On July 22 2012 13:40 infinity21 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 12:44 eshlow wrote:On July 21 2012 11:42 infinity21 wrote: So I think my lower back might be permanently fucked... no matter what I do or how long I rest I can't get my lower back to a 100% pain-free mobility. Went to see a physio but she just told me to do core work. Who do I need to see in order to get this fixed? Pure 100% rest is actually not good for recovering from an injury. In general, you should always be doing some sort of either range of motion or mobility type exercises even in the acute phases as long as it doesn't make your condition worse (and in most cases, mobility type work will help make it better anyway).... Tell me what mobility exercises in the spinal section here tend to help and what tend ot aggravate it, also can you re-direct me to the form you filled out from the OP the first time or fill out a new one if things have changed http://www.eatmoveimprove.com/2010/02/so-you-hurt-your-lower-back/ This was my original post: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=268891¤tpage=12#232McKenzie exercises: feels pretty good. Generally lying down on the ground is relaxing Cat-Camels: doesn't seen to do anything Bird-Dogs: not sure if these help but my physio told me to do it and it doesn't hurt Glute bridges: feels alright side bridges: feels ok. Not that different from doing side planks I think Reverse hyperextensions: no room/equipment to do these A lot of these are the same but I'll answer any questions that have changed answers from my previous post. + Show Spoiler + 5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? Chronic (6 months ago).
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? I've been front squatting and hang cleaning for a couple of months. The pain only seems to occur if my form breaks down but feels good otherwise.
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Core work. Planks, side planks, bird-dogs.
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Not sure what's helping but my recovery this time around is remarkably faster. Obviously any excessive rounding of the lower back still hurts but I'd say I'm almost back to where I was pre-re-injury yesterday.
13. How's your posture? Improved a lot compared to 6 months ago where I had trouble keeping my back consistently straight while sitting.
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Front squats and hang cleans. Back felt a bit tender after I played ping pong for the first time in a while but it doesn't hurt anymore to play games.
Thanks eshlow <3
Hmmm, if McKenzies help then you might actually benefit from the progression of McKenzie exercises such as through this:
McKenzie's are great as localizing and rehabbing certain types of back pain.
So I would go along the McKenzie path and include all of the exercises that don't aggravate your back but don't hurt it either as long as you can progress in strength with those such as the bird dogs and cat camels and bridges. More stability is generally a good thing as pain tends to inhibit local stabilizer muscles.
If you can find something to rest your torso on and grab like a couch you can try the reverse hypers. I'm curious as to see what kind of effect they will have as they are insanely beneficial for certain types of back pain
On July 23 2012 08:19 Malinor wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 12:40 eshlow wrote:On July 18 2012 07:19 Malinor wrote:Copied from the General Thread, since it belongs in here: On July 18 2012 03:52 eshlow wrote:On July 17 2012 02:17 Malinor wrote:My quadriceps sucks. I was in the middle of a training cycle to get me to a 200kg squat again, and after having all the volume in and moving to the intensity phase, I hurt myself doing jump robe. I am not really hurt badly, but from time to time while doing a wrong movement I can get a sharp pain through my quad, and it feels unstable in general. And basically when running above ~80% intensity, every step it hurts on the backside, outside of the right knee (so basically not the knee itself). Took 6 weeks off squatting and deadlifting, no difference. Went to the doctor and got electro and physiotherapy, plus stopped all running for 3 weeks, no difference, nor worse nor better. I would really like to kill some puppies now. I feel like a curl-bro when I go to the gym, keeping myself busy with so much upper body stuff. Anyway, today I just squatted again, 100kg 5x5. And of course, so since nothing that I do seems to make a difference, I just keep on squatting now. Just no weights where my technic could break down. And I'll just go to the doctor and try to get him to make a MRT. On the plusside, I broke 110kg bw for the first time (109,8), even though I had a gigantic day of feasting on saturday. 