QQ So dead tired after my session...
Started with front squats and my shoulder/instertion/whatever is still giving my troubles with it. Worked up to an easy +10kg PR, doing 100kg x 2. Then I was leaving my elbows down below, trying to spare my arms :/
Next was rack pulls and we were doing triples today. Started at 100kg and worked up to an easy 200kg x3 Had at least two more in the tank.
And while the first two exercises my have been easy the next one wasn't: prowler sprints. Loaded up 100kgs on it and did two rounds of 30m sprints with minimal rest inbetween. The focus was on making small steps in the beginning and really lower yourself into the prowler, keeping you straight and not raising your arse into the sky (hard to explain lol). Then you could pump tose legs into oblivion.
Well, that wasn't enough so we added 20kg more and did one final 30m sprint and then you could feel hell creeping closer, the legs burning like no tomorrow and your vision field narrowing to a point.
Then I had my first case of the infamous prowler flu...
Didn't do much after that, managed a fast 150kg x 3 speed dead though.
I picked up the tempo in todays workout. I have 9 weeks until nationals so I need to get as strong as possible. I am also starting to split jerk again and this time I hope to perfect it. :D todays workout snatch balance jerk behind neck back squat push press sots press dumbbell rows pullups back extension core
Went to the PT today.
Was the funniest thing ever.....
"Do you resistance band pulls"
Does them super easily*
Use row machine 3 sets of 10 reps.
Overhead pulls with resistance band off wall (probably 20? pounds of resistance)
I just stood there and they were like..... uh....... see you in 6 months. I don't see any problems.
In other news I went into the attic and found more weights for the barbell. It appears I can go to around 160.
On May 19 2011 04:08 ICanFlyLow wrote: I want to tone my whole body, i just want an evenly balanced overall body tone. How do i go about doing that? Do i have to plan carefully like, this week im only gonna train my arms, next week chest or how does it work?
Theres probably a TON of excercises to work all your muscle groups, do i have to pay attention to them all and do them? Im really new to this, any helping direction would be great!
Ive also just started to run 3-4 times a week sometimes 4-5 / week.
read SS in the OP.
unless you've worked out a lot in the past, you probably don't have much to "tone". SS will give you lots of muscles very quickly, you can determine where to go after that
What is the deal with "tone" anyways?
On May 19 2011 08:57 Froadac wrote: Went to the PT today.
Was the funniest thing ever.....
"Do you resistance band pulls"
Does them super easily*
Use row machine 3 sets of 10 reps.
Overhead pulls with resistance band off wall (probably 20? pounds of resistance)
I just stood there and they were like..... uh....... see you in 6 months. I don't see any problems.
In other news I went into the attic and found more weights for the barbell. It appears I can go to around 160.
Thats great! Means that you are doing something right 
never understood that tone thingy aswell...
good progress froadac
Yeah, not saying much. Considering all my first exercises were with 10 pound dumbbells and it was incredibly difficult for me.
Still progress is undeniable. I keep on thinking I'm hitting a wall, but I get them done every time, so I am making progress.
Still haven't worked out today.
OK. Just did squats. 90 pounds was very difficult. On my last rep I got a fairly intense pain at the base of my spine (just above two buttox) Whenever I contract my butt I get some pain. =/
Does anyone have an idea what's going on?
Hahaha! I just saw this thread! It reminds me of a time a friend and I decided to get fit while playing World of Warcraft, and we made a program called WoW: World of Workouts.
For every one level gained: 1. Do pushups corresponding to level number (hit level 50, do 50 pushups) 2. Do burpees as well 3. Situps
Every week: 1. Run for the number of minutes of your crafting profession skill points 2. Swim for the number of laps correspoinding to gathering profession skill points (only a 15 meter pool)
Yeah, we got into shape. It took us a long time to level up (like, 6 weeks to 80) because, goddamn, when your body still ached from the previous round and you're about to hit level 50, you just want to stop playing for the day!
We got soooooo out of shape after hitting 80...
maryelizbethwinstead Height: 5'7 || Weight: 160lbs Starting Date: May 01 2011 || Goal Date: Dec 31 2011 Weight goals -- 145lbs Training goals -- Run an hour, do a one arm pushup, and a one arm chin Nutrition goals -- No more junk. Drinking only water. More fruits and veggies. Misc goals -- To sit throught an all night starcraft session without my back aching. To slouch less.
Any of you guys wanna play?
I can macro but I don't know crap about builds so I'm prolly not a good choice to play.
We got some master level players in this thread, right?
ewww sc2 is lame why is there no bw?
I want to do this... but I'll admit I haven't played in like 2 weeks and I'm just diamond as it is...
I feel like we actually have a larger percentage of people who don't have time to play anything than most other subforums
I'm high diamond, but from EU
Eshlow: any idea about the potential injury? :/
So I did 120x10x3 on incline bench today, and 135 for 7,6, and 6 reps.
FML I can usually get 135 for atleast 16 before giving out, but because I do incline first it fucks my flat bench.
I hate it, but I have to even out my chest, I got serious man titties :s.
Also did BW dips for 6,6,6 too. Pretty good workout.
I've got a US account that people can play on if they're from EU. I'm a plat player though, so I don't need to be involved otherwise. Loving all the notice we're getting lately; the myriad of new posters, the pony tales invite, and now this tournament (which looks like it went out to current threads with 200+ pages, and the LoL/Mafia subforums?) - hopefully these things mean we're ready for our own subforum =).
Been lifting random things around the house lately =x. If I can't train strength, I can at least put what I have to work I suppose. Dad's pretty happy to have me home. And I should have that gym pass coming up soon... I hope. Got my diet for the summer perfectly in order, but I'm itching to get back to the gym.
It's definitely low lumbar. Would seem to be Coccyx but it's hard to tell.
And it no longer hurts. Not sure why...
On May 19 2011 11:02 Froadac wrote: It's definitely low lumbar. Would seem to be Coccyx but it's hard to tell.
And it no longer hurts. Not sure why...
Low lumbar is around like L4-5 and S1..... Coccyx is below the sacrum...
But yeah I'm not sure if it's down there besides possibly SI joint or maybe like minor glute strain or something