Hungary2335 Posts
I want to better integrate Seasons into Sc2gears. For this I need to know when exactly seasons start on different servers.
For example I know on the US server seasons start on Tuesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (PDT).
On EU seasons start on Wednesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (CET).
Can someone please tell me when seasons start exactly on the Korean (Asia), Chinese and Southeast Asian (Taiwan) servers? Day+time+timezone? Thanks.
Is SC2Gears only for windows?
No, it works on any machine since it's written in Java which brings its own Virtual Machine. SC2Gears works on any OS that can run Java.
On April 03 2012 02:08 Makua wrote: No, it works on any machine since it's written in Java which brings its own Virtual Machine. SC2Gears works on any OS that can run Java.
Cool. Thanks!
Hungary2335 Posts
I repeat my post/question. Can anyone please tell me on what days and at what time (+timezone) do ladder seasons start on the Korean, Chinese and SEA servers? Thanks
On April 02 2012 18:11 Dakota_Fanning wrote: I want to better integrate Seasons into Sc2gears. For this I need to know when exactly seasons start on different servers.
For example I know on the US server seasons start on Tuesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (PDT).
On EU seasons start on Wednesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (CET).
Can someone please tell me when seasons start exactly on the Korean (Asia), Chinese and Southeast Asian (Taiwan) servers? Day+time+timezone? Thanks.
For some reason my replays are not saved any more since I upgraded to 10.2 despite all setting checking out...
Hungary2335 Posts
On April 03 2012 16:35 Thrombozyt wrote: For some reason my replays are not saved any more since I upgraded to 10.2 despite all setting checking out... Maybe your name template contains characters which are not allowed in your OS (Windows)? Post your name template. Or either your folder settings are wrong, or Sc2gears does not have write permission in the folder you want it to save reps.
To find out more, check the logs ("User Content/Logs" folder inside Sc2gears).
My template: /D /T./e
I just went through the user logs and the last log that covered a replay save was: Successfully copied last replay to: C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 22-04-47 ZvT MD5_dl$tkyiHNUm0K$0xTPTcLs.SC2Replay Unrecognized action (opCode=0x4e, event desc=0x47: UNNAMED), aborting parse. (C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-25 16-32-01 TvZ MD5_Oq2NmKQbhKgy04YY0XsAzA.SC2Replay) (last opcode: 0x2d, total parsed: 12521, stream pos: 0x2123a, last action startPos: 0x2122e)
Since then I didn't change a thing, but replays are not saved anymore.
What an amazing App!
I kept track of all my games since I started playing and I'm so surprised about some results. Very interesting to see my stats, and actually to see that I'm still improving while I thought I've reached a ceiling..
Hungary2335 Posts
On April 03 2012 17:13 Thrombozyt wrote: My template: /D /T./e
I just went through the user logs and the last log that covered a replay save was: Successfully copied last replay to: C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 22-04-47 ZvT MD5_dl$tkyiHNUm0K$0xTPTcLs.SC2Replay Unrecognized action (opCode=0x4e, event desc=0x47: UNNAMED), aborting parse. (C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-25 16-32-01 TvZ MD5_Oq2NmKQbhKgy04YY0XsAzA.SC2Replay) (last opcode: 0x2d, total parsed: 12521, stream pos: 0x2123a, last action startPos: 0x2122e)
Since then I didn't change a thing, but replays are not saved anymore. And do you hear the "Replay saved" or "Failed to save replay" voices? Can you send me your full logs and your settings.xml file?
I hear neither sound after the game. I have the notification enabled in the setting and I hear the APM alert.
