mm dont worry about it, just a fun tourney, focus on the good stuff. Those casters also did a very long cast for the community.
Epic moments: Nexus Liftoff Warlen 5 second rule He went afk for 5 seconds at the start while typing out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Giving his opponent a 5 second head start, then proceeded to play. There is some backstory to this, check out RIse's vods. The finals
Wow, RumZ512 from the livestream here.
I passed out during the finals (It was like 2:30 AM,) I can't believe Team Quebec won.
Also, Fred(z?) vs IZ/Louder games were off the chain TvT, some of the best play by far.
Also CL did some serious work out there as well, it's too bad he couldn't stop the allkill from LZ, he's definitely one of my favorites, next to TLO and apparently I might have to add Fred to the list of watched players.
Outstanding terran play last night.
On March 30 2010 02:45 Joey.rumz wrote:+ Show Spoiler +Wow, RumZ512 from the livestream here.
I passed out during the finals (It was like 2:30 AM,) I can't believe Team Quebec won.
Also, Fred(z?) vs IZ/Louder games were off the chain TvT, some of the best play by far.
Also CL did some serious work out there as well, it's too bad he couldn't stop the allkill from LZ,
he's definitely one of my favorites, next to TLO and apparently I might have to add Fred to the list of watched players.
Outstanding terran play last night. It was some great games! Team Quebec won with solid play really. I enjoyed the hell out of watching them!
I have not seen a lot of TvT myself before that (a couple games here or there) so those were some good games to see sort of early on. A lot of cool strategies were used TvT is too cool!
CauthonLuck did a great job, you just can't win them all. But I 'm glad to have him in our main event against Catz! It will be a great matchup!
Is there a link somewhere where I can grab the replay pack?
I have never seen a beta with such a plethora of accessible information, but I can't say I mind it either.
anyway we can get the tourney to end earlier by either having less games or start earlier? im sure some people like myself have work the next morning but love to watch these things live... i had to crash at 130..
^ haha for sure man, right? I had to get up at 6 and I was struggling to watch the games UP to the finals, let alone Fred vs LZ/Louder
I can post the replays I have from Honk For Hong Jin Ho vs Team Quebec if anyone wants them. It was pretty close.
Agreed. Perhaps a 7 or 8 EST start time? That was even some Europeans can watch the beginning rounds too. Going to 2 AM was a little rough for me.
There should definitely be a replay pack.