what expirience did you have before starting sl? im like 1-2 weeks more then you and while i as expected am higher on the presses and rows youre faaar beyond my dl/squat (which are my weakspots but still)
Not much experience actually. The only time in my life I've consistently lifted was about 2 and a half years ago and that lasted about 8 months. Idk I'm far from an expert, but I've always had a good posture and a (relatively) strong core so maybe that's helping my dl and squat somewhat. (Actually I think my squat is pretty weak). Also the first few times I squatted my groin and hips were really tight, but now they've loosened up a bit which has really helped my squat gains.
On May 05 2013 13:28 Sokrates wrote:Show nested quote +On May 04 2013 03:38 decafchicken wrote: squat - 135 225 315 365 405 425 445 455 465, 3x405 425 chin ups - 3x5 bench - 3x5 @ 185
saw someone actually squatting properly and doing starting strength at work! miracle. I ve got some questions for you: 1. No offense but that benchpress seems very weak (if it is in pounds) compared to your other results you have in lifting. Those weightliftingweights are really impressive. Or was it just a "light" session? 2. Everytime i see olypmpic lifters "bounce" a massive amount of weight on their wrists (like they are made out of jelly wtf) it makes me cringe (and angry). Isnt that a big strain on your knees/wirsts if you "bounce" thoses weights around or explosivly get them over your head?! Anyway really impressive.
1- bench weight was in kilos + Show Spoiler +jk lol, i hardly ever bench, if i do it's at the end of my workout for fun. Before i started oly lifting i was at around 5x5 @ 245 lbs for bench
2- are you referring to when we re-adjust our wrists between the clean and the jerk? the majority of the weight is supported by the shoulders/chest. and yeah oly lifting takes a toll on your joints but they get much more flexible and stronger. My joints are many times better off than they were before oly lifting and have probably saved me from a lot of rugby injuries.
I feel a bit sad, but I have to abandon the strength ship. I am just not cut out to be a strength athlete. a) I like running way too much and cannot limit myself to sprints b) I like to workout nearly everyday, and my recovery is just not good enough to lift weights 5 times a week. Plus, being in a gym everyday is not that much fun and c) I am way too afraid to get fat again, and since I feel I need to do a) and b) to prevent that (if only to keep my attitude positive to not give into those food cravings), plus now I have money and live in an awesome city where you can do nearly everything (hello Crossfit for only 99€ a month... fucking thieves), I'll have so many options. I am gonna try out climbing on wednesday and I really hope I'll like it. In the gym I will just go for massive Pull Up- and Dip strength and do Squats, Deadlifts and Presses more bodybuilding style: more reps, lighter weights and most importantly, less ambition. I'm just gonna try to look fucking awesome lol. I am at around 108kg now and I'm gonna try to go down to 95kg within half a year, then get my loose skin fixed and then I'll go from there. Wish me luck  I really wanted to Deadlift 250kg this year, but I guess it is not meant to be. Hopefully climbing is as fun as I imagine it to be, after all it is a monstrous whole body workout, especially if you have to support 100kg. I'll let you guys know
Squat - 220 Deadlift - 235 Bench - 127.5 Press - 90kg
"Not cut out to be a strength athlete"
Most recent stats:
178cm, 71-72kg squat 112,5kg deadlift 125kg bench 72,5kg press 42,5kg all for 5 reps
I changed the way I breathe on the press and that fucker felt so easy after stalling for weeeeeeks. I used to both inhale and exhale at the bottom (thanks rip), now I exhale at the top. The exercise doesn't feel nearly as exhausting as it used to, really makes a big difference imo. Now I just need to get it up to 50kg so it's in proportion with the other lifts lol.
Also a powerlifter at my gym (who supposedly deadlifted 360kg) told me I squat too often, "it's too strenuous, you'll end up demolishing yourself. if you didn't squat as often you'd be stronger by now." O-okay. Really makes me wonder what kind of shit he did when he was a beginner. I mean he does 2plate on the press for reps so he def knows a thing or two about lifting and I readily take his bench press advice, but he doesn't seem to like squats all that much anyway. I don't like it when people badmouth squats.
Was trying to find my squat 10RM today. really undershot it at first.
warm up then 10x345, 365, 385. body is fucking dead now. push press - 7x185, 170, 160
On May 07 2013 00:52 decafchicken wrote: Squat - 220 Deadlift - 235 Bench - 127.5 Press - 90kg
"Not cut out to be a strength athlete"
Mentally, not from my physical possibilities, those are fine  Though I wish I was 23 again, haha.
