On July 10 2012 03:32 Mementoss wrote: I have horrible stretch marks up my hamstrings and inner thighs and on my ass from gaining muscles from squats. How can I get rid of these or at least make them not as bad. They are like a purpleish colour.
These are marks of a true warrior.
You shall not be ashamed of your war marks. They're like fucking thropies of life.
I think you just apply the same cream given to pregnant women.
On July 10 2012 03:32 Mementoss wrote: I have horrible stretch marks up my hamstrings and inner thighs and on my ass from gaining muscles from squats. How can I get rid of these or at least make them not as bad. They are like a purpleish colour.
Haha i got them on my inner thighs as well, they're ugly purple/dark reddish. They're your battle wounds man! Wear them with pride
Today I did that squat nemesis workout some guys here have been doing. Front squat singles: 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 93 95 98 100 103 105 108 110kg (miss) triples: 75 80 85 90 95kg (grinding) 2 sets of five with 75kg
Down to 83.3 BW after morning piss and dump haha. Intermittent fasting rocks.
One tip:
In the singles I usually make 10kg jumps, intead of 5kg. In the triples, I do the 5kg jumps.
Just a "note" of some sort, however, you can do it like this too.
Oh shit those purplish things are STRETCH marks?! Hahaha, I had no idea!
Edit: My most recent status update includes #notpreggers and #wtfhasliftingdonetome hahahaha oh man that's hilarious to me. I thought they were like death marks or something.
On July 08 2012 10:05 phyre112 wrote: Idk what is wrong with my hip. Its been a whole week and its getting worse. Couldnt get a 225 deadlift off the ground.
Few guesses where the problem is... gonna do some foam rolling tonight!
If it's your SI joint, I just had that happen to me. I stopped deadlifting and power cleans for a few weeks and didn't get better, had to go to chiropractor. Two sessions and 100% now.
And nice work dimsum and decaf! It's always awesome watching people compete
what does/did the chiropractor do?
Probably easiest if you wikipedia chiropractic treatment for the general idea. Specifically in my case I injured my SI joint (probably a slip during a heavy deadlift/squat) which is likely because it first manifested deadlifting trying to get 315x5 I think. Anyways, the joint gets hurt, seizes up in response, gets inflamed, gets more painful since I was still playing sports, seizing up more, getting inflamed, etc.
Chiropractor goes oh your joint is all seized up. Does some adjustments, moving my legs around, all to restore mobility to the joint. First visit pain was a little better (it was at the point where sitting at work was uncomfortable) second visit felt better and a few days following I felt 100% back to normal. This was after over a month of it flaring up :\
My bruised rib is gone now so I'm hoping to work my squat back up! But slept through my alarm for this morning -.- getting 190lb bench 3x5 tomorrow no doubt!
On July 10 2012 03:32 Mementoss wrote: I have horrible stretch marks up my hamstrings and inner thighs and on my ass from gaining muscles from squats. How can I get rid of these or at least make them not as bad. They are like a purpleish colour.
Haha i got them on my inner thighs as well, they're ugly purple/dark reddish. They're your battle wounds man! Wear them with pride
Today I did that squat nemesis workout some guys here have been doing. Front squat singles: 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 93 95 98 100 103 105 108 110kg (miss) triples: 75 80 85 90 95kg (grinding) 2 sets of five with 75kg
Down to 83.3 BW after morning piss and dump haha. Intermittent fasting rocks.
One tip:
In the singles I usually make 10kg jumps, intead of 5kg. In the triples, I do the 5kg jumps.
Just a "note" of some sort, however, you can do it like this too.
Yeah I think I did too many singles, it has been a long time since I front squatted and I wanted to get the feel. Next time I'll definitely make bigger jumps.
anyone seems to have bad days sometimes? it seems every 5 sessions or so i have a terrible day and i just can't lift shit. i pulled 270lb alright the a while ago and i barely pulled 260 with more back rounding than i am proud of the next time. it might have been because i went in the morning, hmm. my lifts have been stalling recently but i'm doing a pretty decent deload on everything and hopefully i can bust my plateau. i've been stalling hard for like a 3 weeks now so once i get dat progress it's gonna feel fuckin great.
on the topic of stretch marks, i have stretch marks in the weirdest places. the entire area of my left lat muscle, my knees, both sides of my ass, and down my thighs. thank god for clothes
On July 10 2012 07:19 AndyJay wrote: Yeah it's pretty random, I got a few when I hit puberty I think, because I can't remember not having them. They're on my biceps and thighs,
yeah puberty got me good.
anthony davis, the first pick of the 2012 nba draf,t went from 6'2(i believe) to 6'11 from in 2 years. think about that... stretch marks would have been crazy
raped squat 75kg 9-9-9 shitty bench still, failing 75kg so done 5 sets to make up for it. been 3 weeks now and still feel annoyingly far away from the 80kg i had achieved. took me 35 days to go from solid 75 to solid 80 last time, fuck doing that again!
I have stretch marks on my pec/armpit border, luckily they can't be seen unless I show them.
Smolov day 4:
Squat: 132.5kgx9x4
Had a huge sharp shooting pain on my right lower back, it was fucking hell. Couldn't find a position it didn't hurt for like 15 mins till I layed down on the bench facing down, another 30 min. Stretched afterwards and during shower pain completely dissapeared, not even a tight muscle. I think I will have to start wearing a belt, at least on monday/wednesday.