Here is the settings.xml: + Show Spoiler +his XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. <properties><comment>This settings file is managed by Sc2gears automatically. Do not edit it unless you know what you're doing!</comment><entry key="settings.maxReplaysToOpenForOpenInAnalyzer">5</entry><entry key="settings.misc.repAutoSaveNameTemplate">/D /T /h./e</entry><entry key="settings.folders.replayAutoSave">C:/SC2Replay Archive</entry><entry key="settings.misc.preferredBnetLanguage">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.customDateTimeFormat"/><entry key="settings.misc.showProfileInfo">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.autoRetrieveExtProfileInfo">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.apmWarmupTime">90</entry><entry key="settings.misc.chartsActionListPartitioning">70</entry><entry key="settings.misc.declareLargestAsWinner">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.apmAlertRepetitionIntervalSec">2</entry><entry key="settings.misc.timeToKeepLogFiles">14</entry><entry key="settings.misc.maxGamingSessionBreak">60</entry><entry key="settings.misc.alertOnGameStart">false</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2AutoReplay">C:\SC2Replay Archive</entry><entry key="settings.folders.mousePrintOutput">C:/Sc2gears Mouse prints</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseWarmupTime">50</entry><entry key="settings.misc.displayInfoWhenStartedMinimized">true</entry><entry key="settings.folders.defaultReplay"/><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameNewDiscDelayDecrement">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.predefinedList.repRenameTemplate"> /D /h./e /D./e /D - /m./e /T - /m - /q./e /C4 - /m./e /C4 - </p (/r)>./e /G\</p (/r)>./e /G\/T - </p>./e</entry><entry key="settings.misc.autoOpenNewReplays">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameMaxDiscRadius">30</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameInitialDelayForNewDisc">800</entry><entry key="settings.misc.utilizedCpuCores">0</entry><entry key="module.multiRepAnal.charts.chartGranularity">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.maxRowsInProfileToolTip">16</entry><entry key="settings.misc.overrideFormatBasedOnMatchup">true</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2Maps">C:/Documents and Settings/All Users/Application Data/Blizzard Entertainment/Battle.net/Cache</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mapAliases"/><entry key="settings.language">English</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGamePaintDiscCenterCross">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintImageOutputFormat">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.apmCheckIntervalSec">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.buildOrderLength">8</entry><entry key="settings.misc.saveMousePrints">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameDiscSpeed">50</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintIdleInkFlowRate">200</entry><entry key="settings.misc.playerAliases"/><entry key="settings.misc.preloadSc2IconsOnStartup">true</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2Installation">D:\StarCraft II</entry><entry key="recentReplays.entry.2">C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-23 13-59-12 TvP MD5_jnHn$$$iKywgSs#JOqvZSZ.SC2Replay</entry><entry key="recentReplays.entry.1">C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 10-16-18 TvP MD5_W$A80IRgKSzVB0I15#HLdf.SC2Replay</entry><entry key="settings.misc.animatorFps">16</entry><entry key="recentReplays.entry.0">C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 22-04-47 ZvT MD5_dl$tkyiHNUm0K$0xTPTcLs.SC2Replay</entry><entry key="settings.misc.cachePreprocessedReplays">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.rearrangePlayersInRepAnalyzer">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.newReplayDetectionMethod">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.predefinedList.repAnalSearch"> leave game resources activate/deactivate</entry><entry key="settings.misc.deleteAutoSavedReplays">false</entry><entry key="pluginManager.enabledPlugins">hu.belicza.andras.buildorderstableplugin.BuildOrdersTablePlugin</entry><entry key="recentReplays.count">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameMaxDiscsMissed">10</entry><entry key="settings.misc.navBarInitialWidth">250</entry><entry key="settings.misc.apmAlertLevel">60</entry><entry key="settings.misc.useMd5HashFromFileName">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintPourInkIdleTime">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.alertOnGameEnd">false</entry><entry key="module.repSearch.results.renameTemplate">/T - /m - /q./e</entry><entry key="settings.misc.authorizationKey"/><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintUseAntialiasing">false</entry><entry key="settings.voice">smix</entry><entry key="metaData.saveTime">1333401343046</entry><entry key="settings.misc.playReplaySavedVoice">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.gameLengthRecordsGranularity">5</entry><entry