Name: Chelch League: Master Race: Protoss Location: UK
I'm an 18 year old master league Protoss, looking for an active team to practise with. I'd ideally like a team that communicates and has regular practise sessions. I have both EU and NA accounts, but I'd like the team to be located in EU to make timezones less of an issue.
Best way to contact me is either on skype ( alex.mercer18 ), or just by PMing me on team liquid.
Name : Kurtis League : High diamond / Low masters Race : Terran Location : Canada
Im a 20 year old Terran player that is mature, and dedicated to taking my game to another level. I do have skype, and vent etc. Feel free to PM me.
Name: Sandstorm League: Plat Race: Protoss Location: Canada
Just got the game not to long ago, been playing for about 5-6 real days, already top plat division, used to be a B zerg on iCCup and played division 1 iCCup for about 3 years, looking for a team, and some people to help me out, contact via PM and if its a bonus, I probably can stream.
ID: LFCRanir.524 Server: NA Rank: Master Race: Protoss/Zerg
I'm a high master protoss and low master zerg looking for a team to practice. My skype is Ranirisback, do not PM on TL, use my skype or on bnet.
Name: OpTiKDream.510 Server: NA Rank: Masters Race: Terran Age: 21 Ethnicity: Korean
I am originally a player/coach from team optik however i decided to leave. I am a high level masters terran who lives in new york city seeking a serious team to practice and get better. I am still currently on vacation and stopped laddering around last season with over 328 bonus pool (had 1400 points until i lost like 6 games straight into w/e points atm). I am willing to join a team around early august but until then i would like to stay around team channels to see how the players and practices are like (I also wont be in complete shape since i havent played consistantly due to vacation. 2 month vacation :/ ). Please pm if you are interested into recruiting me.
Server: US Server Name: Samuel Oswald ( BiteTheSammy. 249) eyeiris@gmail.com http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2134769/1/BiteTheSammy/ age:22 Rank: High Master top 20 Race: Terran( we will never lose hope, Terran ThingsUp!) Hello, My name is Sam, I am an Indonesian but studying in US The most important thing you need to know about me is : I..... -Addicted to the sc2 ladder -Watch all my replays, watch gsl, mlg and all the tourneys -Mostly everyday I Participate in Z33k tourney and playhem -hate destiny( sorry i think he is overrated) -everyday I am always on sc2 , usually in Mafia channel, I love that game. -Wants to learn new things everyday.
.....and I am looking for a team that : -Practice everyday -take the game seriously -willing to improve and admit lost. (lets leave the ego aside for a moment :D)
Name: TsGBruzze (567) League: Diamond Race: Terran Location: Sweden
I'm an 16 year old terran player. I am looking for an active team to practise with, I would be happy if the team plays in team leagues. In the coming weeks i will go away 3 weeks but after that i will start mass gameing agian. I only play on EU and i want the team to be located in EU.
If you want to contact me you can add me in starcraft or pm me on TL.
Have a great day!
- High masters
- Multiple seasons
Description I play nearly everyday and I am looking for a team that is serious and dedicated and willing to put in the hours in order to improve.
Server: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: HoMM.998 Race: Protoss, masters league ProfileURL: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1357584/1/HoMM/
Hi, I'm HoMM, EU mid-masters Protoss currently looking for a team. I've recently started to focus more on improving my SC2 skill, and realized that having some good teammates to discuss strategies and builds with would be a great benefit. I can also offrace terran and zerg on at least diamond league level depending on the matchup. I'm motivated, I have a lot of free time to spend on SC2 during summer, and I understand the game pretty well.
If you want to talk to me on Skype/Steam/MSN msg me your contact details thru PM and I'll add you myself, or you can just add HoMM.998 on EU and I should be online a lot of the times. All offers are welcome, thanks. (:
ID. Daishi.559 Server: NA Rank: Diamond Race: Protoss
Trying to improve my game and looking for some good solid practice partners to play with. PM me here as I'm excited to improve my game :D
id: koonst.911 server: NA rank: diamond/masters 1v1 i go up and down. race: protoss.
alittle about myself im a 30 something gen x gamer.. old school .. been paying blizz rts since war craft 1 i was big in wc3.. clan obs cheif . and it lasted a long time
i have a dificult time vs protoss especially. ive been out of the modern game for a year but.. im willing to commit dssome time each nite and inprove.. everything about my play/ id be willing to clan war and other things. love practice sessions. vent or skype.
ID : TRǂbLitZ . 506 Server : EU Rank : Master League Race : Zerg
I'm 24 years old, currently living in Zagreb, Croatia. I've been playing SC:BW since 2003 and SC2 from the beta. I play an average of 5-6 hours a day, mostly custom games with practice partners.
I consider myself a good player, eager to learn even more, with the right team. You can contact me on : Skype : bukvazg Sc2 : See above ID.
Sever: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Fencar.710 Race: Terran ProfileURL: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1328274/1/Fencar/ Sc2RanksURL: http://sc2ranks.com/us/1328274/Fencar League: 400 Point Master (roughly)
I'm looking for a polite/manner team with multiple active Masters+ level players of every race. I am very strong in the late-game in TvP and TvZ, however I have problems getting there in a good/even spot. I am 14 years old. PM me on TL if interested.
I've found a team.
Tactical Carnage is looking for a co-leader to help run the A and B team, recruit, and find clan wars. We already have leader but we need another one to help with these details. The person who wants to do this needs to be on most days and willing to go on teamspeak and help with members. You do not have to be masters league, but you do need to be willing to help run the competitive side to a team. If you are willing to do this or want more information just send me a p.m.
Sever: AM B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: xOption. 844 Race: Random (so everyrace) League: 600 Point Master (roughly last season)
Looking for a team to improve my game. Im a silver ( ) zerg trying to reach into plat/diamond atleast. Looking for a team for practice buddies. Just for for fun.
ID Berg.687 EU server.
Sever: EU B.Net ID.IDENTIFIER: Animal . 711 Race: Zerg League: High diamond. Playing alot to get into masters. Want a atleast diamond+ team to practice with and eventually get into clan wars etc...
Server:EU Bnet id: GenJii#197 Race Zerg League mid- master
hey, my name is GenJii and im coming from Germany, im 20 years old and im studying photonics :D. I was a long time inactive and im back now - searching for a team so far <3