As always thanks for all your help and insight. I've been really busy but I'm working on getting a bodyweight/rehab program ironed out. I'm hoping this will give me time to rehab and stay away from the temptation that is squatting and deadlifting.
1 Google a pic and mark where it hurts. He did tell me its the opposite arm indicated but location is correct.
2. What exercises hurt? Which shoulder articulations hurt? Make sure you check both with passive motion and resistive/active motion. Throwing baseball after a long time, throwing football after a long time, chin ups after many
3. What type of pain is it? Burning? Ache? Tingling? Sharp? Sharp and ache.
4. What would you rate the pain at on a 0/10 scale? 0 being no pain, 10 being go to the emergency room. 5 or 6 I usually hold my arm with my other arm in a sling position to reduce the pain
5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? I have been having this pain for over 2 years. Always very noticeable after a lot of throwing.
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? Yes, I’ve played till the games over. I’ve not played because of it for 2 years. But the pain is not constant it will be that day and maybe carry over one day
7. How deep is the pain? Is it more superficial tissues? Or does it seem to be more inside or around the joint? Describe it. Its muscle level maybe. Does not seem to be joint pain. Seems kind of like a tendon maybe
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Ice occasionally but usually nothing and it eventually goes away
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Directly after the activity and its hurting bad if I do arm swing that lessens the pain for maybe a minute. Also if I straighten my arm out the feel feels better. Continuing to throw definitely increases the pain or doing more chin-ups. Goes away after about a day of no throwing/chin ups. Yes it does increase when throwing or doing chin-ups.
10. Check the tissue quality of the surrounding muscles. Which ones are tight? Which ones are tender? Is there any swelling? Seems normal not really a tissue expert but feels the same as the other arm
11. How does it feel after exercise (if any)? How does it feel at the beginning of the day? How about the end of the day? When I do my stronglift 5x5 (Squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift, barbell rows) it feels fine. It is sore the day after if I aggravated it by throwing. However, if it was just a normal day then it is fine. Fine unless it was in pain earlier that day
12. Any previous injury history? Not in the arm (I filled one of these out in the past for his shoulder for the same arm I think... was the anterior side iirc)
13. How's your posture? Its not the greatest. I slouch a lot but go to the chiropractor monthly
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Barbell rows, bench, overhead press, squat, deadlift. Not sure which apply but those are my lifts. I play pick up football, baseball, and racquetball. Also play soccer but the arm is fine in that
15. Any other information I should be aware of or that comes to mind that may help?
On October 25 2012 04:10 mordek wrote: As always thanks for all your help and insight. I've been really busy but I'm working on getting a bodyweight/rehab program ironed out. I'm hoping this will give me time to rehab and stay away from the temptation that is squatting and deadlifting.
1 Google a pic and mark where it hurts. He did tell me its the opposite arm indicated but location is correct.
2. What exercises hurt? Which shoulder articulations hurt? Make sure you check both with passive motion and resistive/active motion. Throwing baseball after a long time, throwing football after a long time, chin ups after many
3. What type of pain is it? Burning? Ache? Tingling? Sharp? Sharp and ache.
4. What would you rate the pain at on a 0/10 scale? 0 being no pain, 10 being go to the emergency room. 5 or 6 I usually hold my arm with my other arm in a sling position to reduce the pain
5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? I have been having this pain for over 2 years. Always very noticeable after a lot of throwing.
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? Yes, I’ve played till the games over. I’ve not played because of it for 2 years. But the pain is not constant it will be that day and maybe carry over one day
7. How deep is the pain? Is it more superficial tissues? Or does it seem to be more inside or around the joint? Describe it. Its muscle level maybe. Does not seem to be joint pain. Seems kind of like a tendon maybe
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Ice occasionally but usually nothing and it eventually goes away
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Directly after the activity and its hurting bad if I do arm swing that lessens the pain for maybe a minute. Also if I straighten my arm out the feel feels better. Continuing to throw definitely increases the pain or doing more chin-ups. Goes away after about a day of no throwing/chin ups. Yes it does increase when throwing or doing chin-ups.