key="settings.enableReplayAutoSave">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.showWinners">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.toolTipDismissDelay">10000</entry><entry key="settings.misc.animatorJumpTime">60</entry><entry key="module.multiRepAnal.charts.chartType">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.favoredPlayerList"/><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintBackgroundColor">255,255,255</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintColor">0,0,0</entry><entry key="settings.folders.enableExtraSc2AutoReplay5">false</entry><entry key="settings.folders.enableExtraSc2AutoReplay4">false</entry><entry key="settings.folders.enableExtraSc2AutoReplay3">false</entry><entry key="settings.folders.enableExtraSc2AutoReplay2">false</entry><entry key="window.position">-4,-4,1928,1058</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintWhatToSave">0</entry><entry key="settings.misc.alertWhenApmIsBackToNormal">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameMaxDiscAge">2500</entry><entry key="module.repAnalyzer.charts.zoom">0</entry><entry key="settings.enableApmAlert">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.predefinedList.repAutoSaveTemplate"> /D /h./e /D./e /F4 </p (/r)>./e /f\/F4 </p (/r)>./e /Y\/F4 </p (/r)>./e /m\/F4 </p (/r)>./e /G\</p (/r)>./e /G\/T - </p>./e /D </p>./e /D [/m] </p>./e /m - </p (/r)>./e /m - /T - </p (/r)>./e /m\/T - </p (/r)>./e</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameFps">20</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameFriendlyDiscProbability">83</entry><entry key="settings.misc.newRepCheckIntervalSec">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameRandomSeed"/><entry key="settings.misc.soundVolume">70</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintSamplingTime">1</entry><entry key="module.repAnalyzer.charts.actions.actionType.0">true</entry><entry key="settings.allowOnlyOneInstance">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.useRealTimeMeasurement">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.customTimeFormat"/><entry key="metaData.savedWithVersion">10.2</entry><entry key="settings.misc.toolTipInitialDelay">200</entry><entry key="module.repAnalyzer.charts.apm.showMicroMacroApm">true</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mousePrintDataCompression">2</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGameMaxDiscScore">100</entry><entry key="settings.misc.enableProxyConfig">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.mouseGamePaintMaxDiscOutline">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.storeMousePrints">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.showHideApmDisplayOnStartEnd">false</entry><entry key="settings.misc.initialTimeToExcludeFromApm">110</entry><entry key="settings.misc.profileInfoValidityTime">3</entry><entry key="settings.misc.showGameInfoForNewReplays">false</entry><entry key="showNewToSc2gearsDialogOnStartup">false</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2AutoReplay5">/My Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2AutoReplay4">/My Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2AutoReplay3">/My Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts</entry><entry key="module.repAnalyzer.charts.chartType">0</entry><entry key="settings.folders.sc2AutoReplay2">/My Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts</entry><entry key="settings.misc.customDateFormat"/><entry key="settings.misc.customReplaySites"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><customReplaySites version="1.0"/></entry><entry key="settings.misc.timeLimitForMultiRepAnalysis">120</entry><entry key="settings.misc.autoStoreNewReplays">false</entry></properties> Those are the logs since the error occurred in chronological order: + Show Spoiler +Successfully copied last replay to: C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 21-40-13 TvP MD5_CZ1$f20fAlowm8jZH5nw5g.SC2Replay Successfully copied last replay to: C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 21-50-09 TvP MD5_vtT8uO#G0wTpaDIN6jG6QC.SC2Replay Successfully copied last replay to: C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-26 22-04-47 ZvT MD5_dl$tkyiHNUm0K$0xTPTcLs.SC2Replay Unrecognized action (opCode=0x4e, event desc=0x47: UNNAMED), aborting parse. (C:\SC2Replay Archive\2012-03-25 16-32-01 TvZ MD5_Oq2NmKQbhKgy04YY0XsAzA.SC2Replay) (last opcode: 0x2d, total parsed: 12521, stream pos: 0x2123a, last action startPos: 0x2122e)
+ Show Spoiler +2012-03-29 08:07:34 - Available latest version: 10.2 2012-03-29 08:07:34 - Preparing for update... 2012-03-29 08:07:34 - Downloading archive... 2012-03-29 08:08:32 - Download complete. 2012-03-29 08:08:32 - Checking SHA-256 checksum of the archive... 2012-03-29 08:08:32 - SHA-256 checksum OK. 2012-03-29 08:08:32 - Extracting archive... 2012-03-29 08:08:33 - Extracting done. 2012-03-29 08:08:33 - Replacing/patching files... 2012-03-29 08:08:34 - Replace/patch complete. 2012-03-29 08:08:34 - Cleaning up... 2012-03-29 08:08:34 - Cleanup complete. 2012-03-29 08:08:34 - Sc2gears has been successfully updated to version: 10.2 + Show Spoiler +Performing post-update... Post-update completed.
