On April 08 2012 03:14 FiWiFaKi wrote: Imo 220kg (485LB!) DL is way more impressive than 90kg press, still, all your lifts are really good.
Looks like you're going for pure powerlifting, good luck on your goals (:
err I disagree. I pulled 210 but I can't press more than 60 lol.
Your lower body is silly strong though lol.
I press 70lb dumbbells for 6-7 reps and 75lb for 3-4 and 155lb press (70kg) and my DL is 355lb (161kg) and compared to people at my gym I'd consider my dead-lift pretty damn good (then I come here and I feel like I started working out last week -.-) but my press nothing special whatsoever. Depends how you train I suppose.
Been watching a lot of old WSM finals on youtube lately, always liked watching strongman stuff. Some of the guys there are ridiculously strong. I think it's especially funny they all struggle so hard at like 180-190kg log press using a ton of leg drive, then out comes Savickas and presses 210kg with no leg drive, lol.
Been watching a lot of old WSM finals on youtube lately, always liked watching strongman stuff. Some of the guys there are ridiculously strong. I think it's especially funny they all struggle so hard at like 180-190kg log press using a ton of leg drive, then out comes Savickas and presses 210kg with no leg drive, lol.
Yes Savickas is guaranteed one of the strongest man right now. Heres a link there he goes for a WR(world record) with "hummer tire deadlift" That's impressive! And yea, hes presses are just sick :D
it is utterly jaw dropping for me to comprehend the numbers you guys talk about... I have been going to the gym for 6 weeks now and can barely do 3x3 70kg pulls
Been watching a lot of old WSM finals on youtube lately, always liked watching strongman stuff. Some of the guys there are ridiculously strong. I think it's especially funny they all struggle so hard at like 180-190kg log press using a ton of leg drive, then out comes Savickas and presses 210kg with no leg drive, lol.
Yes Savickas is guaranteed one of the strongest man right now. Heres a link there he goes for a WR(world record) with "hummer tire deadlift" That's impressive! And yea, hes presses are just sick :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hp6O1n6YeY
nordics are imba. That guy is bigger than my fridge.
it is utterly jaw dropping for me to comprehend the numbers you guys talk about... I have been going to the gym for 6 weeks now and can barely do 3x3 70kg pulls
Just stay at the gym for a half year man Be at the gym and do not go away from the gym then you will see BIG differences I were at 80kg in deadlift, after 6-7months in the gym I was at 200kg. (NO ROIDS/JUICE) And I dont use straps, belt only
On April 08 2012 04:07 Sneakyz wrote: Been watching a lot of old WSM finals on youtube lately, always liked watching strongman stuff. Some of the guys there are ridiculously strong. I think it's especially funny they all struggle so hard at like 180-190kg log press using a ton of leg drive, then out comes Savickas and presses 210kg with no leg drive, lol.
It's so entertaining, damn. I love watching big men lift things up and put them down.
I did have a perfect workout for my back today aka deadlift. Were warming up with 1x5 120kg, later on I did add on 1x5 170kg, 180kg, 190kg and 1x3 on 200kg.
On April 09 2012 07:26 extr3me wrote: I did have a perfect workout for my back today aka deadlift. Were warming up with 1x5 120kg, later on I did add on 1x5 170kg, 180kg, 190kg and 1x3 on 200kg.
yesterday: 5 hr sleep T__T squat 80kg 3x5 press 45kg 6-6-3 stretch 20-30 mins or whatever back died after 3 hrs at work, could barely support my own body -.-
ive been at the gym since last August. Where in those..8 months ish I've mainly focused on putting on muscle. Consistent protein shakes, eating quite a handful of carbs and protein/fats. And I have gained about 10 pounds. I lost some fast in process and gained quite some muscle.
I never used a BMI to find out body percentage that was fat but I may have been hovering around 12%? Where I am about 5'9 and now 150ibs.
But here comes the problem
I want to start cutting up a bit. I started a week ago and am going to try to continue with the schedule. I will do massive amounts of reps with less weight and cardio more, like bike to and from the gym and work and run and such. so a typical day will look like this -bike 5 miles, lift 3/4 sets of 20 run a mile, bike home/to work/bike home. its about 10 miles of biking. Thats workout. Then meal is where im not completly sure of.
I was thinking of donig an extreme lack of eating for like a week perhaps. Eat 2 meals breakfast/lunch. And then drink a protein shake + 3 meal replacements. Nothing else. Then after that week or so. eat 4 smaller meals and drink about 2 shakes.
Im still not sure about the dieting part since Im slowly getting cut but i still have work to do.
My goal is to be decently cut by June at the latest. Any tips?
theoretically if you eat 500kcal less per day over those 12 weeks (or burn 500kcal more per day), you will lose ~5.5kg . so you dont have to go totally hardcore about it.. that alone would put you at 62kg :/
BF estimate? Getting to 10% by mid june, hopefully I can do it.
On Friday head to reddit.com/r/fitness and they have a thingy called "Body Fat Friday" where you can post those and get peoples' estimates, I don't think people on TL that kinda thing very often.
Todays lifts were benchpress, I dont like benchpress at all but lets type in the results! 1x10 50kg, 1x5 70kg, 1x13 80kg, 1x5 90kg, 1x6 100kg and 1x2 105kg. My PR(Personal Record) are 115kg benchpress.