10,8kg to go. Unlikely that Phyre is gonna meet me there in time though, he does not know how to eat  How is your hip mobility? A jacked up IT band can be compensating for other things. What are you doing currently in therapy? Both doctors I saw told me that the mobility in my right hip was worse than in my left one. They found it weird but didn't really drew any conclusions from it. I mostly got massages for the connective tissue in my quad. I also did some balancing-work: balance on one foot on a pillow and catch a ball, and some form of balancing (walking) on two bands, like funambulation just on two cords. I also experience some discomfort on my back, not only in my quad, the problem really is that it is a different spot everyday that hurts. Since you asked here, I will just use this thread instead of the injury thread: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/srOSz.png) (The points on the outside are marked from both directions, so it is 4 spots in total) These are basically the points were I am hurting. The problematic one is the one right above the knee, this one causes instability during all movements, especially when running at intervalls at a higher speed (80-90%). Generally the pain is located on the outside of the hip/leg. The pain on my back is more a discomfort, it doesn't really cause any problems. So I don't really know what to make of it, help would be very welcome at this point. edit: the origin of the injury was sprinting. It got worse later after I twisted my leg during jump robe one time. edit2: So I just did some jump robe and just landed out of place once, and I directly a sharp pain as a result: ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/KGxF6.png) Felt totally just like quadriceps, but I don't know how these things are related. In general, a lot of explosive movements like jumps (but not all, depends on how I jump) cause me sharp pain. edit3: just called my doctor today again for consoltation, and the nurse told me over the phone that the 'official' diagnosis was 'muscle fiber tear' / torn muscle. Though the doctor did not see anything when looking at the Ultrasound. So he did not think it was very severe. Either way, they did not tell me to stop training really, just to avoid high intensity stuff like sprinting or running. So during the last three weeks I only did cross-trainer (squatted once with 80kg, so very very light). Do you think I should stop everything all together, or is movements where I don't feel any pain fine? For example, normal jump robe is always risky, but when I just run/sprint with the robe, I don't feel anything. Would icing / foam rolling do anything here? Sorry I didn't get back to you before I went out of town. Check your internal and external range of motion in your hip. Most people have significantly more ER which can typically cause some issues as certain muscles get tight and the hip gets a bit gummed up. I'm a bit confused by the fact that you're having an issue in so many places. It might not be a bad idea to get a chiro or physio to check out your SI joint and/or pelvis just in case. Access to a good sports orthopedic doc or physical therapist would be your best bet IMO... but if you can see if improving your hip ROM on the right starts helping that may be possibly something we can figure out potentially. Very poor doc to just recommend not doing exercises. Good professionals should be able ot work with you to get you back to what you want to do. Ok, after analysing the problem all day, I believe that this is simply a muscle strain, and more precisely a quad strain. The problem in the back is probably unrelated (maybe could be the limited hip rotation) and I assume that the pain on the outside is simply a result of the unstable quadriceps. The real pain is always on the front of the thigh. On this site http://www.sportsinjuryclinic.net/sport-injuries/thigh-pain/quadriceps-strain they categorize strains in three categories, I would put mine in between 1-2: Show nested quote + Symptoms of a Thigh Strain Quadriceps strains are graded 1,2 or 3 depending on severity.
Grade 1
A twinge in the thigh is usually felt. A general feeling of tightness in the thigh. Mild discomfort on walking. Probably no swelling. Trying to straighten the knee against resistance may be uncomfortable. Note: but not always and very positional based An area of local spasm may be felt at the site of the suspected tear. Note: This might be the feeling of instability and light pain on the outside of the knee/thigh? I am not 100% sure with what is meant by "local spasm"
Grade 2
A sudden sharp pain when running, jumping or kicking. Note: a) Running when putting much pressure on the floor, like in a three-jump; b) jumping when doing Cleans, Box Jumps, and even Push Press (explosive force against the floor), and sometimes Jump Robe; c) Kicking against resistance, movement like when shooting a football Unable to play on. Pain affects walking. The athlete may notice swelling or even mild bruising. Pain on feeling the area of the tear. Straightening the knee against resistance causes pain. Unable to fully bend the knee
So while uncomfortable all the time, it probably is nothing severe. However, I don't really know what to do, since every advice is for what to do directly after the injury and after a couple of days. My injury is however basically over half a year old, and a real problem since two months, after I twisted my leg while robe skipping, which made erything worse. So basically: is stretching ok? Or is it good, even if it triggers some pain? is foam rolling ok? does icing help at all? does wearing a compression bandage help? should I take some time off completely (I haven't done anything quadriceps-related for five days, but I cannot feel any 'change'. However, I did some hamstring work (Romanian Deadlifts, Good Mornings, Hyperextension). I take a 45-60min walk everyday instead of running and cross trainer. Is this ok or even too cautious? May cycling/ cross trainer be ok, even working against slight pain/ discomfort? What should I tell my physical therapist? I have six additional sessions booked now.
And of course anything else that might help.I basically have not taken time off training for longer than a couple of days since november. So probably it could never heal probably. So basically, how should I behave now? Your help is much appreciated!
