Server: NA B.net: Fox.1974 Race: Protoss League: Master Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/us/392346/Fox Other: I've been playing SC2 casually since release. I recently decided to play the game more consistently and I would like to play in online tournaments as well as team leagues. I have tons of previous experiences in clan wars in War3 with a semi-pro team (I got nerves of steel!). I'm searching for a team who has players that strive to improve, mannered and that currently plays in team leagues.
Server: NA B.net: Romandragon.864 Race: Zerg League: Master Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1430777/RomanDragon Other: Top masters looking for team consisting of high masters/ GM for practice and competition in events.
Server: EU B.net: FoP÷Psz.791 Race: Terran League: High Master Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/230228/1/FoPǂPsz/ Other: I've been playing SC2 since release. I'm very ambitious and my goal is to get into GM as soon as possible. Thus, I'm looking for a team in which members are active and ready for a lot of practice. I'd also like to play in as many online tournaments as possible and I'd also play in team leagues and show my best. I'm very active, playing atleast 15-20 games every day.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: voodooNOiZE.634 Race: Protoss ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/493291/1/voodooNOiZE/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/493291/voodooNOiZE League: Platinum
Other: I've been playing starcraft2 since season 1 but i can't pass over platinum , i loose alot to bio-balls and roches allin-ish that strike around 10:00. Would gladly practice against any matchup. Hoping to play a lot, message me if you want to practice 1v1 or just theorycraft. (not looking for team games) Friendly. Calm . Got good internet connexion and good pc , if needed i have stream. Country : Romania ,(age:23) .Good english speaker(bad writer )
Server: NA B. Net: Peeta. 336 Race: Terran League: High Diamond Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/699922/1/Peeta/
Looking for a friendly clan or team enviroment to practice and improve on mechanics and strategy. Most importantly looking to have fun while improving.
Server: EU B.net: FoP÷Psz.791 Race: Terran League: High Master Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/230228/1/FoPǂPsz/ Other: I've been playing SC2 since release. I'm very ambitious and my goal is to get into GM as soon as possible. Thus, I'm looking for a team in which members are active, high ranked and ready for a lot of practice. I'd also like to play in as many online tournaments as possible and I'd also play in team leagues and show my best. I'm very active, playing atleast 15-20 games every day.
Greetings once more, ya'll. My account name is Clue.514 and I'm a platinum protoss on the EU server looking for some people for playing and exchanging strategies. I don't play very much, but have improved quite a lot recently anyway. However, I feel like I need somebody to talk to and who pushes me to play more in order for my skill to rise even more since none of my friends play sc2.
Happy for replies! : )
Server: NA B. Net: WaZ.169 Race: Protoss League: Master
For the last few months I have been unable to play more than a few games here or there but now I am able to rededicate myself to the game and have been trying to regain my skills through ladder over the last week. I feel that my macro and mechanics are back enough to the point I would like to find a team to get some true practice with, and then play in league matches for once I am ready. I am an ex-grandmaster, have a very good record in league matches and have beaten quite a few korean progamers. Although I prefer to play macro games I have a ton of build orders and can help for practice against any style. I have a couple NA accounts and a eu and tw account so the easiest way to contact me would be to pm me here, or msn/email me at tehwaz@hotmail.com although I will try to hang out on the bnet account posted often so feel free to ask me any questions you may have.
Server: EU B.net: waveSEV#160 Race: Zerg League: High Master Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/eu/738965/waveSEV
I'm a very ambitius player that loves new challenges, especially in gaming. I have been practising by playing the ladder and also playing in the playhem daily where I have gotten the chance to play against some very good players. Recently I have decided to dedicate my full time to practising sc2 and I feel that a team would be a perfect place to grow and get to know new people. The full time dedication will increase my training regiment from 1-2 hours/day to 4-8hours/day depending on the team and friends I make in my new home.
Feel free to PM me or add me on my skype so we can speak more! (Zephere1:skype)
Server: NA B.net: iMpHypeR #554 Race: Zerg League: Breaking gm rank 1 master (currently 1400+ pts) Profile: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/1625596/HypeR
I'm a 16 yr old very high master zerg player (i barley didn't make gm T_T). I'm a very dedicated and mannerd sc2 player. I put in any spare time i have to practicing sc2 and becoming a better player. I am looking for a team that would provide good practice partners so we all can help each other out and improve as a whole.I would like to take that next step as a player and make a bigger splash in events, tournaments, and lans which i participate in often. Basically I'm looking for a team that might be able to offer me opportunities and provide good practice and become a better player.
PM me on TL if you are interested or message me on bnet.
Contact: Xiphid.657 in-game, prefered contact through PM on TL Server: NA Race: Terran Time Zone: EST
Mid-High master Terran player who has mostly plays been playing team games on ladder recently. I can also play both Zerg and Protoss at a high diamond level whether in team or 1v1 games. I'm looking for an active community EST time with a decent number of members. The primary goal is to meet mannered members willing to play some 1's and participate in house tournaments/KOTH on a regular basis. Skill level of the majority is not a big importance (I'm willing to play with plat and above), although I would hope to have a decent number of masters to play with.
Hey, Im Swedish Protoss players in Diamond, I mostly practice custom games now, Im going for masters really soon.
Im looking for a clan to practice and play with,
Raffmuffn.542 EU / I also have a US acc.
Contact: Gardel 928 in-game, prefered contact through PM in game or in TL Server: NA Race: Zerg
High platinum player who mostly plays 1v1 games on ladder and custom games with friends sometimes recently. The most important thing for me is to get a team and practice partners. Thanks.
Server: NA B.net: Redfish.838 Race: Protoss League: Diamond Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/us/327135/Redfish
Diamond toss here looking for a team that would call themselves social and casual by nature rather than hardcore. I've done fairly well in tournaments in the past, taking 2nd and 3rd in Playhem Dailies and with a positive W/L in Clan Wars, including one reverse all-kill. Due to my job, which can get up to 90 hours a week sometimes, I simply can't commit to regular scheduled practice hours, so if that's a requirement for your clan or team, then I'm probably not a good fit for you. But, if you're looking for a player willing to help when he can, coach or practice with teammates, and with prior team experience, then send me a message.
Thanks! Redfish.838
Server: NA B.net: Lega.646 Race: Protoss League: Master
28 year old looking for a mature competitive team to practice with regularly and play in team leagues. I generally play a bit every night and more on the weekends. PM me!
Server: NA B.net: Wingblade.740 Race: Protoss League: mid-masters
Hello guys, I am a mid masters Protoss on NA server looking to push my game up another level. Looking for a relatively serious clan to help me practice and train. I am hoping to especially strengthen my mechanics, as I feel my general game knowledge is very good. PM me on B.net! :D
Server: NA B. net: MeH.101 Race: Terran League: Plat
Plat terran just changed hotkeys to darkgrid tho so am low plat. LF fun and serious team!
Server: NA B.net: Nemasyst . 598 Race: Terran League: Master
I'm looking for a semi-casual team to practice with, and also just have a cool group of people to talk with and to discuss strategy. I'm 15, been playing since about 2 months after release. I played random in season 1 and got to Diamond. In season 2 I switched to Terran and got to Masters. I got demoted due to school, and then just recently got back into Masters, and once I spend all of my bonus pool I'll be in the top 25 of my Masters division (Soon to be around 700 points)! Please PM me in-game or on TL!