On May 23 2012 01:10 rEiGN~ wrote: looks like high bar squat to me, there isn't supposed to be any hip drive.
Hmm I just can't seem to get it lower than this without it being extremely uncomfortable. Edit: Actually just tried with a broom, looks like I can get it low bar when I take a wide grip with about 90' angle at my elbow Edit2: Wow I tried a couple squats with the broom low bar and my feet wider apart and there is so much more tension on my quadriceps, my body almost wants to bounce back up when i get slightly below parallel.
On May 22 2012 22:39 Liquid`Meat wrote: I made a video of my squats and would like some comments on my form. Don't bother saying I should squat deeper though, as I'm working on flexibility to go deeper but for now I'm happy that I can walk (pain free) the day after squats.
New PR of 97.5kg Next time 100kg!
Hard to tell so I might be wrong but it looks like your knees and toes aren't lined up. You can take a wider stance and push your knees out wider or point your toes more forward. Your bar also travels a bit forward at the bottom every time which will throw off your balance and make you not lift as much. The bar should be going straight down and then straight up.
Also, you should start off by standing tall. Gets pretty tiring to hold that position so no need to tire yourself out before you start. Looking good
@Meat - Pop out your feet a bit, widen your grip (and work on your shoulder/wrist flexibility - shoulder dislocates and stretching your front squat rack position on a weighted bar should help) and get looooower. Use dem muscles, you look very awkward doing your squats. Stand tall, control your descent (until parallel or lower!!) and then drive back up. Tight core. And yeah your toes look really pointed outwards.
Todays workout: FS up to 345 then 5x2 @ 295 Hang clean up to 265 Cleans up to 315 (havent missed a single clean in the last 8 days) Power snatch up to 225 and rugby wheeee
Last meeting with PT today. He told me the guy that holds the record in deadlifts at the gym (240kg) earned it after 55 days of german volume training. His prior record had been 200kg, and he hadn't even included any deadlifting in his GVT, just squats. He insisted I try it because other routines (for example 5-3-1) requires a good foundation, and I have not that. Basically the 55 days of GVT ought to improve my form enough to go on to "better" routines.
I'm convinced. Gonna fucking go for it. I'll keep you posted.
Fucking hate front squats though. Shit burnnnnnssss.
went to the gym 1 time in 32 days , then went finally today
my back is still fucked from 4-5 weeks ago. it aches if i bend at work, when im in bed, when i sit at the computer holding the guitar (bending very slightly forward), pretty much 85%+ of the time when im not popping antiinflamitories. obviously some "micro fracture" bullshit going on there. im currently on 2 weeks off of work coz i called in sick due to depression and pain and stress and shit. i can wait another 1-2 weeks before the faggot doctor will refer me for further investigation.
anyway just popping in to say hi coz i went to the gym today (lifts are all fucked but i dont care)
Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
On May 23 2012 19:49 Ludrik wrote: Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
Takes balls to tell someone lifting 3x your bodyweight how to lift.
On May 23 2012 19:49 Ludrik wrote: Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
Takes balls to tell someone lifting 3x your bodyweight how to lift.
Balls of ste...
Wait, the guy is a trainer, they generally don't know much . (specially the ones in my gym putting 45kg girls to do curls.)
On May 23 2012 19:49 Ludrik wrote: Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
I really can see how someone who puts chalk on a barbell would mind if it's still there when he comes back. I mean, he might get, like, chalk, on his hands. I mean ohhhhmygawwwwd, how will you text your BFF's in between sets when that happens?
Done with smolov. First phase took me from 125kg to 143kg max. Second phase went up to 153kg. I don't know if i was tired today from giving PT to little neurological kid patients all morning or if I just didn't work hard enough on my cycle. I want to test my max again, I'm not happy with 153kg.
Also I asked the guy from lift-run-bang how bad my knee cave was and this is what he told me:
"It's not awful but your glutes are def weak. Your elbow angle and upperback probably need to be fixed. You're squeezed too tightly together back there, and not in a good way. I also love the camera angle, where I get to look straight up your asshole."
So it turns out powerlifting competition isn't July 2, its June 2. That means I'm hitting the gas on the bench press again.
Tbh I don't think my dealift will increase as much as I wanted (220-230 prolly), but my main goal is to re squat 202.5kg or more to set a national record and to bench 130kg (another national record lol). Maybe that will be enough to win, depends how much the other 2 good guys progressed.
Also fuck university, makes my super awesome life less awesome
Edit: Bucket list for the holidays (1.5 months more -.-): Join shooting club, learn to fire guns for fun. Do paragliding Open bank account for my company so I can get mine back Lift heavy weights. Get good at poker again, develop the habit to play at least 10 hours/week to make some money again. Feel free to suggest more ideas :p
On May 23 2012 19:49 Ludrik wrote: Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
Takes balls to tell someone lifting 3x your bodyweight how to lift.
Balls of ste...
Wait, the guy is a trainer, they generally don't know much . (specially the ones in my gym putting 45kg girls to do curls.)
Well to be fair it was one of the actual decent trainers at my gym. He did say to deadlift guy that he "understands that you need chalk when your working with that kind of weight". At the end of the day though his boss pays him to enforce gyms no chalk policy.
Still it doesn't really make much sense to me. Why have an olympic platform and bumper plates but not let people use chalk.
On May 23 2012 19:49 Ludrik wrote: Some random guy who I've never seen before in my gym today was deadlifting 265kg. The ground was shaking hard. Funny thing is one of the trainers told hom not to use chalk the next time he lifts because the cleaners won't clean it. Wonder if I'll see him back again.
I really can see how someone who puts chalk on a barbell would mind if it's still there when he comes back. I mean, he might get, like, chalk, on his hands. I mean ohhhhmygawwwwd, how will you text your BFF's in between sets when that happens?
On May 24 2012 17:16 rEiGN~ wrote: did 3x3x122.5kg yesterday, missed last 2 reps from each set.
never had such a massive knee cave-in before as in the last rep, really need to fix something...
edit: perhaps I need to include an accessory lift if knee cave-in is a symptom of some weakness
I remember reading somewhere that knee cave-in was due to weak hams/glutes or adductor inflexibility. I have really really bad problems with cave-ins too, so I have been doing a lot of RDL lately. Can't feel a difference but I'm on a cut and need to deload my squat really badly.
On May 24 2012 15:56 FFGenerations wrote: you still benching?
Me? Naw stopped a few weeks ago. Just did it for like a month to get some shape in my chest. I think I'm going to start doing dips though, always so tired by the end of my workout though
150kg x 3 x 5 Squat (PR, year goal, and awesome as fuck status achieved) 75kg x 5 x 3 Power clean (BW PC!) 65kg x 3 x 5 Press C&J Doubles up to 65kg (6x2)