This is pretty much what I recommend for strains:
So stretching is generally bad... non-painful mobility is good
Foam rolling may be OK, but not where it's painful
Icing would help in acute, but unlikely afterward... heat is better
Compression bandage not super useful but you can try it.
Focus on non-painful exercises as rehab + eccentrics and work back in slow,
Tell your PT that your doc thought it was a muscle tear and then ask them what they think....
Canada6683 Posts
On July 24 2012 09:10 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On July 22 2012 13:40 infinity21 wrote:On July 22 2012 12:44 eshlow wrote:On July 21 2012 11:42 infinity21 wrote: So I think my lower back might be permanently fucked... no matter what I do or how long I rest I can't get my lower back to a 100% pain-free mobility. Went to see a physio but she just told me to do core work. Who do I need to see in order to get this fixed? Pure 100% rest is actually not good for recovering from an injury. In general, you should always be doing some sort of either range of motion or mobility type exercises even in the acute phases as long as it doesn't make your condition worse (and in most cases, mobility type work will help make it better anyway).... Tell me what mobility exercises in the spinal section here tend to help and what tend ot aggravate it, also can you re-direct me to the form you filled out from the OP the first time or fill out a new one if things have changed http://www.eatmoveimprove.com/2010/02/so-you-hurt-your-lower-back/ This was my original post: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=268891¤tpage=12#232McKenzie exercises: feels pretty good. Generally lying down on the ground is relaxing Cat-Camels: doesn't seen to do anything Bird-Dogs: not sure if these help but my physio told me to do it and it doesn't hurt Glute bridges: feels alright side bridges: feels ok. Not that different from doing side planks I think Reverse hyperextensions: no room/equipment to do these A lot of these are the same but I'll answer any questions that have changed answers from my previous post. + Show Spoiler + 5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? Chronic (6 months ago).
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? I've been front squatting and hang cleaning for a couple of months. The pain only seems to occur if my form breaks down but feels good otherwise.
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Core work. Planks, side planks, bird-dogs.
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Not sure what's helping but my recovery this time around is remarkably faster. Obviously any excessive rounding of the lower back still hurts but I'd say I'm almost back to where I was pre-re-injury yesterday.
13. How's your posture? Improved a lot compared to 6 months ago where I had trouble keeping my back consistently straight while sitting.
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Front squats and hang cleans. Back felt a bit tender after I played ping pong for the first time in a while but it doesn't hurt anymore to play games.
Thanks eshlow <3 Hmmm, if McKenzies help then you might actually benefit from the progression of McKenzie exercises such as through this: http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/exercise/pain-relief-mckenzie-treatmentMcKenzie's are great as localizing and rehabbing certain types of back pain. So I would go along the McKenzie path and include all of the exercises that don't aggravate your back but don't hurt it either as long as you can progress in strength with those such as the bird dogs and cat camels and bridges. More stability is generally a good thing as pain tends to inhibit local stabilizer muscles. If you can find something to rest your torso on and grab like a couch you can try the reverse hypers. I'm curious as to see what kind of effect they will have as they are insanely beneficial for certain types of back pain Cool, I'll continue to do all of the exercises + those new McKenzie ones that you linked and try to find a place where I can do a reverse hyper. I think doing these stability exercises semi-consistently and working on core strength is helping my recovery quite a bit. It takes a good 15 mins to go through the whole routine but my back health is worth so much more to me  Thanks!
On July 24 2012 11:42 infinity21 wrote:Show nested quote +On July 24 2012 09:10 eshlow wrote:On July 22 2012 13:40 infinity21 wrote:On July 22 2012 12:44 eshlow wrote:On July 21 2012 11:42 infinity21 wrote: So I think my lower back might be permanently fucked... no matter what I do or how long I rest I can't get my lower back to a 100% pain-free mobility. Went to see a physio but she just told me to do core work. Who do I need to see in order to get this fixed? Pure 100% rest is actually not good for recovering from an injury. In general, you should always be doing some sort of either range of motion or mobility type exercises even in the acute phases as long as it doesn't make your condition worse (and in most cases, mobility type work will help make it better anyway).... Tell me what mobility exercises in the spinal section here tend to help and what tend ot aggravate it, also can you re-direct me to the form you filled out from the OP the first time or fill out a new one if things have changed http://www.eatmoveimprove.com/2010/02/so-you-hurt-your-lower-back/ This was my original post: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=268891¤tpage=12#232McKenzie exercises: feels pretty good. Generally lying down on the ground is relaxing Cat-Camels: doesn't seen to do anything Bird-Dogs: not sure if these help but my physio told me to do it and it doesn't hurt Glute bridges: feels alright side bridges: feels ok. Not that different from doing side planks I think Reverse hyperextensions: no room/equipment to do these A lot of these are the same but I'll answer any questions that have changed answers from my previous post. + Show Spoiler + 5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? Chronic (6 months ago).
