Just leaned back to do a set of incline db bench...
As im pushing the dumbbells up and getting my shoulders in place, my vision goes black, my arms and legs tingle then go numb. I lost all feeling for maybe 30 seconds, holding the db in lockout position. When i come around i suddenpy felt more awake than i have in... probably years, and set do six reps for three sets with a PR weight that i was only supposed to do for 1 triple.
Someone explain?
On May 25 2012 09:55 phyre112 wrote: Just leaned back to do a set of incline db bench...
As im pushing the dumbbells up and getting my shoulders in place, my vision goes black, my arms and legs tingle then go numb. I lost all feeling for maybe 30 seconds, holding the db in lockout position. When i come around i suddenpy felt more awake than i have in... probably years, and set do six reps for three sets with a PR weight that i was only supposed to do for 1 triple.
Someone explain?
Welcome to weightlifting nirvana. + Show Spoiler + Probably can't tell with the shitty quality but i sat at the bottom, thought about why i lift, starting smiling like a giddy retard, then set a PR, and have the same giddy smile as i completely relax with a new PR over my head. Every lift i do now attempts to achieve that combination of blissful peace and raw explosion of power that leave you feeling like you're a god.
Oh, so that's what it's called...
I felt like that yesterday, when I was doing my last rep of my set of 3 x 5 of 150kg squat. Never thought about breaking my year goal and setting my highest PR in May, let alone being in the best physical shape I've ever been in my entire life, and just being happy for who I am and what I want. It happened so fast, I sat with the weight on my back, and thought I was gonna faint, I closed my eyes, and became numb, nothing made any sound, not even my blasting mp3 player, and I felt it. It was awesome, it was this sense of clear head, I knew exactly what I had to do. get up.
Got up, and racked the bar. I found 10+ people looking at me like "this guy is a fucking god".
Fuck si.
plus: gonna go drinking tonight
No, I've definitely had that feeling before. On those 8 or 10 rep sets of smolov, with a weight that you could only do for a double or triple three weeks ago. The sets where you need to have someone else count reps for you, because all that's going on in your mind is "knees out, back straight, down, up, repeat" and you don't even feel the weight on your back. I've felt that way when I ran Cross Country in high school, where you know you're just hitting it today, and you're GOING to drop a minute on your time, and it's easy to beat that one guy that always comes up behind you at the end of the race and steals your finish.
This was different, it was more like I fainted as I laid back on the bench, then when I came around I just felt alive.
Last time I remember feeling this way was more Rugby team initiations, "surge of adrenaline with six cups of coffee and a little cocaine" energy, not a clear headed feeling.
I'm currently on my fourth day of a semi-bulk oriented Leangains. It's not easy to limit fat intake so much on lifting days (20-40g is recommended, which means protein sources are basically limited to chicken and seafood), but I'm liking the non-lifting days' nutrition. It's pretty much what I was doing up until this week with high protein moderate fat low carb, and I have a huge collection of recipes that fits here perfectly.
4,000 calories of protein and carbs isn't really easy though. My carb numbers are generally hit with nearly a kilogram of sweet potatoes, a cup and a half of dry rice (idk how much ends up being after getting cooked but it's roughly 1200 calories), and a box of frosted flakes. I may start incorporating some other foods eventually but I'm not exactly sure about my options for low fat protein sources... Any ideas? Right now I'm eating a ton of white fish and chicken breast.
Good job brah. I'm lagging a bit behind but I'll catch up again soon .
On May 25 2012 11:39 phyre112 wrote: No, I've definitely had that feeling before. On those 8 or 10 rep sets of smolov, with a weight that you could only do for a double or triple three weeks ago. The sets where you need to have someone else count reps for you, because all that's going on in your mind is "knees out, back straight, down, up, repeat" and you don't even feel the weight on your back. I've felt that way when I ran Cross Country in high school, where you know you're just hitting it today, and you're GOING to drop a minute on your time, and it's easy to beat that one guy that always comes up behind you at the end of the race and steals your finish.
