what do you think guys im pretty sure i can do this i think the guys can't balance enough on the balls of their feet because of their bodyweight distribution
i did a couple passes, i think i manged it borderline but it was VERY difficult also you can use the momentum of the chair to push yourself off and then lift im not sure if its cheating but i think the girls in that video were doing that
I just did it with my awesome computer chair that weighs like 50 pounds, shit is easy, I'm not sure why those dudes can't do it. I even picked it up from the wheels at the bottom so I was bent way over to disadvantage my leverage/balance as best as possible, if it were a light ass chair that I barely bent halfway over to pickup like that video it would literally be effortless.
Are you sure you weren't cheating?
With my heels only like 1" away from my hips I can lift pretty much any object in my house right now, but with my heel up against the wall my body just tips over from my heels as a fulcrum
I just went and found a wall to do it against instead of using my desk, and it was a decent amount harder, I guess I was pushing the desk back slightly without noticing. Angle 2 though was not difficult. I also did it with some shoes to see what effect weight has and while it's not as much as I imagined it to be it's not negligible(I mean, it shouldn't be, physics and whatnot).
shoes? wat putting on shoes makes iteasier because it moves your heel further away from the wall edit FUCK your heels arent allowed to lift off the ground have to try again sigh
On February 23 2014 05:23 Slayer91 wrote: shoes? wat putting on shoes makes iteasier because it moves your heel further away from the wall edit FUCK your heels arent allowed to lift off the ground have to try again sigh
No I mean shoes as the object I picked up instead of a chair.
On February 23 2014 05:23 Slayer91 wrote: shoes? wat putting on shoes makes iteasier because it moves your heel further away from the wall edit FUCK your heels arent allowed to lift off the ground have to try again sigh
yeah, the heels not being able to lift completely changes the game
and having shoes on would also make it easier because it provides a flatter, more uniform surface of pressure
seems like if you spread your feet apart a bit more and do it really slowly its possible to do it without heels lifting noticeably further increaes strain tho jesus
On February 23 2014 05:23 Slayer91 wrote: shoes? wat putting on shoes makes iteasier because it moves your heel further away from the wall edit FUCK your heels arent allowed to lift off the ground have to try again sigh
yeah, the heels not being able to lift completely changes the game
and having shoes on would also make it easier because it provides a flatter, more uniform surface of pressure
Most shoes elevate your heels as well, and generally form at least a little bit to your arch unlike a flat floor. Lots of advantage.
Edit: How tall is everyone that is trying this? As noted before I'm pretty short for a guy(5'9") and the women in that video looked quite short. Definitely an advantage. I remember Soniv being much taller than I expected for a gymnast, and Teut mentioned being lanky himself.
On February 23 2014 07:14 xes wrote: I can get it with no heel movement if I do a upper body pushup off the chair and carry my momentum up but that's probably cheating.
Head against wall is pretty hard if you take care to keep your heels under your hips aka having the worst possible deadlift form ever
In response to the derogatory term "gay" discussion in the On topic thread:
Under the assumption that: -Communication is good -Segregation leads to less communication
The use of words like gay, bitch, cunt, faggot, retard, CP-person in a derogatory manner is bad, since it shuts out people of those attributes, and thus creates segregation and disrupts communication.
This is my moral high ground. I still personally don't think a player should get an official* reprimand for such behaviour, it is instead a community responsibility. Affiliations should declare if they disagree though.
*official as in riot/kespa, the employer should have a say over employment situations as always.
On February 23 2014 09:37 Duvon wrote: In response to the derogatory term "gay" discussion in the On topic thread:
Under the assumption that: -Communication is good -Segregation leads to less communication
The use of words like gay, bitch, cunt, faggot, retard, CP-person in a derogatory manner is bad, since it shuts out people of those attributes, and thus creates segregation and disrupts communication.
This is my moral high ground. I still personally don't think a player should get an official reprimand for such behaviour, it is instead a community responsibility. Affiliations should declare if they disagree though.
how do these words lead to segregation when they are mostly used 1: to complete strangers who you wil never meet again 2: to good friends
anyway, these words don't aim at any attributes, unless you are actually racist/sexist/homophobic etc, they are just generic insults.
On February 23 2014 09:37 Duvon wrote: In response to the derogatory term "gay" discussion in the On topic thread:
Under the assumption that: -Communication is good -Segregation leads to less communication
The use of words like gay, bitch, cunt, faggot, retard, CP-person in a derogatory manner is bad, since it shuts out people of those attributes, and thus creates segregation and disrupts communication.
This is my moral high ground. I still personally don't think a player should get an official reprimand for such behaviour, it is instead a community responsibility. Affiliations should declare if they disagree though.
how do these words lead to segregation when they are mostly used 1: to complete strangers who you wil never meet again 2: to good friends
anyway, these words don't aim at any attributes, unless you are actually racist/sexist/homophobic etc, they are just generic insults.