10. Check the tissue quality of the surrounding muscles. Which ones are tight? Which ones are tender? Is there any swelling? Seems normal not really a tissue expert but feels the same as the other arm
11. How does it feel after exercise (if any)? How does it feel at the beginning of the day? How about the end of the day? When I do my stronglift 5x5 (Squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift, barbell rows) it feels fine. It is sore the day after if I aggravated it by throwing. However, if it was just a normal day then it is fine. Fine unless it was in pain earlier that day
12. Any previous injury history? Not in the arm (I filled one of these out in the past for his shoulder for the same arm I think... was the anterior side iirc)
13. How's your posture? Its not the greatest. I slouch a lot but go to the chiropractor monthly
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Barbell rows, bench, overhead press, squat, deadlift. Not sure which apply but those are my lifts. I play pick up football, baseball, and racquetball. Also play soccer but the arm is fine in that
15. Any other information I should be aware of or that comes to mind that may help?
From the area itself I'd wager medial epicondylitis. Does it hurt on or around the inside area of your elbow, specifically on the bone that can be felt there? Any numbness or tingling?
If possible you should have your brother or friend try this on you: I'd be curious to see if that would re-create your symptoms at all. If it what I think it is then usually you rest for 4-6 weeks and rest, ice, compress, and brace, like a tennis elbow splint, but hey, work with what you got. With icing in that area be careful not to ice over your ulnar nerve. You'd feel it if you did though, but it's something to watch out for.
After about 4 days I want you to start some gentle stretching. You can do these stretches 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days a week. Move your arm into supination (palm facing up to the sky) and place your palm against a wall or flat surface (your fingers will be pointing down to the ground and your elbow straight). Hold for 15-20 seconds. If it's painful, stop and back off to where it's not painful and work in that range of motion. Now you can get rid of the wall and just use your other hand. You can do the opposite as well by pressing the back of your hand and holding it down for another 15-20 seconds.
After another week (so... 11-12 days out since you stopped the activities that aggravated the area), start incorporating some exercises into your routine (remember to warm up first! Ride a stationary bike for 10-20 minutes or go for a run). We don't want to go all out right away, as that can re-aggravate the injury, cause more inflammation, and set us back. Now, what you can do is have your elbow bent 90°, turn your palm upward and hold for 5 seconds. Slowly turn your palm downward and hold for 5 seconds. Do 3 sets of 10, three times a week, so Mon/Wed/Fri for instance. After a week of that, and you tolerated it well start incorporating a light weight. If you're feeling adventurous, get a hammer at home, and grip it pretty close to the top. Rest your elbow and forearm on your leg and brace it with your unaffected arm (you'll be sitting, and you want to make sure your elbow and forearm aren't coming up off your leg), with a quarter of your arm out over your knee. As this gets easier, move your grip from the upper part of the hammer to the lower part of the hammer.
Find a ball that you can grip comfortably, or a bag of uncooked rice, and squeeze it 2 sets until fatigue.
Also, while keeping your arm on a flat surface with your wrist off the table, perform 3 sets of wrist curls and wrist extension exercises with a small weight or light resistance band until fatigue. Again, back off if it's hurting and it's okay to miss a day if you go too fast too soon.
Towards the start of the 3rd week, you should begin the hammer/weight and focusing more on the eccentrics of your wrist curls/extensions. So for example, you're doing your wrist curls, and you're starting to get tired. You can help assist your hand while on the way up, then remove your assisting hand and let your hand with the weight/resistance lower. This is the eccentric component of the exercise.
All these exercise activities perform 3 times a week.