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? I've been front squatting and hang cleaning for a couple of months. The pain only seems to occur if my form breaks down but feels good otherwise.
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Core work. Planks, side planks, bird-dogs.
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Not sure what's helping but my recovery this time around is remarkably faster. Obviously any excessive rounding of the lower back still hurts but I'd say I'm almost back to where I was pre-re-injury yesterday.
13. How's your posture? Improved a lot compared to 6 months ago where I had trouble keeping my back consistently straight while sitting.
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Front squats and hang cleans. Back felt a bit tender after I played ping pong for the first time in a while but it doesn't hurt anymore to play games.
Thanks eshlow <3 Hmmm, if McKenzies help then you might actually benefit from the progression of McKenzie exercises such as through this: http://www.spine-health.com/wellness/exercise/pain-relief-mckenzie-treatmentMcKenzie's are great as localizing and rehabbing certain types of back pain. So I would go along the McKenzie path and include all of the exercises that don't aggravate your back but don't hurt it either as long as you can progress in strength with those such as the bird dogs and cat camels and bridges. More stability is generally a good thing as pain tends to inhibit local stabilizer muscles. If you can find something to rest your torso on and grab like a couch you can try the reverse hypers. I'm curious as to see what kind of effect they will have as they are insanely beneficial for certain types of back pain Cool, I'll continue to do all of the exercises + those new McKenzie ones that you linked and try to find a place where I can do a reverse hyper. I think doing these stability exercises semi-consistently and working on core strength is helping my recovery quite a bit. It takes a good 15 mins to go through the whole routine but my back health is worth so much more to me  Thanks!
Yeah, pretty much with mobility and strength exercises for a hurt back it should not make your pain worse, plus generally it should make you feel better afterward. Let me know if you have any issues with the progression and we'll try to see what's up
So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports.
On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports.
Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue
Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs
On July 26 2012 10:50 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports. Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks
Maybe you can figure this one out... I've recently started running again fairly abruptly. I started getting a little pain in the posterior/medial tibia about 6" up from the ankle bone. Thought nothing of it and ran a 5 mile race, and it was painful to walk for a week afterwards. Rested until it was better but I still can't run more than once a week without having it act up again. Google suggests medial tibial stress syndrome but it's been going on for at least 3 months now which seems odd.
I also ride about 50 miles a week on a bike, should be good non-impact strengthening? It hasn't seemed to help at all.
Sooo... what should I do?
On July 26 2012 23:50 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2012 10:50 eshlow wrote:On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports. Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks 
Ummmm that seems really shady...
If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize
On July 27 2012 00:59 TimmyMac wrote: Maybe you can figure this one out... I've recently started running again fairly abruptly. I started getting a little pain in the posterior/medial tibia about 6" up from the ankle bone. Thought nothing of it and ran a 5 mile race, and it was painful to walk for a week afterwards. Rested until it was better but I still can't run more than once a week without having it act up again. Google suggests medial tibial stress syndrome but it's been going on for at least 3 months now which seems odd.
I also ride about 50 miles a week on a bike, should be good non-impact strengthening? It hasn't seemed to help at all.
Sooo... what should I do?
CAn you fill out the form in the OP?
I need more info
On July 27 2012 10:03 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On July 26 2012 23:50 mordek wrote:On July 26 2012 10:50 eshlow wrote:On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports. Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks  Ummmm that seems really shady... If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him.
I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
On July 27 2012 23:39 mordek wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 10:03 eshlow wrote:On July 26 2012 23:50 mordek wrote:On July 26 2012 10:50 eshlow wrote:On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports. Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks  Ummmm that seems really shady... If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him. I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar.
Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words
It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles
If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good
But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions....
2 mondays ago i went to see a doctor, told him all my problems, and ... He gave me an inspection, some physical drills, got some x-rays done and a blood test. He told me not to lift as well.
Today, i got the all clear.
According to rippetoe, this guy is clearly a quack, and i have no reason to doubt that.
My parents trust this guy over me and they refuse to take me anywhere else, and want me to start lifting again. I'm pretty sure something is still seriously wrong with my left shoulder blade and lower back.
