it pretty clear day9 is doing well. Idra also said he's annoyed that day9 pretends he is not doing really well.
Alright, I've seen this mentioned 5 times now in the Cloud thread and now its in this thread too. When did Day9 pretend he isn't doing well? The only thing I've heard from Day9 on finances is that IF he ever wasn't making money from this, if he only had 5 people watching him, he would still be doing it because it's what he loves. The emphasis is on the if. Does anyone have a clip or a reference to a point where Day9 has said or pretended that he isn't doing well? Or is that just Idra's impression, because I have never gotten that impression from Day9.
For example here is a video of Day9 pretending he needs donations to "buy meat" to feed himself. And of course he characterizes giving him money as a charitable act on behalf of esports, rather than simply lining his pockets with profits.
Ever since I saw this I realized Day9 was always positioning himself from the start to profit from Starcraft 2. He is a cynical capitalist and is taking advantage of naive young people who aren't yet wise enough to understand that people will pretend to be friendly or to share their interests to extract money from them. His whole persona is very fake and forced, but apparently that appeals to some. It's like Blizzard's "We Love Esports" lie. No, Blizzard, you love money. Day9 doesn't like Starcraft 2, he likes the money he can make from it.
You can see his lack of passion for Starcraft 2 in the way he handles balance discussion by brushing it off and never criticizing Blizzard or their decisions. The only balance he cares about is his bank balance.
holy shit zaqwe. you have gone off the deep end. day9 has been devoted to the so-called "esports" for almost a decade. to say he is only in it for the money is completely off-base. i am sure he is making decent money (because he is so damn good at his job), but saying that he is just in it for the money is a little rude.
Stating the truth plainly can often be considered rude. However I think if you set aside emotion for a moment you will see that Day9 has been positioning himself to profit from SC2 before it was even released, and shows no real passion for the game outside of activities that can generate revenue for himself.
Because god forbid some body takes esports seriously and tries to make a living and a business out of it right? Cant have this thing growing because if it gets to big then we might not be able to call people niggers huh?
I don't care that he is making money.
I find it amusing that he gets away with portraying himself as a starving artist doing what he does because he loves you and loves what you love, when in reality he is just a slick businessman who understands how to take advantage of people's emotional attachment to brands.