At ~week 5 start light throwing if you're getting into baseball/football soon. Start with low volume low intensity, then increase the volume while gradually increasing the intensity and distance. Remember to WARM UP beforehand. I think you said you played racquetball as well, just remember to. again, warm up beforehand. I don't know much about racquet sports so I don't know if what you use, equipment-wise is inappropriate for you.
Throwing can aggravate the common flexor tendon which would be golfers elbow or medial epicondylitis
However, it can also junk up your ulnar collateral ligament much like pitchers who tear that up and eventually get tommy john surgery.
If rest and mobility work cures it after a week or two then it's likely that it's more along the lines of UCL though it could be tendonitis that clears up.
HOwever, if it doesn't then it's likely a chronic case of tendinosis in which case you should read this:
With UCL injuries they'll usually notice it during their throwing motion... immediately, as well as report diminishing velocity, usually their mechanics will change slightly because of the pain. He never mentioned a "popping" sound or inflammation , and he hasn't mentioned any loss of ROM, in fact he said when he straightened out his elbow it felt better. That probably isn't going to happen with an UCL sprain.
It's not going to be tendinitis without inflammation, some sort of stiffness or redness. Usually it'll feel worse in the mornings and better during the day, and of course aggravated with throwing motions, which he does have the last one, but being the fact that he's dealt with this for over two years, chances are if it was some sort of tendinopathy it'd probably be tendinosis.
He could have tendinosis of his flexor tendon, definitely need to rule that out, it's a lot harder on line than in person where you can do inspection, palpation, special tests. Mordek get your brother into the orthopedist, specifically one that deals with overhand athletes or sport's medicine if it doesn't get better. I wanna know what he has.
Interesting thing to note is he also experiences a reproduction of symptoms while doing chin ups. People with medial epicondylitis have reported pain with shaking hands, carrying heavy things (i.e. suitcase), so the fact that he's having pain and discomfort with that, I'm thinking it could be that.
He's also going to need to look at his mechanics, in baseball and football, and see if anything there is contributing to what's going on right now, so he's not in the same pain 5 months down the line.
I think I pulled some tendon on my upper back. Some uncomfortability and possible lack of strength when doing some hanging exercises, specifically front lever. Pain occurs when I let go of the bar. Sharp pain not very strong, dissipates in 2-3 seconds. Only on one side of my back (right side, it's basically right under the sharpest point of the bottom of the right shoulder blade at least when I reach with my left hand from behind in case that alters the placement of my right shoulder-blade any.)
Any ideas on severity/rehab? Should I get a scan of some sort? i'm planning on getting my knees scanned soon anyways so may as well bundle it all in (had some similar pull related injuries to upper-back before.)
On October 29 2012 04:08 Kiarip wrote: I think I pulled some tendon on my upper back. Some uncomfortability and possible lack of strength when doing some hanging exercises, specifically front lever. Pain occurs when I let go of the bar. Sharp pain not very strong, dissipates in 2-3 seconds. Only on one side of my back (right side, it's basically right under the sharpest point of the bottom of the right shoulder blade at least when I reach with my left hand from behind in case that alters the placement of my right shoulder-blade any.)
Any ideas on severity/rehab? Should I get a scan of some sort? i'm planning on getting my knees scanned soon anyways so may as well bundle it all in (had some similar pull related injuries to upper-back before.)
On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports.
Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue
Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs
Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks
Ummmm that seems really shady...
If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize
He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him.
I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words
It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles
If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good
But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions....
Ah, this was very helpful. I am going to get on these asap as it sounds like what I need. Thanks again for all your help!
Also, from what you've said the SIJ usually slips from an imbalance right? Is there a way to identify which side is giving out or is it best to work on it bilaterally and no worry about it. I noticed this past time my left SIJ was what hurt and my right lower back muscles were tight but I'm not sure if that says anything really.