+ Show Spoiler +Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-20-20.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-20-20.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-30-40.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-30-40.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-33-39.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-33-39.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-34-49.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 09-34-49.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 10-34-23.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 10-34-23.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 10-50-20.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 10-50-20.png Successfully saved mouse print binary data to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 11-11-44.smpd Successfully saved mouse print image to: C:\Documents and Settings\Xaver Kober\Desktop\Sc2gears-10.0\12-04-03 11-11-44.png
Hungary2335 Posts
On April 03 2012 18:59 Thrombozyt wrote: I hear neither sound after the game. I have the notification enabled in the setting and I hear the APM alert.
Here is the settings.xml: ...
The problem is that your folder settings are wrong (this was in my first suggestion). Replay auto-save folder is the target folder (where you want Sc2gears to save your replays). SC2 auto-save folder is the source folder (where SC2 saves your last replays).
Your target and source folders are the same. Change your source folder to the appropriate folder (restore the default might be enough).
On April 02 2012 18:11 Dakota_Fanning wrote: I want to better integrate Seasons into Sc2gears. For this I need to know when exactly seasons start on different servers.
For example I know on the US server seasons start on Tuesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (PDT).
On EU seasons start on Wednesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (CET).
Can someone please tell me when seasons start exactly on the Korean (Asia), Chinese and Southeast Asian (Taiwan) servers? Day+time+timezone? Thanks.
For US: We will be performing scheduled maintenance beginning on Tuesday, April 3rd, at 3:00 a.m. PDT
For the other - they didn't post yet on bnet forums, I'll check and repost.
From memory, US is Tuesday at 3 am pdt, Europe is Wednesday at 3 am cet and Korea is Thursday (i'd suppose 3 am their time). China and taiwan never knew it.
SC2 gears is great but it needs to have a focus on helping players find ways to play better. The player usually is trying to only find information about themselves, and maybe compare it with another player. It is a bad sign when 90% of the players who use SC2gears only use it for finding out how bad their injects are.
Most of my suggestions are from the perspective of a master's player who only wants to analyze replays. Some features for analysis of replay packs with lots of players (ex MLG replay packs) should be packed away into their own tab.
The crazy tab system is really confusing. Please make the tabs static and only in one row. Game Lengths tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab should just be replaced with two graphs that are in a main "Graphs" tab: - One graph that shows the percentage of games won as game time goes on.
- The second shows average apm in the replays as game time goes on.
The rest of the tabs in the game length tab are terrible and don't tell ANY user important information. Hours Tab: + Show Spoiler +This seems pretty useless to me. You could make a tab that marks win rate and apm as the ladder session goes on just for the user to see how bad their stamina/break taking skills are. This would go in the Graphs tab. Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Remove P win, Z win, T win. The player only cares about it THEY won. The rest of the information just makes it hard for a player to read.
- Last and first game is useless. Nobody cares when they first played a map.
Match ups by Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Only show ZvT, ZvR etc if I am a Z. The rest are clutter and nobody uses them.
- Again, last and first game columns are useless.
- Presence and the apm columns are useless here. Nobody cares how high their apm is on lost temple compared to tal'darim.
- Total time in games isn't helpful to anyone.
