Zealot - not only are all Protoss crazy intelligent, they are also fearless badasses who don't give a shit that you have a gun, or that you are literally 10x+ bigger in size; it doesn't matter, zeals will run up, charge in, and start slashing at anything and everything like it's just another day in the office. the protoss have enough advanced technology to create a giant walking war of the worlds robot but the average toss individual just says screw using GUNS, I'm gonna strap PSIONIC BLADES TO MY HANDS and stick them in your face.
Sentry - back in the days of broodwar this one zeal was getting pretty pissed that everything just kept running away from his fearsome handblades of destruction, so he spent a few seconds thinking how to get his enemies to stay put so he could get on with the hacking and slashing. the sentry robot was incorporated into the protoss army a couple days later because the protoss military is so fucking ingeniously adaptable, right after they figured out how to have it able to kill shit and make the rest of the army nearly invincible too.
Void Ray - zealots never get tired but sometimes after a good minute or two of hacking at buildings they get bored and decide it'd be more entertaining to decapitate something living. the protoss military thought yea, it really is too easy, so they put in a few death star beam flying machines of destruction into the force so zeals could get to the fun stuff.
DT - FACTS: DTs are biological/psionic. DTs kill all your units SO FAST. the purpose of DTs is to flip out and kill everything. DTs are so precise, strong, and invisible that you will never see them before they tear out your spine. DTs are so fearsome that just by being on the same planet with them makes all other species go crazy paranoid and waste all their resources trying to catch the DTs, which is a totally useless effort because DTs are so unimaginably awesome.
![[image loading]](http://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx220/palanq/ninja.jpg?t=1271094597)
Stalker - one day a DT after an easy day's work of 1-shotting 20 scvs was chilling in his lab and thought: hey, wouldn't it be cool if I could be a speedy supermobile instantly teleportable 4-legged machine of DEATH? So he thought it, and so it was.
Immortal - you thought you killed that zealot? nah, but you might have convinced him to pop himself into a kickass dragoon robot suit. oh, you thought you killed that too? nah, you just made him decide it was time for a little upgrade. you have a tank or 6? wouldn't try shooting, or else you might convince him to install some colossus lasers on the side after he demolishes the whole force in a few seconds.
Colossus - just in case the rest of the protoss war machine powerhouse wants to kill shit even faster, the protoss can always build a few of these babies: the most powerful piece of equipment, ever.
Warp-in - the sweetest piece of technology in the universe. yeah, we have an army spread across entire freakin' galaxies, but you need them all right in once place now? sure, we can just all just pop up anywhere on the whole map and decimate your force wherever it runs off to. warping in is like making instant noodles with 15 microwaves going at once, but instead of tasty noodly goodness, you get mindblowingly powerful armies.
Protoss: Race of the century, for all time.
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additions for units I missed are welcome. "super geniuses" would be a better title yea, since these Ts don't seem to understand figurative speech and all have the same identical 2-line comment. and c'mon now, you zerg have to get to writing one of these. they're much better than the official descriptions.
all in good fun ^^