Ok, I've been working on this for some time. Pain comes and goes. However, I don't know why this took so long but got the idea to test my hamstrings strength relative to one another with single leg curls. I am able to do 70+ lb with my right for multiple reps without issue. My left hamstring struggles to get 5 reps of 55lb. I tore my left acl and I've known forever that my left hamstring was not the same since. I feel dumb just thinking of this. For example I have no problem bringing my right heel up to my hand without bending over but this is difficult with my left (I bend over normally). It's also not necessarily just strength as with my right I feel like I can will myself through a heavier weight but my left its more like I can't force it to work really hard. And I watched my squat at low weights and I think I'm shifting the weight to my right. This is an enormous rant, sigh. Hopefully those details are helpful. What can I do to correct this?
Edit: More details XD. When kneeling I am able to lift my right foot off the floor and hold with some effort. I am unable to get my left off the ground.
that would've been good to know in the first place, lol.
This details a lot fo the things you want to focus on with that type of dysfunction:
Long 5 part series, correct type stuff is on page 4.
I've been working on the glute activation and other exercises listed. Pain has been getting less frequent. I'm still trying to pinpoint the issue. I felt my hamstrings as I flexed my knee and the left and right do not feel the same. I asked my wife to look at my hamstrings under some tension. According to her, my left bicep femoris is non-existent, the other two hamstrings are very defined. I feel like they're doing all the work and my hamstring rehab my not be effective or targetting the right part?
Was getting help from a trainer for a spot/ I knew him from gym before he became trainer and I knew he was really strong powerlifter. So I asked him for help on my bench setup and to spot my max. I made the lift, but it felt like I majorly tweaked my lower back. I could barely take the weights off the bar. So I just pretended nothing was wrong and proceeded to the stretching area and did like 30 minutes of yoga and foam rolling. It feels better to wallk and I can bend over and its just a slight sensation. Is this serious? I dont remember the lift cause I was in the moment sort of thing, but what would have caused this?
Edit Back is fine today, hope that doesn't happen again
you fucked up your stability by not tensing your entire body, especially your legs/feet on the ground to give stability losing stability will make you twist slightly one side, which can fuck your back you wouldnt notice that you forgot to tense your legs/feet stability if you did forget it
On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports.
Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue
Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs
Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks
Ummmm that seems really shady...
If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize
He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him.
I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words
It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles
If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good
But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions....
Ah, this was very helpful. I am going to get on these asap as it sounds like what I need. Thanks again for all your help!
Also, from what you've said the SIJ usually slips from an imbalance right? Is there a way to identify which side is giving out or is it best to work on it bilaterally and no worry about it. I noticed this past time my left SIJ was what hurt and my right lower back muscles were tight but I'm not sure if that says anything really.
Ok, I've been working on this for some time. Pain comes and goes. However, I don't know why this took so long but got the idea to test my hamstrings strength relative to one another with single leg curls. I am able to do 70+ lb with my right for multiple reps without issue. My left hamstring struggles to get 5 reps of 55lb. I tore my left acl and I've known forever that my left hamstring was not the same since. I feel dumb just thinking of this. For example I have no problem bringing my right heel up to my hand without bending over but this is difficult with my left (I bend over normally). It's also not necessarily just strength as with my right I feel like I can will myself through a heavier weight but my left its more like I can't force it to work really hard. And I watched my squat at low weights and I think I'm shifting the weight to my right. This is an enormous rant, sigh. Hopefully those details are helpful. What can I do to correct this?
Edit: More details XD. When kneeling I am able to lift my right foot off the floor and hold with some effort. I am unable to get my left off the ground.
that would've been good to know in the first place, lol.
This details a lot fo the things you want to focus on with that type of dysfunction:
Long 5 part series, correct type stuff is on page 4.
I've been working on the glute activation and other exercises listed. Pain has been getting less frequent. I'm still trying to pinpoint the issue. I felt my hamstrings as I flexed my knee and the left and right do not feel the same. I asked my wife to look at my hamstrings under some tension. According to her, my left bicep femoris is non-existent, the other two hamstrings are very defined. I feel like they're doing all the work and my hamstring rehab my not be effective or targetting the right part?
