On November 22 2013 06:36 CaM27 wrote: Hi here's my following problem, i went from this + Show Spoiler +
to this in 3 months http://imageshack.com/i/07xqiwj. My weight didn't change but for some reason my face got kinda fatter (fuck my life right?)
I used to do a lot of these 90 days programs with great results. I had a break, picked up CC (convict conditioning) for 3 weeks and since 2 weeks i went doing a more general BW training that i enjoy a lot, http://antranik.org/bodyweight-training/.
My wish is to get back to more or less the same results as pic1, thing is i don't want to do anything of these intensive cardio and i'm kinda worried to loose the muscles that i've been build up since i picked up CC and this BW exercises. Any recommendations?
Thanks for reading this and your eventual advices!
You aren't lifting heavy enough and your diet probably sucks.
On November 22 2013 06:15 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote:
On November 21 2013 08:22 SoleSteeler wrote: So I got some straps finally.... was a bit tired of not being able to get past 125 kg deadlifts. The problem was I usually get my body really tight standing up, then bend down and pick up the bar within a short moment. Now I tighten up, bend down, spend 25 seconds wrapping my hands correctly, lose my tension... Ugh. >_<
I also finally watched that "so you think you can squat" video series. Good stuff. You can go deeper than they go in those examples, right? -_-;
In my opinion, get chalk instead of straps so your forearms get a better workout in. Especially at 125kg deadlifts. It'll be easier to keep tension as well, as chalked hands are easier to set-up than straps. If your gym complains about the mess, get liquid chalk or don't be a dumbass with your normal chalk. If they still complain, find a better gym.
Also heavy (3-5 reps) dumbbell rows did wonders for my grip strength, as well as double overhand high volume deadlifts (touch and go).
If you can't hold 125 kg for a few deadlifts you need to build up your grip strength. I second the notion of using chalk. Chalk is a must for a serious lifter looking to get stronger. You can always go mixed grip after that. After about 405 lbs I prefer to use straps. I also use straps if I'm going like 8-10 reps on RDLs or something, because fuck it, my forearms are huge anyway.
On November 21 2013 22:02 Raidern wrote: Thanks for the replies. Can you link me to something about Iron (why should I avoid it)? It's not the first time I hear that.
Unless you are bleeding a lot (i.e. a woman) or are vegetarian (but why are you vegetarian to begin with?) then you are probably getting enough iron in your diet. Iron in food is typically bound to proteins and such, and is oxidative. It's an additional oxidative stress agent in a diet that is probably already full of foods that are inflammatory (i.e. western diet). It's possible that if you are a highly trained athlete, you are low on iron because you are significantly taxing your metabolic systems and going through hemoglobin, etc. More than likely, however, you are a normal dude who lifts occasionally and eats enough red meat to replenish your iron through diet.
On November 22 2013 08:50 Osmoses wrote: I think recommended daily dosage is 2000 IU, I do 5k because I live in Sweden and it's fucking dark. I think you would have to be really trying in order to hurt yourself with vitamins though :p
I'm no expert of course, I just took the advice of people who knew better than me.
edit: The leangains guide on supplements was really helpful when I read it a couple years back.
2k-10k IU for vitamin D is pretty standard for people who know what they are doing, are white, and live somewhere that has winter. It's very hard to overdose on Vitamin D, but the benefits continue to go up with increased dosage for quite a while (i.e. at least somewhere around 10k).
On November 22 2013 06:36 CaM27 wrote: Hi here's my following problem, i went from this + Show Spoiler +
to this in 3 months http://imageshack.com/i/07xqiwj. My weight didn't change but for some reason my face got kinda fatter (fuck my life right?)
I used to do a lot of these 90 days programs with great results. I had a break, picked up CC (convict conditioning) for 3 weeks and since 2 weeks i went doing a more general BW training that i enjoy a lot, http://antranik.org/bodyweight-training/.
My wish is to get back to more or less the same results as pic1, thing is i don't want to do anything of these intensive cardio and i'm kinda worried to loose the muscles that i've been build up since i picked up CC and this BW exercises. Any recommendations?
Thanks for reading this and your eventual advices!
In a similar vein as Igne's answer, just eat at a caloric deficit while lifting weights or following a bodyweight workout routine if that's what you'd prefer. There's a bunch of info on the site in regards to which routines you can follow but I'd suggest Starting Strength or a simple 2 push 2 pull bodyweight progression (I like Planche + Handstand for push, Front + Back Lever for pull).