How would an observer know if they are just generic insults or not? I recall you using one of these words towards a friend on this forum not long ago. How would an observer know you two are friends? We might have lost 200 potential users for all we know. And since we can see that easily more than 1% of the users on this forum are people with brains, we have lost something. By causing segregation.
because its very easy to read tone in a post unless you thought i was way to tired to properly try to rage at someone especially when i would have absolutely no reason to actually be mad at this person
we might have potentially lost 10000 viewers for not calling each other faggots enough. see, i can pull random numbers out of my ass to support my argument too
you know what also causes segregation? Talking about league of legends. That segregates everyone who isn't a fan of league of legends we might have lost 1 billion potential users right there
That first paragraph is not readable. Uh... I guess you're trying to say that: -It's easy to read tone in posts (not true, especially not if you are new to the place it was posted) -I thought you were way too tired to make up a better insult -You had no reason to be mad
I pulled numbers out of my ass to make an example. Because I see more people agreeing with the view that calling people faggot is bad than I see people thinking that we should use it more.
Just because more people have a view doesnt mean it's correct. I have no idea what kind of example you were trying to make. Some people don't like some things and will stop reading a forum because of it but on the flip side some people like those things and will start reading a forum because of it. Also you'll find it's one of those things that a lot of people argue for but not many people will bother arguing against. You might have tons of vegetarians who will state their views but you never encounter people who want to tell you all about how awesome meat is unless the vegetarian starts the discussion. The first paragraph is me saying that it would be very easy to see that I'm not being really insulting. Unless somehow you thought I wanted to insult someone but was really tired so I put zero energy or anger into my post. Add that to the fact that I had no reason to be mad everything would point for nearly any reasonable person to realize I'm not trying to insult someone after all.
On February 20 2014 17:34 Slayer91 wrote: i bet she was reading up on viking mythology and trying to bloodeagle some bitches edit: using the word bitches just coincidentally since I can't use "faggots" any more cause bitches are gonna ban me
You clearly used it as a derogatory term. I was wrong, you didn't use it to scip, ops. I'm off to bed now.
On February 23 2014 09:37 Duvon wrote: In response to the derogatory term "gay" discussion in the On topic thread:
Under the assumption that: -Communication is good -Segregation leads to less communication
The use of words like gay, bitch, cunt, faggot, retard, CP-person in a derogatory manner is bad, since it shuts out people of those attributes, and thus creates segregation and disrupts communication.
This is my moral high ground. I still personally don't think a player should get an official reprimand for such behaviour, it is instead a community responsibility. Affiliations should declare if they disagree though.
how do these words lead to segregation when they are mostly used 1: to complete strangers who you wil never meet again 2: to good friends
anyway, these words don't aim at any attributes, unless you are actually racist/sexist/homophobic etc, they are just generic insults.
Then why not use generic insults instead of insults which are necessarily derogatory towards minorities, or have potentially negative implications? Why not use "fucker" instead of "faggot" for instance, or rekt'd instead of raped, does that really change whatever you're saying in game, or convey your meaning any differently?
Moreover, words don't need to have the intent to hurt to cause harm. You don't actually have to be racist/sexist/homophobic for them to be something other than generic insults, and the usage of such words in a negative manner connotes homophobia/sexism/racism, and if minorities take offense to it, there's absolutely no room to argue that they shouldn't. Arguing that, "oh hey, "faggot" refers to a bundle of wood and LGBT people shouldn't be offended by it" is pretty damn obtuse.
I hate the fact I'm taking the Tumblr SJW stance here, but yeah no. idc if you use it with your friends (though I will note that it can still make them uncomfortable, though they won't bring it up), but using slurs in a negative context in a public forum, or in a team game, does alienate minorities, because it doesn't fking matter what your intent was, all that matters is how it's perceived.
The gaming community is in general rife with this kind of mentality (I'm not actually X/Y/Z-ist, therefore I can use X/Y/Z-ist slurs without fear), and it isn't inclusive for minorities. I'll just point you to this r/lolgaymers discussion about it. Personally, I don't generally get offended by gay slurs, but I understand why many of the rest of LGBT community does.
On the actual Imp drama, meh. It was a private conversation meant to be taken in confidence, but that's still not much of an excuse; apologize, change your behavior, and move on. I'm personally not offended by the use of the word, and Imp'll probably be crucified for the context of the statement (god I'm so much better than Piglet) moreso than the unfortunate choice of words. I'd probably take offense to it, honestly. Who has results? Not Imp, that's who.
It would be nice it there were an official penalty for using such language like in major sports league like the NHL etc, but I doubt it'll happen, nor does it really apply here given the nature of the convo.
This is all I'm going to say on it because I think this will lead to nothing but a trainwreck, and I want to lrn how2beat all these damn rogues in Hearthstone. So OP wtf mang.