Server: NA Bnet: EagleShade.377 Race: Zerg League: Platinum Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/526816/1/EagleShade/ Other: Looking for a casual team. I'm on late at night (11pm-1am cst). I'll do tournaments and what not, but I'm more looking for people to get to know and play with so we can learn from each other.
Server: EU B.net: FoP÷Psz.791 Race: Terran League: High Master Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/230228/1/FoPǂPsz/ Other: I've been playing SC2 since release. I'm very ambitious and my goal is to get into GM as soon as possible. Thus, I'm looking for a team in which members are active and ready for a lot of practice. I'd also like to play in as many online tournaments as possible and I'd also play in team leagues and show my best. I'm very active, playing atleast 15-20 games every day.
User was warned for spamming
Server: NA Bnet: rhye.693 Race: Protoss League: Diamond Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2834573/1/Rhye/ Other: i started my holiday today, i'm looking for a team to have fun/improve/practice with partners, will be very active for now. i used to be in clans in FPS games, i have ts3, mumble, ventrilo and raidcall
Server: NA Bnet: Sniper.503 Race: Zerg/Terran League: Master Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2419147/1/Sniper/ Other: i used to play terran from season1-season 7 (master level) , now i have switched to zerg, i am still master but my level is like top diamond with zerg. i'm looking for a team to have fun/improve/practice with partners, will be very active for now. I have ts, ventrilo and skype.
Server: NA B.net: BloodyPalace.614 Race: Protoss League: Top 8 Diamond Profile: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/3530416/1/BloodyPalace/ Other: 1v1 Ladder is not exactly the most friendly environment to meet practice partners so I'm looking for an active, like-minded team with a mature atmosphere and play often. My goal right now is to reach Masters League before HotS comes out and would like to help others do so as well. Thanks for taking the time to read ^^
Server: Eu B.net: Lucoda.697 Race: Zerg League: Platnium Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/2377393/1/Lucoda/ Other: Im looking for a serious team with gold being the lowest league in it. A team that enters team leagues and knows tournaments would be a huge factor aswell. I am a very serious starcraft 2 player and understand it very well due to watching the game alot aswlel as playing. Please PM me on this or message me in game if I am online Ty very much for reading :D
EDIT: I would just like to add some more info. The last few months I have been playing in z33k tournaments,especially Eu Good As Gold. I placed 2nd in that tournament twice and have played in others too.I want a team that are around the same level, Gold-Diamond/Masters that are gonna be serious and make a name for themselves.
Server: EU B.net: FoP÷Psz.791 Race: Terran League: High Master Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/230228/1/FoPǂPsz/ Other: I've been playing SC2 since release. I'm very ambitious and my goal is to get into GM as soon as possible. Thus, I'm looking for a team in which members are active and ready for a lot of practice. I'd also like to play in as many online tournaments as possible and I'd also play in team leagues and show my best. I'm very active, playing atleast 15-20 games every day.
User was temp banned for this post.
ALT Stacraft is currently looking for new players for its competitive SC2 Team. The team's current minimum requirement is 1,300 Points Masters. If you meet this requirement and are interested in learning more about trying out please email information about yourself to: sm_storm@hotmail.com . Players of interest will be contacted back; please provide the following information. Name: Username: Skype: In-Game ID: Please provide a brief summary of why we should consider you for a tryout. Also please list any past or current team experience that is relevant. (All information provided will remain confidential). The team recently finished 3rd in the STL Premiere league is currently signed up for ESEA and IPTL. We are looking to find the right players for our long term team building project. Players who qualify for our Main Roster will be entitled to all the benefits of our team. Thank you for your interest, Best of luck to everyone who sends in an application.
Steve "Freedom" Rush, Team ALT / ALT Starcraft
Team Showmatches: Regular Showmatches ALT Gauntlet Showmatches
I`m a low diamond protoss player, at the end of this month I`ll have a year dedicated to getting better at starcraft2. I`m looking for a team that can help me get better and give me a fun and warm environment as I train and learn the game. My goal is to get into masters and attend some small lans when I feel like I have a fighting chance in them.
