On July 23 2012 09:34 AoN.DimSum wrote: From what I read, it is usually because the women lack upper body strength and will use technique instead of strength.
That might explain my jerk...my upper body so weak ~~
210/245 this morning. Definitely favoring the snatch these days, I have a lot more skill and speed than strength. I'm coming for your PRs Dimsum (At 30kg more bodyweight!)
Def agree that upper body strength is basically un-necessary for the jerk, however I still think having a moderately strong ohp/bench will help with maintaining strong rotator cuff/tendon strength/joint stability/injury prevention. Doing either bench or ohp depending on whether you're external or internal rotation biased prob won't interfere too badly with your oly lifting training.
Nice lifts drowsy :D Skill and speed are the hard parts, just squat everyday if you need strength and your lifts will jump :D
Anyone have easy solutions for platforms being worn down from use? Been missing a few jerks from my feet slipping when i plant. I've heard something about pouring coke on the platforms?
On July 26 2012 11:18 decafchicken wrote: Nice lifts drowsy :D Skill and speed are the hard parts, just squat everyday if you need strength and your lifts will jump :D
Anyone have easy solutions for platforms being worn down from use? Been missing a few jerks from my feet slipping when i plant. I've heard something about pouring coke on the platforms?
I've read mixing sawdust with wood finish (urethane?)
On July 27 2012 22:41 AoN.DimSum wrote: :O race to 130kg CJ drowsy?
I would normally be right up for it, esp against a guy with 30kg less bw on me, but I don't know what my training situation will be like in 2 weeks. I'm very likely moving to Charlotte, NC to do graduate studies in which case I will amost surely not have access to oly lifting equipment, or I'll be accepting a job in an area where I will very likely have access to transportation and bumper plates. I looked at Charlotte on google maps, and while there are a lot of oly gyms/crossfits, none of them are anywhere near the university and I won't have a car either and its highly unlikely there's going to be anything walking distance that has bumpers. I'm also in the interview process for a job that's relatively local, and if I get it I'll still be able to train at the same place I've been for a while.
It's been a great 8 months working at a gym and doing the 2 lifts 5 days a week consistently with bumper plates. I've kinda taken it for granted though.
@dimsum, decaf or anyone. I just started to do the sample programming from Lift Big Eat Big. Up until a couple of weeks ago all my "jerks" were basically press outs and now I think I'm finally kind of getting it (still haven't tried to jerk my previous max press out). Here's what I did today: + Show Spoiler +
Clean & Jerk: 3x3 @ 70% 3x3 @ 75%
Snatch balance: 4x3 @70% (of snatch 1RM)
Front squat: 4x5 @ 75%
Clean pulls: 5x5 @ 115%
50 situps
Also a video, I was wondering if you could give me some pointers on my jerk and other movements as I had never done some of these exercises before (snatch balance, clean pull). Thanks guys.
lol your jerk looks better than some of the ones i've seen in my gym from athletes who have coaches teaching them. From this angle, it's a bit hard to see everything but one thing that I've noticed right away is that you don't really step forward or backward in your split jerk. Don't be afraid to split further by both stepping forward with your front foot and stepping back with your back foot. Your back foot is fully planted on the ground and uhh we don't like that. Make sure the heel of the back foot is raised up so you're almost on the ball of the back foot. For example: + Show Spoiler +
. Another thing that I can't really tell from that angle is if your feet are positioned right. Make sure both feet point inwards rather than outwards. Lastly, when you split, don't bring the feet closer together. Coach Glenn Pendlay's described that in one of his instructional videos as "tight roping" and if you try it yourself, you'll notice it's a lot harder to balance than it is if your feet are further apart. Goodluck and keep practicing =]
Here's a good video on how to position your feet in the jerk.
For the snatch balance, your positioning looks very good. Only problem I see is that you are "jumping" to drive the bar up. Dip and drive like the jerk but just slide your feet out to the side.
Watch his feet. He drives the bar upwards and then slides his feet out.
For the clean pull, always look forward. First pull looks ok, but you are rushing the second pull. Pull the bar up your thigh, but drive(pop) your hips when the bar gets to your upper thigh/hip.
Watch where he drives his hips. ( 0:12) Just wait over the bar a little bit longer than pull.
Clean looks easy, should be catching lower though. Do some straight legged jerks behind the neck with real light weights and your feet will go wider where they should be and the bar will be back behind you where it should be.
Also there's a really nice crossfit in Charlotte where you can do some oly lifting but Idk with your transportation. Also, the bar scene is pretty solid! (spent like four weekends in a row there)
Thanks a lot for the advice guys - it really does help a lot. I do feel like I'm not splitting a lot. Idk why, if you look at my feet I'm constantly readjusting them, those shoes are unstable as fuck haha I'm getting lifting shoes soon. I'll keep working hard. BW snatch gogogogo