On July 28 2012 14:15 Release wrote: 2 mondays ago i went to see a doctor, told him all my problems, and ... He gave me an inspection, some physical drills, got some x-rays done and a blood test. He told me not to lift as well.
Today, i got the all clear.
According to rippetoe, this guy is clearly a quack, and i have no reason to doubt that.
My parents trust this guy over me and they refuse to take me anywhere else, and want me to start lifting again. I'm pretty sure something is still seriously wrong with my left shoulder blade and lower back.
That sucks man... need to see a sports doc or someone who works with athletes rather than someone like that
On July 28 2012 08:13 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On July 27 2012 23:39 mordek wrote:On July 27 2012 10:03 eshlow wrote:On July 26 2012 23:50 mordek wrote:On July 26 2012 10:50 eshlow wrote:On July 25 2012 21:15 mordek wrote: So I had SI joint stuff a little while ago, got it all fixed up. Playing softball last night I'm getting a similar pain again -.- Is there any preventive or prehab stuff I can do for SI joint? I'd rather not have to see the chiro every month or two if I'm playing sports. Your chiro should give you exercises to help stablize the joint... and exercises depend on your certain SI joint issue Generally, strengthening tends to be good though, especially with the cross sling exercises like bird dogs Ok. When I asked if there was something I should do or not do, he just told me to do the hip mobility stretches he showed me. Said should be fine doing whatever. I have been doing the stretches regularly but I will look into the exercises you mentioned thanks  Ummmm that seems really shady... If SI is unstable then you need a combo of stretches and ESPECIALLY strength exercise to help stabilize He stated the issue was my hip was locking up and the cycle of pain -> more seizing up -> pain was fixed by mobilizing the joint. I didn't complain because he was the second one I saw and it actually got better after two visits to him. I couldn't find a lot about "cross sling". I'm familiar with bird dog. Is cross sling like stabilizing extension exercises for across the body (opposite arm and leg)? I can't think or find anything other than bird dog that seems similar. Sorry was typing fast last time and mixed up words It's supposed to be "posterior sling" muscles If it was locked up then OK stretches would be good But avoid any type of impact type of exercise like running because that can jar it into weird positions.... Ah, this was very helpful. I am going to get on these asap as it sounds like what I need. Thanks again for all your help!
Also, from what you've said the SIJ usually slips from an imbalance right? Is there a way to identify which side is giving out or is it best to work on it bilaterally and no worry about it. I noticed this past time my left SIJ was what hurt and my right lower back muscles were tight but I'm not sure if that says anything really.
Dislocated shoulder and sprained the joint on top of that while wrestling with my boss at 7 in the morning after an epic party T.T
doc told me to rest a couple of weeks and then to do some rehabilitation training. This sucks ass because i have to stay home from work (construction and stuff like that which is all heavy lifting for 8-14 hours a day) which means i cant do shit except play some computer games and do squats
1. Google a pic and mark where it hurts.
![[image loading]](http://www.nortonhealthcare.com/images/ortho_backpain.jpg) Right between sacrum and coczyx. More Sacrum I believe.
2. What exercises hurt? Which shoulder articulations hurt? Make sure you check both with passive motion and resistive/active motion. http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Shoulder.html Front Squat, and BackSquat mostly, I feel some discomfort in the deadlift but nothing too noticeable.
3. What type of pain is it? Burning? Ache? Tingling? Sharp? hmm, kind of hard to describe, it just bothers me when I put pressure on it, or lift.
4. What would you rate the pain at on a 0/10 scale? 0 being no pain, 10 being go to the emergency room. 3-4. 5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? I've had it for like 3-4 weeks now. Don't know what that makes it.
6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? Yeah, keeping my core tight and keeping a "good form" seems to fix the problem, as, If I have good form, I don't feel pain.
7. How deep is the pain? Is it more superficial tissues? Or does it seem to be more inside or around the joint? Describe it. hmm, Dunno, I think it's inside, I touch the area and feel nothing so yeah.
8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Keeping a good posture and trying to keep as much as a good form I can in every excercise.
9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Resting helps a lot, I took Ibuprofein a couple of days a go and helped a lot too. Keeping a good posture for a while eliminates the pain almost entirely.
10. Check the tissue quality of the surrounding muscles. Which ones are tight? Which ones are tender? Is there any swelling? Nothing is swelling. Everything is nice around there.