Id : QxGMeaglor // 623 (Europe) Mail : Meaglor@gmail.com
Feel free to mail me or pm me on battle.net mostly online in the late evening and night.
Looking for a very casual team but is still worth practicing with!
US Server
Mid Masters Protoss
Drop me a PM or just message me @ virulence.879
Server: Eu ID: Ancestor#252 Race: Protoss League: Master - Division Ranked 1st Profile: http://eu.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/1709154/1/Ancestor/ Other:
I am looking for a team to play with and especially because I will go to DreamHack Bucharest in 27-28 October 2012 and would really like to wear a clan tag, maybe a clan shirt, who knows 
And now something about me: My name is Michael, I am 21 years old (in November 22 years old), I live in Romania and I go to the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (city in which I also live) and study there Computer Science. I play StarCraft since I was 7 years old and I now I play StarCraft2 almost since it was released. I play for fun and have also some intentions in going pro if that would not damage my study process at faculty.
Thank you for reading and I hope I will hear from somebody before DreamHack Bucharest 27-28 October 2012.
Have a good day!
Server: NA ID: Lobo.484 Race: Protoss League: Master Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/us/913509/Lobo
Hi, I'm the coordinator for the University of Pittsburgh's CSL team. Lately, I've been losing my will to practice and play. Looking to join a team to practice with so I can hopefully revive my spark ^^
EDIT: Joined a team
Server: NA Bnet: Synizta. 276 Race: Protoss League: Gold - NA. Plat on EU & SEA accounts however. (Will provide links for all 3) Profile:
NA - http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/2191891/Synizta EU - http://www.sc2ranks.com/eu/2821062/MYƎDǂSynizta SEA - http://sea.battle.net/sc2/en/profile/113906/1/Synizta/
About me:
I'm a 19 year old Australian protoss player, who is currently getting coaching from American pro player NrSRaNGeD. Often try to spend 3-4 hours a day playing, preferbly in practice games working on builds, or ladder if no one to practice with. Have skype, got a mic. Usually attend every lan in my home city that there is, May try occasionaly fly inter-state for lans too.
I don't tend to ladder much, if i do, it's usually on a smurf account (which is also gold) to practice builds on ladder, without wrecking my primary US account more then i have. (MMR wise).
The clan/team im looking for is one that isn't massively oversized with how many people there are, but is still pretty active and can tend to find someone to practice with for a little while at a time, then also help analysing replays and such after playing practice games.
Server: NA Bnet: James.732 Race: Protoss League: Masters Profile: http://www.sc2ranks.com/us/692458/James
Freshly minted Masters, looking for a team that's very active and practices a lot. I've been promoted twice this season (from Plat to Masters) and would like keep working and improving, but laddering only provides a certain level of feedback so I'd really like to be able to grind out certain builds with teammates and have some focused practice.
Also available on Skype or whatever other messaging application you like to use.
![[image loading]](http://www.pintgaming.com/pint_logo.png) http://www.pintgaming.com Pint Gaming is looking for StarCraft 2 players to join their team. Eligible players must meet Pint Gaming team standards.
No cheating Positive Dedicated NA server Mature, in person, as well as game play Masters/GM Plays frequently Hard working Has a good understanding of the game Willing to practice with our team Wanting to grow as a team while achieving individual goals Able to play in tournaments Able to stream is a bonus
All Players picked will start off in the Pint Army. In the Pint Army you will be part of the Pint Gaming community and from there you must prove you have what it takes to move up the ranks and get a spot on the team.
Think you’ve got what it takes?
Server: NA Bnet: BulbaProbe.398 Race: Protoss League: Mid-Masters Profile: http://sc2ranks.com/us/367818/BulbaProbe
Looking for a very active clan with a lot of members. I also have a zerg friend who is at my level that would be interested in joining as well. Just looking for practice and some fun times :D