Work on isolating the biceps femoris by rotating your leg so it shortens the biceps, and use your fingers to push into it to make sure you're activating
I would likely guess something along the lines of FFGen said... likely a form issue near the end of the lift when you thought you had it and released tension. Otherwise, something funky might be going on. Glad you're well though
Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue
Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs
Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks
Ummmm that seems really shady...
If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize
He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him.
I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words
It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles
If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good
But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions....
Ah, this was very helpful. I am going to get on these asap as it sounds like what I need. Thanks again for all your help!
Also, from what you've said the SIJ usually slips from an imbalance right? Is there a way to identify which side is giving out or is it best to work on it bilaterally and no worry about it. I noticed this past time my left SIJ was what hurt and my right lower back muscles were tight but I'm not sure if that says anything really.
Ok, I've been working on this for some time. Pain comes and goes. However, I don't know why this took so long but got the idea to test my hamstrings strength relative to one another with single leg curls. I am able to do 70+ lb with my right for multiple reps without issue. My left hamstring struggles to get 5 reps of 55lb. I tore my left acl and I've known forever that my left hamstring was not the same since. I feel dumb just thinking of this. For example I have no problem bringing my right heel up to my hand without bending over but this is difficult with my left (I bend over normally). It's also not necessarily just strength as with my right I feel like I can will myself through a heavier weight but my left its more like I can't force it to work really hard. And I watched my squat at low weights and I think I'm shifting the weight to my right. This is an enormous rant, sigh. Hopefully those details are helpful. What can I do to correct this?
Edit: More details XD. When kneeling I am able to lift my right foot off the floor and hold with some effort. I am unable to get my left off the ground.
that would've been good to know in the first place, lol.
This details a lot fo the things you want to focus on with that type of dysfunction:
Long 5 part series, correct type stuff is on page 4.
I've been working on the glute activation and other exercises listed. Pain has been getting less frequent. I'm still trying to pinpoint the issue. I felt my hamstrings as I flexed my knee and the left and right do not feel the same. I asked my wife to look at my hamstrings under some tension. According to her, my left bicep femoris is non-existent, the other two hamstrings are very defined. I feel like they're doing all the work and my hamstring rehab my not be effective or targetting the right part?
Work on isolating the biceps femoris by rotating your leg so it shortens the biceps, and use your fingers to push into it to make sure you're activating
So lying leg curls with my leg externally rotated, is that a correct option? Are there others to target that muscle?
On July 26 2012 23:50 mordek wrote: [quote] Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks
Ummmm that seems really shady...
If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize
He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him.
I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words
It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles
If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good
But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions....
Ah, this was very helpful. I am going to get on these asap as it sounds like what I need. Thanks again for all your help!
Also, from what you've said the SIJ usually slips from an imbalance right? Is there a way to identify which side is giving out or is it best to work on it bilaterally and no worry about it. I noticed this past time my left SIJ was what hurt and my right lower back muscles were tight but I'm not sure if that says anything really.
Ok, I've been working on this for some time. Pain comes and goes. However, I don't know why this took so long but got the idea to test my hamstrings strength relative to one another with single leg curls. I am able to do 70+ lb with my right for multiple reps without issue. My left hamstring struggles to get 5 reps of 55lb. I tore my left acl and I've known forever that my left hamstring was not the same since. I feel dumb just thinking of this. For example I have no problem bringing my right heel up to my hand without bending over but this is difficult with my left (I bend over normally). It's also not necessarily just strength as with my right I feel like I can will myself through a heavier weight but my left its more like I can't force it to work really hard. And I watched my squat at low weights and I think I'm shifting the weight to my right. This is an enormous rant, sigh. Hopefully those details are helpful. What can I do to correct this?