I've got creatine, vit D and fish oil. I don't think I can do any better for my recovery other than juicing.
On July 10 2012 07:19 AndyJay wrote: Yeah it's pretty random, I got a few when I hit puberty I think, because I can't remember not having them. They're on my biceps and thighs,
yeah puberty got me good.
anthony davis, the first pick of the 2012 nba draf,t went from 6'2(i believe) to 6'11 from in 2 years. think about that... stretch marks would have been crazy
I went from 5'1 (155 cm) to 6'2 (188 cm) In a year and a half. I left school in 7th grade for the summer (13 years old) as the shortest kid in my class, and by the middle of 9th grade (15 years old - december birthday) I was the tallest. Between my different endocrine disorders, I had a problem with my growth hormone, the last blood test I remember when I was 17 it was around 4x what was expected for me at that age. When I was younger it was even higher (relatively). I spent a lot of that time on heavy painkillers, because my bones grew so quickly that they hurt very badly, and were extremely weak. As a consequence I don't really remember any of it.
I have no stretch marks that I'm aware of though. Too bad I wasn't lifting while I was basically on steroids?
On July 10 2012 07:19 AndyJay wrote: Yeah it's pretty random, I got a few when I hit puberty I think, because I can't remember not having them. They're on my biceps and thighs,
yeah puberty got me good.
anthony davis, the first pick of the 2012 nba draf,t went from 6'2(i believe) to 6'11 from in 2 years. think about that... stretch marks would have been crazy
I went from 5'1 (155 cm) to 6'2 (188 cm) In a year and a half. I left school in 7th grade for the summer (13 years old) as the shortest kid in my class, and by the middle of 9th grade (15 years old - december birthday) I was the tallest. Between my different endocrine disorders, I had a problem with my growth hormone, the last blood test I remember when I was 17 it was around 4x what was expected for me at that age. When I was younger it was even higher (relatively). I spent a lot of that time on heavy painkillers, because my bones grew so quickly that they hurt very badly, and were extremely weak. As a consequence I don't really remember any of it.
I have no stretch marks that I'm aware of though. Too bad I wasn't lifting while I was basically on ten different kinds of steroids?
500 pound deadlift in a year? that would've been fun.
On July 10 2012 07:19 AndyJay wrote: Yeah it's pretty random, I got a few when I hit puberty I think, because I can't remember not having them. They're on my biceps and thighs,
yeah puberty got me good.
anthony davis, the first pick of the 2012 nba draf,t went from 6'2(i believe) to 6'11 from in 2 years. think about that... stretch marks would have been crazy
I went from 5'1 (155 cm) to 6'2 (188 cm) In a year and a half. I left school in 7th grade for the summer (13 years old) as the shortest kid in my class, and by the middle of 9th grade (15 years old - december birthday) I was the tallest. Between my different endocrine disorders, I had a problem with my growth hormone, the last blood test I remember when I was 17 it was around 4x what was expected for me at that age. When I was younger it was even higher (relatively). I spent a lot of that time on heavy painkillers, because my bones grew so quickly that they hurt very badly, and were extremely weak. As a consequence I don't really remember any of it.
I have no stretch marks that I'm aware of though. Too bad I wasn't lifting while I was basically on ten different kinds of steroids?
500 pound deadlift in a year? that would've been fun.
Tell you what, if/when I have kids they're going to "lift" with dad from the time they're able to stand on their own two feet.
One of my cousins is a HUGE crossfit enthusiast, she and her husband have a fully equipped home gym where seven or eight people go to lift (in their garage). She posts pictures to facebook sometimes when her son tries to join in with mom or dad. My favorites are of him trying to do a chinup on his dad's set of rings, or doing an overhead squat with a plastic toy (golfclub, or something?). And yes, he's more flexible than I am.
When I looked in the mirror for the first time at age 17 or so (why would a boy ever look into a mirror) I was already fat and covered in stretch-marks. Nothing I could have done about it, and they get slightly better over time. Doesn't feel good to have them, but it is what it is. Not a huge deal, especially if you have nonly a few, use them as battle marks and all of a sudden you are badass.
I just went outside and jumped rope for 20 minutes. Because fuck if I'm going to "start in the morning" - I know damn well I'm not going to wake up before I have to in the morning. I'm going to start NOW. And tomorrow I'm going to conitnue it, because I refuse to not be awesome.
Supposed to bench this afternoon. Severly hyperextended left hand for a layout defense in ultimate at game point last night. Not sure if worth it XD I swear once it gets cold here I'll actually make some solid progress.
On July 10 2012 09:10 GoTuNk! wrote: I think I will have to start wearing a belt, at least on monday/wednesday..
Man, I go belt on any weight above 75% max, I really advise that too (from personal experience, think I got it from a book or a youtube vid of the reputable kind)
On July 10 2012 14:32 phyre112 wrote: It's 1:30 am.
I just went outside and jumped rope for 20 minutes. Because fuck if I'm going to "start in the morning" - I know damn well I'm not going to wake up before I have to in the morning. I'm going to start NOW. And tomorrow I'm going to conitnue it, because I refuse to not be awesome.
Damn dude, so epic, I wish I could do that here on holiday but it's too damn hot and I have no equipment here . I took a rock out of the rocks on the beach to do overhead press, squats and lat pulls but it was just too damn hot.