Work on econ while odin destroys the first base (send any units to take out the battle cruisers, since they will focus fire the Odin). Once odin gets into the first base, wall him in with supply depots or raxs. Intercept reinforcements that come fromm the 2nd base, and continue walling in that side (you can just place the raxes and not finish them, they will still be full-size).
Now that the odin is locked in the 1st base, throw a bunker at your front entrance, and reinforce it with a few tanks. Now you simply mass your unit of choice. Personally, I go heavy wraiths and pick off the Loki asap, as well as misc out-of-base defenses and units.
Somewhere in the mix, I'll go and wipe out the 2nd base and set it up as my own. Once you feel comfortable (do not forget upgrades), cancel a rax or 2 so the odin can escape, and the mission continues as normal.
Actually you just have to kill air units / tanks before odin attack bases nr.1 and nr.2 and after that repair him. He dont need any additional help than few wraiths.
For base nr.3 you should have like 6-7 tank and some bio and start sieging while keeping vision with you air units, While you setting siege lines kill raven/banshee and tanks deeper in base. When you will kill those units in front, Odin will clean whole base. When he will be half done take few scv to repair him, because reinforcments from 4th base will do quite a lot dmg.
Base nr.4 took few tries for me, you have to kill "super/mercenary tanks" in back and 1-2 in front. Then its almost as base nr.1 you engage with your tanks clean a front, wraiths destroy air units.
Base nr.5 is probbably easier than 2nd, you just send 1a and Odin will clean everything else :D
Personally I found this level to be one of the hardest ones to finish on brutal (maybe only the final Protoss & final Terran levels were harder). I recommend doing it as late as possible. And Wraiths are pretty neat for it.
I just went mass air and a repair crew, didn't seem to give me much problems.
Hi there, I was the one who bumped the thread recently.
Thank you to those who replied to my post. Thanks for your input and all, but as I said, at the time I was trying to do the mission I had no vikings, no banshees, no ghosts, no BCs, and nearly no upgrades to speak of. I didn't (and still don't) want to hold the Odin with depots or tanks or whatever, it's not Brutal if I'm doing it "easy mode", neither did I want to load the game a bunch of times, I'm not totally against loading, but I try to avoid it and, especially at the time I was trying it, every mission so far had been a cakewalk, that's why I bumped this thread.
So now I saved this mission for last, and I remember the first time I had played through the game I had left all of Matt's missions for the end, too... It's not that hard at all.
Having said that, I think it's time to let this thread die. Out of the last couple pages of posts there has not been much new information.
This was definitely the hardest mission in the game for me. It depends on your tech of course, but without siege tanks/ghost/vessel or w/e it is very hard, so it's better to just do the mission later on.
Keep building wraiths and scvs along with marine medic. The Odin and whatever mnm you have can handle the first base. Use the wraiths you have to go to the 2nd/3rd base and try to snipe off the siege tanks, but be careful of the ravens.
You must be careful not to let your wraiths die, and take the extra base asap. The computer will attack your main base from the north, at first. The last base to take out is the hardest, just be sure to save and reload a lot. Again though, it is much easier if you just save the mission for when you have siege tech or vessels
Hope this has been solved for anyone who needs it, but I'll chip in with my simple strategy. This is how I solved it using no research, no armory, no special units.
Don't lose too much stuff early when breaking in with Tychus. Save your medics.
Unit composition is wraith and SCV.
Send out marines to pick up gas while you wait for the wraiths to arrive. Build SCVs. Once your starport is acquired, constant wraith production.
Keep your wraiths active by sniping ravens, medevacs and tanks. Don't leave them cloaked for nothing.
Put SCVs on minerals until you can build a CC. Just put it right next to your main. When finished, constant SCV production from both. After CC starts, put a bunker at your right side choke. Also wall with your rax.
When tychus is hurting, pull a bunch of SCVs, 5-10. They'll die quickly, you may rally your CCs too.
Once on solid eco, get gas and buy wraith upgrades. Later get more ports.
If your wall breaks, get war pigs or marines and just rebuild it. Tanks are a waste of gas, also, I didn't have them yet.
Once mineral base is dead, float your second CC there.
There's a strong push of diamondbacks and vultures that will break your bunker. That stuff can't attack air, so just put wraiths on them. Doesn't matter if you lose SCVs or buildings, on 2 bases you rebuild quickly.
The third base I found most difficult as my SCVs kept melting. Still, with 2 bases you should produce enough.
Fourth base should go down quick to 12-20 wraiths. Go bully Loki if you kept enough wraiths alive, he dies quickly.
Last base is no problem with a ton of wraiths and 50 SCVs.
One tip i like to add which nobody seems to have mentioned: This place is floating with Tech reactors. You need to time it right but you can steal some of them Before tychus destroy them. I used alot of Spectres(those guys are awesome for this mission), and also got alot of tank support. But if you managed to steal a couple of them you can increase your production wastly without having to waste time or gas on extra buildings.
One word: Battlecruisers.