On May 06 2013 22:26 zar11 wrote:Show nested quote +what expirience did you have before starting sl? im like 1-2 weeks more then you and while i as expected am higher on the presses and rows youre faaar beyond my dl/squat (which are my weakspots but still)
Not much experience actually. The only time in my life I've consistently lifted was about 2 and a half years ago and that lasted about 8 months. Idk I'm far from an expert, but I've always had a good posture and a (relatively) strong core so maybe that's helping my dl and squat somewhat. (Actually I think my squat is pretty weak). Also the first few times I squatted my groin and hips were really tight, but now they've loosened up a bit which has really helped my squat gains.
Proportions do a lot, I have long arms, and I am short, so Deadlifts and Squats are easy, opposite for pressing movements.
db DL 1x5 130lb, 1x3 140lb - sorta lightly burned my left hand as i set the dbs on the floor... ouch... db bench 5x5 50lb, finally made it to 5x5 50lbs, gonna switch to dips now lat pulldowns 5x5 140lb, i dunno why, my lat pulldowns and pullups fluctuate... gotta keep working on this. maybe ill focus less on dips and more on these. pistols 3x3
Afternoon session: snatch doubles from hip/high hang - 70 70 80 80 90 95 100 105 110 112 114x Jerks from blocks - 70 100 120 130 140 145x
On May 07 2013 04:38 Malinor wrote:Show nested quote +On May 07 2013 00:52 decafchicken wrote: Squat - 220 Deadlift - 235 Bench - 127.5 Press - 90kg
"Not cut out to be a strength athlete"
lols. Mentally, not from my physical possibilities, those are fine  Though I wish I was 23 again, haha.
some pr's in events this past month.
700lb tire - 15 flips 580lb farms walk - 130 feet farmers deadlift from 19" - 840-1 atlas stone over 52" bar 295-2
pressing tomorrow hopefully log press 250 and axel 250
Another crossfit workout today.
Strength Front squat 4x5
Conditioning Run 1000 meters 100 double unders or 300 singles run 800 meters 80 double unders... etc time cap 25min
Did the front squats with 205lb and people were staring LOL. My cardio is the worst thing ever, it's just awful. I was winded after the warm up (400 meter run, 20 burpees, 20 air squats). Took me 11 minutes to finish the first 1000 meters lol. Finished the rope jumps then did 400 meters more. Back to lifting tomorrow!
11 minute 1000m LOL come on donkeys you're athletic enough to do better than that :p
new session just now:
Squat ~57kg (new longer bar) , mostly fine but didnt finish the last set cause inner tighs/hip area started to feel really weird .seriously when it comes to squats evry 2 weeks a different thing comes up.. but working on it all and other parts felt much better today. then again i loaded up slightly wrong on last warmup sets all in all i maybe did more then i shouldve anyways.
OHP ~45kg ohp is a bitch and im still trying to work on technique. no 100% success but i think it was okish.
DL 80kg after i got in the shitty situation over a week ago stuff seemed easy this time. did even extra reps cause i still felt fit and wanted to work on safely putting the bar down.(plus it just was fun ;P)
finished with some chinups just cause.
your ohp is really good for your DL and squat :o
ye i know my squat and dl are lacking way behind my other lifts(atm ~65 bp,55rows). several reasons for that. i think ill be able to increase dl for next weeks consistently. for squats its really a different story evry week but maybe once i gone through all of them it will finally only be (lack of) strength holding me back ;P
fuck me i'm sore and tired and goin to be more sore tomorrow
today snatch from hip - 5x90,86,82 snatch grip deadlift - 10x130,123,117
Can someone enlighten me on the concept of back off sets?
What do they do for me and when should I do them? I feel like I should start doing them for all the main lifts
google -> tnation ->
The concept here is simple: after a few heavy sets of a given exercise, drop down the weight and rep out. This is often called a ?back off set," but I personally prefer the term feeder set. ?Back off" has a somewhat negative connotation and really doesn't say much about the use of the set.
On the other hand, ?feeder set" is more appropriate as it explains why this form of training is useful: it'll increase blood flow to the muscle, thus bringing in more nutrients which will increase amino acid and glycogen uptake by the muscles. In short, you'll be able to adapt more rapidly to your heavy training!
What I like to do is drop the weight to 50 to 60% of what I used for my heaviest set and perform 10 to 12 more reps. If my heaviest set was 5 reps with 350 pounds, my feeder set would be approximately 15 to 17 reps with 175 to 210 pounds.
Feeder sets are unnecessary if your heaviest set was for more than 8 to 12 reps, as doing that many reps will significantly increase blood flow on its own and the feeder set becomes redundant. Also, feeder sets don't have to be performed after every single exercise. I only suggest using one feeder set per muscle group on the last exercise used for that muscle group. However, some people respond better to feeder sets after each exercise. It's up to you to find out what works best in your case.
press 3x10 135 lbs squats 5x10 335 (legs = demolished) bench 10x 135, 155, 175 rows 3x10 135
followed up with about a kilo of rice/beans/beef/lettuce/salsa/guac