I guess I can just take some chalk from my school and crush it up and carry it around in a little plastic bag.
Fuckin shitty session this morning... I did 5x5 at 70 kg bench press on Monday (I was injured for three weeks and worked my back up), I was excited to do 75 kg this morning. I've never been able to get passed it at 5x5, but since 70kg seemed so easy on Monday this time around, I had high hopes. But shitty, stressful week, plus couldn't sleep. One set of 3, one of 2, and three at 1 Oh well. Only one day.
fuck what a worthless day. squatted up to 475 then barely failed 500 so i go to crush some bench at 245, hit my first set of 5 without too much problem then my next set the first 3 go up pretty easy and then at the sticking point of the the 4th i feel a tearing sensation at the top of my left pec/front of shoulder. Pretty sure i have a bit of a strain now, nothing too bad but was pretty tender and sore when i tried some super light pec flies. ughhh.
Awesome week(end), last hard training session before the meet on saturday.
Yesterday I tried the squat suit and its too fucking tight that I can't hit depth yet, despite trying for like an hour, I did stretch it quite a bit though; I could not even put it on before so gotta keep at that. Given I'm a criple and can't squat deep because of my quad injury I'll just have to torture myself into that device on mond/tuesday so I can squat somewhat decent at the meet.
My bench is at its peak again: Yesterday: (2 sec pause) 125kgx2x2, 135kgx2x2, 145kgx1 Today: 122.5x3, 130x3, 137.5x3 (PR), 145kgx1
155 is there for sure and 160 might be.
On deadlift, 250kgx1 (5kg below PR), 210kgx3x7 (PR)
The 250 pull was fairly "easy", I have no doubt I can pull 270, specially with good oly bars which are thinner (so easier to grip) and which bend more. I noticed I was pulling too upright last time, so let my hips up a bit more and everything felt tons better.
Never felt this strong, gonna win next fucking saturday and pull 600 fucking pounds.
On November 23 2013 20:47 Osmoses wrote: You must be swift as a coursing river, with all the strength of a great typhoon.
There was definately a coursing river. Managed to keep some toast down this morning (two whole days gg), so should be able to lift again tomorrow for sure.
Started adding a bit of upper body accessory work in the last 3-4 weeks (i have time to kill after my squats at my office fitness center). Already been complimented by random girls and my gf. Fuck olympic lifting, bodybuilding has way more instant gratification and doesnt require destroying my body to add one kg to my total!
nah too addicted to throwing heavy shit in the air.
Fucking chinese. Making ~3x bw squats look like nothing.
On November 25 2013 23:48 decafchicken wrote: Started adding a bit of upper body accessory work in the last 3-4 weeks (i have time to kill after my squats at my office fitness center). Already been complimented by random girls and my gf. Fuck olympic lifting, bodybuilding has way more instant gratification and doesnt require destroying my body to add one kg to my total!
nah too addicted to throwing heavy shit in the air.
Fucking chinese. Making ~3x bw squats look like nothing.
Or you could be Klokov, do both, throw in some powerlifting for giggles and some crossfit to make money off of.
I feel so much better physically since I switched to BBing. I kinda miss setting PR's on deadlifts though, pulling 200kg at like 82kg bodyweight was pretty sick.
On November 25 2013 23:48 decafchicken wrote: Started adding a bit of upper body accessory work in the last 3-4 weeks (i have time to kill after my squats at my office fitness center). Already been complimented by random girls and my gf. Fuck olympic lifting, bodybuilding has way more instant gratification and doesnt require destroying my body to add one kg to my total!
nah too addicted to throwing heavy shit in the air.
Fucking chinese. Making ~3x bw squats look like nothing.
Or you could be Klokov, do both, throw in some powerlifting for giggles and some crossfit to make money off of.
On November 26 2013 06:07 NeedsmoreCELLTECH wrote: I feel so much better physically since I switched to BBing. I kinda miss setting PR's on deadlifts though, pulling 200kg at like 82kg bodyweight was pretty sick.
It's only a matter of time before you get injured if you do serious powerlifting. I would say that's true for olympic lifting as well but I don't have as much experience with it. It's the cost of being awesome. But tear a hip labrum repping out 700 lb rack pulls and you will realize that you have probably been doing some dumb shit in the gym, like I have.
That said, time spent on the barbell is necessary to get big. It's just that as I get older I'd rather look and feel great outside of the gym than have my joints hurt all the time and be so heavy my arms fall asleep while in bed, just to lift ridiculous weights inside the gym.