This was different, it was more like I fainted as I laid back on the bench, then when I came around I just felt alive.
Last time I remember feeling this way was more Rugby team initiations, "surge of adrenaline with six cups of coffee and a little cocaine" energy, not a clear headed feeling. Well, there are people who just can't cope with leaning a certain way, they pass out. I had a fainting spell / seizure once and one of the things they did at the hospital was strap me to a bed which then rotated into different inclines. Maybe the setting on the incline press bench just happened to be wrong for you that day. As for the "awake" thing, it is known to happen right after near-asphyxiation, when you start breathing again. Maybe you had a blood clot? oO
On May 25 2012 16:36 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote:I'm currently on my fourth day of a semi-bulk oriented Leangains. It's not easy to limit fat intake so much on lifting days (20-40g is recommended, which means protein sources are basically limited to chicken and seafood), but I'm liking the non-lifting days' nutrition. It's pretty much what I was doing up until this week with high protein moderate fat low carb, and I have a huge collection of recipes that fits here perfectly. 4,000 calories of protein and carbs isn't really easy though. My carb numbers are generally hit with nearly a kilogram of sweet potatoes, a cup and a half of dry rice (idk how much ends up being after getting cooked but it's roughly 1200 calories), and a box of frosted flakes. I may start incorporating some other foods eventually but I'm not exactly sure about my options for low fat protein sources... Any ideas?  Right now I'm eating a ton of white fish and chicken breast. @Funkie 150KG SQUAT?! WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN? Good job brah. I'm lagging a bit behind but I'll catch up again soon  . If you have simple and delicious rest day meals for LG, please share. Right now I got
1. Sirloin steak + broccoli (getting old) 2. Minute steak + onions and cheese (delicious) 3, Ground beef + peas and onions + cottage cheese (delicious)
Come to think of it, TLHF is the only thread I frequent in these parts. I don't suppose there's a LG thread hidden somewhere?
On May 25 2012 17:00 Osmoses wrote: Come to think of it, TLHF is the only thread I frequent in these parts. I don't suppose there's a LG thread hidden somewhere?
haven't seen a thread but the leangains subreddit is sometimes pretty useful, http://www.reddit.com/r/leangains
That used to happen to me when I was younger; I had very low blood pressure (still do) so I would pass out (and occasionally twitch and shake) if I stood up too fast. I had a tilt table test as well, but nothing came of it. This must have been different though because 1) I was all tensed up, so it couldn't have been low pressure 2) I was going from sitting to laying down 3) I didn't lose consciousness, just sight and control and feeling in my arms and legs.
As far as a leangains thread... no, but there should be. Most questions just get asked and answered in this thread or the general questions thread, so no one has bothered with a specific Leangains thread.
Even if the thread was just about IF in general, it would be pretty useful. There's quite a few diets out there that would fit. Maybe I'll look into doing one when I get my laptop (and all my bookmarks) back next week.
Paleo meatloaf:
Paleo chili: + Show Spoiler + Two lbs ground beef A big bell pepper Six garlic cloves 2 tablespoons of olive oil 1 1/2 Fresh Ground Peppers 3 Tablespoons of cumin A tablespoon and a half of chili powder or other desired sauce One large can of tomatoes, about 30 ounces
Wash and deseed the peppers, then dice them. Mince garlic. In a large deep-shouldered skillet or pot, heat olive oil, adding in fresh peppers. Add your bell pepper and sauté the mixture for 6-9 minutes. Turn heat completely off and stir in your minced garlic. Before adding your meat, grill it until it is medium rare. Then place it in your garlic, oil, and pepper mixture. Break up the meat into small pieces using a spatula. Brown the meat thoroughly. Add the tomatoes and mash them up, continue to mix well. Cover your paleo chili with water and add your sauce. Now reduce heat to low and let it simmer for 2 hours.
Both of these are very low carb high protein moderate fat. A bigass omelet or huge sashimi salad are also staples on my rest day menu.