Playmates tab: + Show Spoiler +Common games and games with isn't very useful information. Activity trends tab: + Show Spoiler +Players know when they played and don't really need this tab at all. Scrap it. Build Orders tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab is not functional enough and super hard to get information out of. Either make major renovations or scrap it. Game Formats tab: + Show Spoiler +I can't think of a reason why someone would be benefited from this tab. Scrap it. Replay analyzer: + Show Spoiler +There is much less redundant information here. Well done. I would love to see more graphs like the main building control graph. Mostly for chrono boosts, overlords, creep tumors etc.
replay selection menu: + Show Spoiler +Please order the menu by date modified by default.
This tool is amazing and has even more amazing potential if you focus on usability and self-improvement rather than stats. The current clutter is holding it back, and you should clean everything up.
If you need further clarification on any one my points, feel free to ask.
i keep my sc2gears unupdated so that i can keep hearing the magical korean voice
On April 04 2012 06:31 DeltruS wrote:SC2 gears is great but it needs to have a focus on helping players find ways to play better. The player usually is trying to only find information about themselves, and maybe compare it with another player. It is a bad sign when 90% of the players who use SC2gears only use it for finding out how bad their injects are. Most of my suggestions are from the perspective of a master's player who only wants to analyze replays. Some features for analysis of replay packs with lots of players (ex MLG replay packs) should be packed away into their own tab. + Show Spoiler +The crazy tab system is really confusing. Please make the tabs static and only in one row. Game Lengths tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab should just be replaced with two graphs that are in a main "Graphs" tab: - One graph that shows the percentage of games won as game time goes on.
- The second shows average apm in the replays as game time goes on.
The rest of the tabs in the game length tab are terrible and don't tell ANY user important information. Hours Tab: + Show Spoiler +This seems pretty useless to me. You could make a tab that marks win rate and apm as the ladder session goes on just for the user to see how bad their stamina/break taking skills are. This would go in the Graphs tab. Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Remove P win, Z win, T win. The player only cares about it THEY won. The rest of the information just makes it hard for a player to read.
- Last and first game is useless. Nobody cares when they first played a map.
Match ups by Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Only show ZvT, ZvR etc if I am a Z. The rest are clutter and nobody uses them.
- Again, last and first game columns are useless.
- Presence and the apm columns are useless here. Nobody cares how high their apm is on lost temple compared to tal'darim.
- Total time in games isn't helpful to anyone.
Playmates tab: + Show Spoiler +Common games and games with isn't very useful information. Activity trends tab: + Show Spoiler +Players know when they played and don't really need this tab at all. Scrap it. Build Orders tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab is not functional enough and super hard to get information out of. Either make major renovations or scrap it. Game Formats tab: + Show Spoiler +I can't think of a reason why someone would be benefited from this tab. Scrap it. Replay analyzer: + Show Spoiler +There is much less redundant information here. Well done. I would love to see more graphs like the main building control graph. Mostly for chrono boosts, overlords, creep tumors etc.
replay selection menu: + Show Spoiler +Please order the menu by date modified by default. This tool is amazing and has even more amazing potential if you focus on usability and self-improvement rather than stats. The current clutter is holding it back, and you should clean everything up.
When reading your post I had hard time to determine if you were 'trolling' or you were serious regarding your suggestions. Many things that you declared to be useless clutter that should be removed are valuable information to others. E.g. I have found many things that you wanted to be scrapped very valuable. Yes the value of some statistics may not be as high as others and some statistics could be presented in better ways/metrics, but there are lots of ways to use the data. Dumbing the tool down by cutting information to be more approachable for new users does no good.
Sc2gears is a complex tool that offers lots of data. It is great that it allows its users to decide what data is meaningful for them and how to use it. Of course there could be more community written guides that would explain how different features of sc2gears can be used e.g. when analyzing replays. There are no good community written guides at the moment. Dakota_Fanning has encouraged the community be more active e.g. by organizing competitions without notable success.
Just want to say thanks for this awesome tool that is sc2gears, I've been using it since the beggining and I love the fact you never dropped it, just wanted to give me appreciation. Thanks a bunch.
