On March 10 2014 13:39 Crusnik wrote:Muffin is in the middle of a KH2:FM Critical run right now, I think Gahlo was the one who asked about these types of runs. He's about 2 hours in, about to start Pirates of the Caribbean. http://www.twitch.tv/muffinqt Definitely wasn't me. I played through KH and enjoyed it, then sold it back a week later(I was young, dumb, and needed the money.) When KH2 came out, I rented it. Then I laughed at how bad it was an how little I cared for anything going on and never put another thought into the series again.
Turn into to watch Starladder for DOTA 2 for the first time at work. Here Gee as part of the intermission. My night has been made.
I miss IPL with their kpop intermissions.
Bubble Pop Cristina Vee~ <3
![[image loading]](https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/zlCfzRm5Wi0K__jqiB)
Please let Captain Rainbow be in Smash 4. Please please please.
What the shit is that shit
On March 10 2014 20:39 WaveofShadow wrote: What the shit is that shit
+1 ? Genuinely confused at that picture
Hey, since I have just signed up, I cannot open any new thread, and this is the thread, which is the closest to what I want to do. It is not completely offtopic (it is LoL related), so sorry about that. I would like to advertise an application, which I made for android! So, here it goes. 
ps: if there is a more suitable thread where I can post this, please let me know!
Hello fellow Summoners!
My android application, LoLDroid is ready to enter open beta stage! It is providing an easy way to search for profiles, and view the details of them. The features are all ready and fully functional, however bugs may be there. If you find one, send me a message to "devleaguedroid[at]gmail[dot]com", so I can take a look into it and fix it. Also, I am open to any suggestion or feature request, don't hold yourself back, send them my way, and we will see if it is possible!
The important links at the beginning:
- Google Play download: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vasga.LeagueDroid - Imgur album about the app: http://www.imgur.com/a/y3ly2
You can search for any profiles on NA, EUW, EUNE, BR, LAS, LAN, OCE, the datas that you can check are the following:
- Normal summary, classic 5v5, classic 3v3, ARAM and dominion statistics. - Ranked statistics breaked down by individual champions, and combined. - League statistics, for all of your teams and your solo queue information. - You can even view the whole tier, which you are a part of, let it be a team of yours or your solo queue tier, it doesn't matter. - Summoner Rune pages, like you would check it in the client itself. - Summoner Mastery pages, like you would check it in the client itself. - Ranked team details, including your team's win/loss ratio, match history and roster. Please note that for LAS, LAN and OCE there is a partial support only, you can't check league and team details, until Riot finishes the API, stay tuned!
On top of this, there are a lot of offline, static things available in the application:
- All of the champions. - Statistics of champions. - Every skill with detailed description, including the video that you can view in the Riot client. - Every skin in High Definition (this one needs active internet connection). - Lore of the champions. - Stats on the champion, breaked down to Base Stats ("level 0 stats") and stats on every level, which you can change yourself.
- Every item in the game is accessible. - You can filter the items just like you would in the client, at the "Item sets". - Complete description of every items, just like in the client. - Build paths are also included, you can navigate easily by just clicking on another item's icon.
- Every rune in the game is accessible. - You can filter the runes just like you would in the store, in the client.
- Every mastery in the game is accessible. - You can view mastery statistics, rank-by-rank, or a whole description.
The summoner spells are also accessible. There is a "Server status" checker added, where you can check in one click, if the League of Legends servers are up, or not.
Also, there is a "Jungle timer" included in the application, for the fellow junglers, both for Summoner's Rift, and The Twisted Treeline.
I have made an album with 25 screenshots from the app itself, check it out: http://www.imgur.com/a/y3ly2 .
If you would like to check out the application, feel free to do so, you can find it on the following link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vasga.LeagueDroid .
Please note, that since the application is in open beta stage, I would be very happy to hear your feedback, suggestions, etc. Also, the design will be refined and tweak as time goes by, until now, the main objective was that the app should be fully functional.
Don't think there's a suitable thread period, since while discussing an app is fine, outright advertisement is frowned upon here.
Well it is not your typical advertisement, since I am not asking you to buy anything, it is a completely free app. Also, I will read the forum as well, so I am not the "lets spam some topics and abandon ship forever" type of guy, so I hope this is okay.
Well I hope you stick around and hang out with us then?
In other news, what a lovely day, friends. I hope everyone is feeling as lovely as I do and I wish you nothing but smiles, happiness, bunnies and fucking rainbows or some other Req shit.
What ruined your morning Wave?
Lol nothing I just figured I'd beat him to it with something slightly less saccharine.
My bad, I thought it smelled of bitterness. Making old man Wave look older than he is.
It's actually a pretty fucking good day. Warm weather and nice blue sky here in Denmark, god i miss the summer!
United States15536 Posts
On March 10 2014 22:16 Sponkz wrote: It's actually a pretty fucking good day. Warm weather and nice blue sky here in Denmark, god i miss the summer!
Randomly 75 degrees in St. Louis today. I'll take it after getting thoroughly stomped by dat DST. It takes a significant adjustment to wake up in the darkness again. T_T
Yeah I will try to stay as much as I can. 
Anyway, this day is a very good day for me as well. I'm about to resign at my current workplace, because I have accepted another job with far greater opportunities, not to mention the salary will be 50%~ better than what I currently earn. So yeah, fucking rainbows to everyone.
pulled an all nighter perfect start to DST
now ill wake up in the middle of who knows fuck when
United States15536 Posts
On March 10 2014 22:45 Navi wrote: pulled an all nighter perfect start to DST
now ill wake up in the middle of who knows fuck when
Fuck expectations.
Am I an asshole for wanting that post nuked?
Na, it's Asmo, so it's fine.