Lame workout because my SI joint / hips are really bothering me. Like pain after 135 deadlift warm up >.<
However! Decided it was a great time to try some baller pull ups: 45lb weighted 3x4 :D
On May 25 2012 20:28 mordek wrote: Lame workout because my SI joint / hips are really bothering me. Like pain after 135 deadlift warm up >.<
However! Decided it was a great time to try some baller pull ups: 45lb weighted 3x4 :D My si never really bothered me during workouts. Have you tried popping it back into place? (Lie on your back and put something like a foam roll long ways between your knees and try to squeeze them together till you hear/feel a pop)
On May 25 2012 16:36 RosaParksStoleMySeat wrote:@Funkie 150KG SQUAT?! WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN? Good job brah. I'm lagging a bit behind but I'll catch up again soon  .
Been progressing like a mad person for a couple of weeks (maybe a month).
Took my squat, and upped by 30kg.
I still remember when 120kg, felt heay. Fuck taht shit, 150 is teh way to go.
Btw, you guys need to stop posting recepies, I'm done with you guys making me all hungry and stuff.
not nice, not nice at all.
So, after 2 long months of being off of weighted squats, I can finally work them back into my routine, since I've been off so long, what's a good way to work them back in? I was thinking I'd start like I'm beginning SS all over again and start with the empty bar and add weight till the reps slow down, then call that my first work set. Thoughts?
Canada6683 Posts
On May 26 2012 04:37 GuiltyJerk wrote: So, after 2 long months of being off of weighted squats, I can finally work them back into my routine, since I've been off so long, what's a good way to work them back in? I was thinking I'd start like I'm beginning SS all over again and start with the empty bar and add weight till the reps slow down, then call that my first work set. Thoughts? Why were you off squats? I think the answer really depends on that. If injury, then start more conservative. If not, then I'd say SS approach would be decent.
On May 25 2012 23:16 decafchicken wrote:Show nested quote +On May 25 2012 20:28 mordek wrote: Lame workout because my SI joint / hips are really bothering me. Like pain after 135 deadlift warm up >.<
However! Decided it was a great time to try some baller pull ups: 45lb weighted 3x4 :D My si never really bothered me during workouts. Have you tried popping it back into place? (Lie on your back and put something like a foam roll long ways between your knees and try to squeeze them together till you hear/feel a pop) I will give that a try. It seems to match the symptoms and area so that's what I'm thinking but I'm not sure. Going to the chiro tomorrow as well.
Today was my last hard training session.
Squat: 125kgx3x2, 145kfx3x3, 155kgx2x3 BP: 105kgx2x2, 115x2x2, 125x1 Squat: 135kgx3x5.
It kinda sucks that I misscalculated an entire month and had to not do the full sheyko because of not checking the calendar carefully. Still, If I can squat anything about 195 for the competition I'll set a fucking national record. Still, I think its a sick routine as my back muscles got a lot thicker, even even if I don't get to use them completely. I'm gonna have to cut 2.5kg-3kg, so I'll try to write it down so it can help u guys when I see you at the olympics (yes, i'm talking about you dimsum)
Plans after competition is to fiix my litle hump, burn some fat and build my neglected muscles. Focus on OHP, Incline BP, Good mornings, BB rows, Power Cleans; will still do the 3 powerlifts 1-2 times a week for manteinance. 1 month. Then I will do base cycle of smolov again. 1 month. Then take a break, 1-3 weeks and this time run the full sheyko for the october-november competition. By then, I want to be 77kg 10% body fat, and total fucking 600kg without gear.
I did it. I worked out 5 days a row and stayed sober!
Front Squat 225 255 275 295 315 335 355x and 5x2 @ 305 CJ 135 185 225 245 265 275 285
So tired by the end of it. My body is super ready for a rest day. Maybe some golf and beers tomorrow.
Things I have in my shopping cart for the moment i get paid: Straps Callus stone Fish Oil The stick (muscle rolling stick thing)
Am i forgetting anything?
Vit D, better than steroids. and cheap