I get nervous myself but then I just tell myself that if I lose or win it doesn't really matter because based on my fundamental skill level I will be where I belong to be anyway.
Scared to Play - Page 6
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United States1061 Posts
I get nervous myself but then I just tell myself that if I lose or win it doesn't really matter because based on my fundamental skill level I will be where I belong to be anyway. | ||
Canada4267 Posts
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United States73 Posts
On August 12 2010 21:40 Boona wrote: The proper way to ladder in SC2 is to after a win calmly check the stat screen a bit, look up your opponent to check his ladder rank etc, just collect yourself, then hit search again. When you lose, quickly rage quit (might wanna include some bm here) and mash your mouse button really fucking hard and fast on the multiplayer and search button while cussing out b.net 2 for being so god damn slow and ignore the replay and stat screen. It's worked for me so far, but I do get a lot of losing streaks... LOL, that is the quintessential Starcraft player. This happens to me as well, but as I've been playing more games each loss grows more and more insignificant and I generally feel less anxiety about playing matches. I'm now at about 70 games played and I don't really fear losing at all. In fact sometimes I'm glad I lost, because those games allow me to focus more on what I did wrong. When you win, sometimes it can be difficult to look at what you could have done to be better. So my advice would be fight through it, it gets easier. ![]() | ||
528 Posts
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Sweden451 Posts
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Romania61 Posts
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United States496 Posts
On August 13 2010 05:43 icydergosu wrote: You need to be more like Rocky and less like Robert Balboa Jr. + Show Spoiler + http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfXw-E7HUq8 anyone else find this oddly helpful? | ||
Lithuania79 Posts
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Turkey173 Posts
On August 12 2010 14:30 prOxi.swAMi wrote: Nobody cares if you win or lose, you are nobody. Repeat that to yourself 10000 times. Then click find game. This is best method. And the super thing about this is if you became really somebody in sc2 scene you will keep your modesty, you won't be come an ego monster...... really try this. | ||
Mexico1364 Posts
Yea watch this movie long time ago and didn't remeber that scene XD | ||
United States668 Posts
seriously though i hate playing 1v1... I feel really bad when I win. Like guilty, for making the other guy lose. Well, not always. friendly matches are different though. | ||
Canada91 Posts
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United States74 Posts
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United States14 Posts
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Australia1237 Posts
I know the OPs pain all too well having experienced it through SC1 and Wc3, but it's way different with Starcraft2 because no matter how good you are the game will always even you out to around 50-60% win ratio, so unless you're in the top 0.1% of players who just beat everyone your record is going to get roughly the same amount of wins and losses no matter how well you play. | ||
United States295 Posts
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United States377 Posts
![]() now im #1 Diamond because i won while crying hysterically and eating smores | ||
Denmark527 Posts
What helped me was realizing a couple of things - You are the only one who gives a shit about your ranking. - You are only afraid to lose because your ego makes you afraid so to speak. You need to just not give a shit about that and look at the game as a game, not as something to inflate your ego with. Also, two techniques: - Sit down one day and play a shitload of games. Just tell yourself that you will play for 4-6 hours straight 1v1 and just go for it. You will lose, and you will lose several times, but it will help loosen you up. - Practice another race ON THE LADDEr. This helped me so much. I switched from Z to P just a few days ago, and I just said to hell with it, told everyone I was playing P now and just going directly on the ladder. You will get your ass kicked, but you won't care so much and you will begin to take your ladder score less seriously. This helped me tremendously | ||
Portugal1370 Posts
I dont need to say nothing more... | ||
Australia6499 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + lol not really, i'm still stuck at plat around 60'ish but at least i don't mind losing any more ... and i say "gg" in every game no matter what are thrown at me ... actually i said fag once and lifted up my CC and flew it to the corner of the map and left for dinner because this toss canon rush me twice in a row ;( i knew it was all lame and shit but it felt fucking terrible back then I just couldn't help it | ||
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