Edit: More details XD. When kneeling I am able to lift my right foot off the floor and hold with some effort. I am unable to get my left off the ground.
that would've been good to know in the first place, lol.
This details a lot fo the things you want to focus on with that type of dysfunction:
Long 5 part series, correct type stuff is on page 4.
I've been working on the glute activation and other exercises listed. Pain has been getting less frequent. I'm still trying to pinpoint the issue. I felt my hamstrings as I flexed my knee and the left and right do not feel the same. I asked my wife to look at my hamstrings under some tension. According to her, my left bicep femoris is non-existent, the other two hamstrings are very defined. I feel like they're doing all the work and my hamstring rehab my not be effective or targetting the right part?
Work on isolating the biceps femoris by rotating your leg so it shortens the biceps, and use your fingers to push into it to make sure you're activating
So lying leg curls with my leg externally rotated, is that a correct option? Are there others to target that muscle?
Rotated your tibia laterally too.
Other options.. hmmm.. not really that many that are effective come to mind
I was doing pushups today at the gym, was supersetting them with my chest flyes. In my last set I was doing 10 pushpus, was on the 9th and was really struggling. I pushed it out, but as soon as I locked out my elbows I felt a fucking SHARP pain in the back of my head. Like, where your skull meets your neck. It was the most intense pain I've ever felt honestly, I fell onto my stomach and then got onto my knees and held it, the sharp pain began to subside but I got a fucking migraine level headache. I was only halfway through my workout but it was so fucking bad I just stopped, I didnt want to make it worse. When I went out to my car, I was breathing quickly and the pain was slowly subsiding, but I still got a headache right now. Not nearly as bad as it was, but it's still noticeable.
I downed some aleve tablets and I'm feeling better now, but fuck that freaked the shit out of me. Anyone know what happened potentially? I don't remember well, but I think I was holding my breath when I pushed out that last one so maybe that was the cause.
On November 18 2012 03:28 Fruscainte wrote: I was doing pushups today at the gym, was supersetting them with my chest flyes. In my last set I was doing 10 pushpus, was on the 9th and was really struggling. I pushed it out, but as soon as I locked out my elbows I felt a fucking SHARP pain in the back of my head. Like, where your skull meets your neck. It was the most intense pain I've ever felt honestly, I fell onto my stomach and then got onto my knees and held it, the sharp pain began to subside but I got a fucking migraine level headache. I was only halfway through my workout but it was so fucking bad I just stopped, I didnt want to make it worse. When I went out to my car, I was breathing quickly and the pain was slowly subsiding, but I still got a headache right now. Not nearly as bad as it was, but it's still noticeable.
I downed some aleve tablets and I'm feeling better now, but fuck that freaked the shit out of me. Anyone know what happened potentially? I don't remember well, but I think I was holding my breath when I pushed out that last one so maybe that was the cause.
On November 18 2012 03:28 Fruscainte wrote: I was doing pushups today at the gym, was supersetting them with my chest flyes. In my last set I was doing 10 pushpus, was on the 9th and was really struggling. I pushed it out, but as soon as I locked out my elbows I felt a fucking SHARP pain in the back of my head. Like, where your skull meets your neck. It was the most intense pain I've ever felt honestly, I fell onto my stomach and then got onto my knees and held it, the sharp pain began to subside but I got a fucking migraine level headache. I was only halfway through my workout but it was so fucking bad I just stopped, I didnt want to make it worse. When I went out to my car, I was breathing quickly and the pain was slowly subsiding, but I still got a headache right now. Not nearly as bad as it was, but it's still noticeable.
I downed some aleve tablets and I'm feeling better now, but fuck that freaked the shit out of me. Anyone know what happened potentially? I don't remember well, but I think I was holding my breath when I pushed out that last one so maybe that was the cause.
Anybody got any experience rehabbing a pulled lower lumber? Managed to pull mine during a max BP attempt on Thursday, and it's still feeling uncomfortable and stiff today.