11. How does it feel after exercise (if any)? How does it feel at the beginning of the day? How about the end of the day? After the excercise it feels fine, if I sit down on the computer with shitty posture it does get bad. At the begining of the day I feel fine, hurts little to none.
12. Any previous injury history? Nope.
13. How's your posture? Shit .
14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Squat Nemesis Program, seldomly soccer.
15. Any other information I should be aware of or that comes to mind that may help? I'm the boss.
Short of seeing a physio, which seems unlikely at this moment, I see two options for myself and would like advice on which is the better:
1) Do nothing, stay out-of-shape, and wait until i get a job+car so i can go see physio on my own (although i'll probably need surgery because i let the injury manifest itself for many years) or 2) Lift anyways and get surgery (which seems inevitable). Pretty sure i got the injury in Sept, and i worked through it unknowingly for about 4 months without dying or breaking anything.
On July 31 2012 00:54 Pulimuli wrote: Dislocated shoulder and sprained the joint on top of that while wrestling with my boss at 7 in the morning after an epic party T.T
doc told me to rest a couple of weeks and then to do some rehabilitation training. This sucks ass because i have to stay home from work (construction and stuff like that which is all heavy lifting for 8-14 hours a day) which means i cant do shit except play some computer games and do squats
Non-painful mobility + some rotator cuff exercises would be a good idea
On July 31 2012 00:57 funkie wrote:1. Google a pic and mark where it hurts. ![[image loading]](http://www.nortonhealthcare.com/images/ortho_backpain.jpg) Right between sacrum and coczyx. More Sacrum I believe. 2. What exercises hurt? Which shoulder articulations hurt? Make sure you check both with passive motion and resistive/active motion. http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Shoulder.htmlFront Squat, and BackSquat mostly, I feel some discomfort in the deadlift but nothing too noticeable. + Show Spoiler +3. What type of pain is it? Burning? Ache? Tingling? Sharp? hmm, kind of hard to describe, it just bothers me when I put pressure on it, or lift. 4. What would you rate the pain at on a 0/10 scale? 0 being no pain, 10 being go to the emergency room. 3-4. 5. Acute or chronic (chronic more than ~6-8 weeks)? What date was onset? How has the pain improved since the initial injury? I've had it for like 3-4 weeks now. Don't know what that makes it. 6. Have you been training through pain? If so, how long? Yeah, keeping my core tight and keeping a "good form" seems to fix the problem, as, If I have good form, I don't feel pain. 7. How deep is the pain? Is it more superficial tissues? Or does it seem to be more inside or around the joint? Describe it. hmm, Dunno, I think it's inside, I touch the area and feel nothing so yeah. 8. What have you been doing for recovery purposes? Keeping a good posture and trying to keep as much as a good form I can in every excercise. 9. What seems to help? What seems to make it worse? Is it constant? Does it increase/decrease with certain activities? Resting helps a lot, I took Ibuprofein a couple of days a go and helped a lot too. Keeping a good posture for a while eliminates the pain almost entirely. 10. Check the tissue quality of the surrounding muscles. Which ones are tight? Which ones are tender? Is there any swelling? Nothing is swelling. Everything is nice around there. 11. How does it feel after exercise (if any)? How does it feel at the beginning of the day? How about the end of the day? After the excercise it feels fine, if I sit down on the computer with shitty posture it does get bad. At the begining of the day I feel fine, hurts little to none. 12. Any previous injury history? Nope. 13. How's your posture? Shit  . 14. What is your current workout routine for that bodypart? Do you play any sports? Squat Nemesis Program, seldomly soccer. 15. Any other information I should be aware of or that comes to mind that may help? I'm the boss.
Are you sure it's that low? Is it on the side of the sacrum or stashed in the middle or what?
It seems like this could be an SI joint type of issue if you locate your posterior superior iliac spine and it's like almost directly below that area. if so, I'd try to see a sports physical therapist or potentially a chiro
It's very rare to have coccyx/low sacrum type trauma unless you've had an acute impact injury of some sort.
On August 01 2012 06:08 Release wrote: Short of seeing a physio, which seems unlikely at this moment, I see two options for myself and would like advice on which is the better:
1) Do nothing, stay out-of-shape, and wait until i get a job+car so i can go see physio on my own (although i'll probably need surgery because i let the injury manifest itself for many years) or 2) Lift anyways and get surgery (which seems inevitable). Pretty sure i got the injury in Sept, and i worked through it unknowingly for about 4 months without dying or breaking anything.
What did you do again?
Everything is blending together