Hungary2335 Posts
On April 04 2012 06:31 DeltruS wrote:SC2 gears is great but it needs to have a focus on helping players find ways to play better. The player usually is trying to only find information about themselves, and maybe compare it with another player. It is a bad sign when 90% of the players who use SC2gears only use it for finding out how bad their injects are. Most of my suggestions are from the perspective of a master's player who only wants to analyze replays. Some features for analysis of replay packs with lots of players (ex MLG replay packs) should be packed away into their own tab. The crazy tab system is really confusing. Please make the tabs static and only in one row. Game Lengths tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab should just be replaced with two graphs that are in a main "Graphs" tab: - One graph that shows the percentage of games won as game time goes on.
- The second shows average apm in the replays as game time goes on.
The rest of the tabs in the game length tab are terrible and don't tell ANY user important information. Hours Tab: + Show Spoiler +This seems pretty useless to me. You could make a tab that marks win rate and apm as the ladder session goes on just for the user to see how bad their stamina/break taking skills are. This would go in the Graphs tab. Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Remove P win, Z win, T win. The player only cares about it THEY won. The rest of the information just makes it hard for a player to read.
- Last and first game is useless. Nobody cares when they first played a map.
Match ups by Maps tab: + Show Spoiler +- Only show ZvT, ZvR etc if I am a Z. The rest are clutter and nobody uses them.
- Again, last and first game columns are useless.
- Presence and the apm columns are useless here. Nobody cares how high their apm is on lost temple compared to tal'darim.
- Total time in games isn't helpful to anyone.
Playmates tab: + Show Spoiler +Common games and games with isn't very useful information. Activity trends tab: + Show Spoiler +Players know when they played and don't really need this tab at all. Scrap it. Build Orders tab: + Show Spoiler +This tab is not functional enough and super hard to get information out of. Either make major renovations or scrap it. Game Formats tab: + Show Spoiler +I can't think of a reason why someone would be benefited from this tab. Scrap it. Replay analyzer: + Show Spoiler +There is much less redundant information here. Well done. I would love to see more graphs like the main building control graph. Mostly for chrono boosts, overlords, creep tumors etc.
replay selection menu: + Show Spoiler +Please order the menu by date modified by default. This tool is amazing and has even more amazing potential if you focus on usability and self-improvement rather than stats. The current clutter is holding it back, and you should clean everything up. If you need further clarification on any one my points, feel free to ask. I know the core of SC2 is 1v1 games, and pros play 1 specific race. But there are others, including me, who play lots of (or mostly) team games, and I use all races (mostly random). The 2 sides (1v1 with fixed race and team games with random) are 2 different perspectives and have completely different hunger for statistics. As said before, statistics irrelevant to you might be invaluable to others (for example "common games" and "games with" on the Playmates tab is important to me but not to you). Sc2gears is not just for the 1v1 pros. I will try to clean-up the interface though.
"Some features for analysis of replay packs with lots of players (ex MLG replay packs) should be packed away into their own tab." - not sure what you mean by this.
"Please order the menu by date modified by default." - What do you mean by this? By replay selection menu you mean the replay list table? If so, it is ordered by game time by default, so your last games are always at the top. I think this order is much more important that sorting by last modification time (if you download a rep from the web, it will not keep it's original file creation time).
Replay analyzer - I too want to see more graphs like the injection graph, but the replay contains limited information, and for example the Main building control chart for Protoss (chrono boosts) cannot be calculated as accurately as the injection graph.
Thanks for your suggestions and opinion.
Hungary2335 Posts
I still have no information about the Chinese server, the others are pretty much covered.
Can someone please tell me on what day of the week do seasons start on the Chinese server?
On April 02 2012 18:11 Dakota_Fanning wrote: I want to better integrate Seasons into Sc2gears. For this I need to know when exactly seasons start on different servers.
For example I know on the US server seasons start on Tuesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (PDT).
On EU seasons start on Wednesday, during morning maintenance, around 4 AM local time (CET).
Can someone please tell me when seasons start exactly on the Korean (Asia), Chinese and Southeast Asian (Taiwan) servers? Day+time+timezone? Thanks.