Based on final beta stats for phase 2, the highest number of wins in the diamond league was around 650 per month (assuming 11 days of beta). Extrapolating that data would mean 4000 wins in 6 months is, indeed, feasible.
However, this does not take into account the fact that people will do worse in off-races which would decrease the win per month stat. I believe that the person to do this would, more likely than not, be a random player. Also, maintaining that large amount of games for a 6 month periods will burn you out, if you are not a pro player.
What is this a MMO now?
Get a job at Mcdees and make $2000 in 1 month, well maybe less but still lol
On July 29 2010 21:44 Thargor wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2010 21:09 Nihility wrote: Well, if a person has played over 3000 games then he/she will probably have to play the same people multiple times, there bound to be someone who can realize the different play style, no? No  What about I'm playing Toss, my Brother plays Zerg and a friend does the Terran matches. So the different play style can be explained by playing different with every race. And just the suspicion of somebody doesnt proof anything. Its impossible to proof, except with a constant webcam-stream :D^^
Eh, maybe, but in order to get the "2-in-1" you need to start a lot of games with Random (at least till you get 1000 wins), so you'd have to be sitting there next to eachother for say... 1500 games if you're really good. Is it really worth it? No.
TLO could do this if he had the time. It's actually just 16,6 wins/day if you random all the time (and start picking once you've set 1000 wins for random). And if you're really good (like TLO is), you could perhaps get 17 wins out of every... 25 games? At least at the start.
So 25 games per day -> about 6h15m with average of 15m/game.
It's no question that it can't be done. It definitely can. It's just a matter of who will do it first. I know there are lots of people who play more than 6h/day. All they have to do is play with random and they're on track for the win.
AGAIN, IT'S NOT 4000 WINS, IT'S 3000. - This matters, stop saying 4000 is too much and stuff like that.
Is it allowed to lose games on purpose to drop in the ranking? I think this actually matters alot.. Could just stay in copper league forever and 10 rax reaper/8 pool/proxy gate every game
Wow, whoever win this or event participate in this has my respect to OP: <3
hmm 3000 wins will take about 5000 games. 15 minutes each is 1250 hours, which if spent working would be $25,000 for myself so I doubt I will compete in this challenge.
On July 29 2010 22:24 Inkarnate wrote: hmm 3000 wins will take about 5000 games. 15 minutes each is 1250 hours, which if spent working would be $25,000 for myself so I doubt I will compete in this challenge.
Well if you are attempting to be good in sc2, this will be a nice extra. Alot of semipros could see this as a nice challenge and play alot because of it.
i would attempt this but obviously a shared account will win. i'm sure there are plenty of accounts with 3+ people doing this challenge
1/2 year to win 4k games seems fairly impossible
Stop with the bronze league, restrict this to diamond only, it will solve half the problems. A winner has to provide his replay pack which will eliminate the possibility of account sharing.
Winnar. Honestly the replay pack should be a MUST for this much money, this has to be legit and although it will be A LOT of replays to review, I can bet the community together would view most of them just out of curiosity. Just to see how good this player actually is.
Get a job at Mcdees and make $2000 in 1 month, well maybe less but still lol
Way less man, it's more like 800-1000 a month, I worked there before. O_o ,,
Hey fayth, I see you're from Quebec... Were you at lan ETS 2008 with kiwi playing poker? I was the cs 1.6 admin and I remember kiwi playing like a gazillion tables at a time with someone...
(sorry for off topic, I could have just pm'd you instead)
For everyone claiming about ladder resets, beta hard resets won't be like the launch ladder resets, names will be kept, as will total wins with each race (the achievement count), the only thing that will reset is your ladder rankings and such. This is how it was done in wc3, it would be silly to change it.
And as for pro's, i can't see any of them except for TLO even bothering with this, because it would require playing 3000~ games outside of their main race (i count random as being outside your main), which will cause them to lose more games, and be out of practice with their main race.
TLO has the advantage of playing random.
<3 TLO
This is impossible... Fayth if you wanna spend your money spend in hosting a tournament with good players not a crazy/wild quest.
On July 29 2010 23:55 SoL[9] wrote: This is impossible... Fayth if you wanna spend your money spend in hosting a tournament with good players not a crazy/wild quest.
He can afford both i guess :p
Ah I completely miss-understood this entire achievement. I didn't know you needed that amount of wins with EACH race? Yeah no pro's would hinder their practice like that except maybe TLO... Sowwy guys!
Btw, thank you Fayth... With all the new sponsors coming around it's nice to see an individual give this much support to the community. I wouldn't give my money up to anyone but you are a greater man than I.
On July 29 2010 11:02 darkponcho wrote: A+++, would trade again.
Haha, awesome.
And yes, he's legit.
Lets count...
4000 wins is required in 6 months.
4000/(6*30) = 4000 / 180 = 22,2
Your skill is almost godlike like Tester or Idra and you get 22 wins in 25 matches.
Lets say a match takes 15 min
25 * 15 = 335 -> 5h 35min / day
jez...I think it should be an exam for 2nd squad of korean pro team...
This is totally possible. I see it happening in under 3 months...
Say cheese works half the time and the avg cheese takes 7 minutes to see the end of.
That's only 4.6 hours a day everyday. There are lots of kids on here without jobs that could do that.
That in itself doesn't seem overly interesting, BUT what I like about this, is it's to see who can do it first. It's the invisible enemy so we might see it done in a ridiculous amount of time. ..... 2 months maybe? Thatd be 10 hours a day of cheesing with 50% win which isn't necessarily more time than some people spend on their computers a day.
First you get the e peen, then you get the money, then you get the women (Who are actually guys just using female characters)
Very interesting challenge. GL to everyone that is doing this.
On July 29 2010 22:24 Inkarnate wrote: hmm 3000 wins will take about 5000 games. 15 minutes each is 1250 hours, which if spent working would be $25,000 for myself so I doubt I will compete in this challenge.
Let's say this is true, (and this is being optimistic)
1250h for 2000$ is about 1.6$ per hour, which is about 1.22€. And this is being severely underpaid I do almost double of that per hour working as lifeguard, and lifeguard is a very poorly paid job, so... nah The only people i can see doing this, are the ones that already play a lot independently of this.