New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
On September 30 2013 07:10 Soloside wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 07:08 WaveofShadow wrote:On September 30 2013 06:14 Alaric wrote:On September 29 2013 09:11 NeoIllusions wrote: Although unorthodox and technically goes against my guidelines, Morgana Support, Fiora Mid, Talon Mid are fine. I wouldn't be too annoyed if our users picked them.
I don't understand why Morgana Jungle or Quinn Jungle would even being considered. I've given my reasoning in the OP. This one surprised me. Where would you put Talon? ôo Or do you mean it in a "Taric, Talon, Poppy, etc. are too weak even in their intended role so please don't pick them" way? Talon crushes a lot of the old guard mids.... Honestly I wonder how he does against Zed/Ahri..... skill match up against ahri pre 6. pretty much can 100-0 ahri with 1 cc from the jungler post 6. Very unforgiving against her. I don't like playing against talons as ahri  Well I'm sure the answer is pretty obvious, but any reason why people don't counterpick her with Talon? Something along the lines of her lategame being better or something?
In popular meta: + Show Spoiler +Aatrox: Top, Jungle Ahri: Mid Akali: Top, Mid, (Jungle) Alistar: (Support, Jungle) Amumu: Jungle Anivia: Mid Annie: Mid, (Support) Ashe: AD, (Support) Blitzcrank: Support Brand: Mid Caitlyn: AD Cassiopeia: Mid Cho'Gath: Top, Mid, Jungle Corki: AD, (Mid) Darius: Top, Jungle Diana: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Dr. Mundo: (Jungle, Top) Draven: AD Elise: Jungle, Top Eve: Jungle, (Mid) Ezreal: AD, Mid Fiddlesticks: Jungle, Support, (Mid) Fiora: Top, (Mid) Fizz: Mid, (Top, Jungle) Galio: Mid, Top Gangplank: Top, (Support) Garen: Top Gragas: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Graves: AD Hecarim: Jungle Heimer: (Mid, Support) Irelia: Top Janna: Support Jarvan IV: Jungle, Top, (Mid) Jax: Top, (Jungle) Jayce: (Top, Mid) Karma: (Mid, Support, Jungle) Karthus: Mid, (Top) Kassadin: Mid Katarina: Mid, (Top) Kayle: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Kennen: Mid, Top Kha'Zix: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Kog'Maw: AD LeBlanc: Mid, (Support) Lee Sin: Mid, Top, Jungle Leona: Support, (Jungle) Lissandra: Mid, Top, (Support) Lucian: AD Lulu: Support, (Mid, Top) Lux: Mid, (Support) Malphite: Top, Mid (Jungle) Malzahar: Mid, (Jungle) Maokai: Jungle, (Mid, Top) Master Yi: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Miss Fortune: AD Mordekaiser: Mid, (Top) Morgana: Mid, (Support, Jungle) Nami: Support Nasus: Top, Jungle Nautilus: Jungle Nidalee: Mid, Top, (Support) Nocturne: Jungle, (Mid, Top) Nunu: Jungle, (Support, Top) Olaf: (Top, Jungle) Orianna: Mid Pantheon: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Poppy: (Top) Quinn: AD, Top Rammus: Jungle Renekton: Top Rengar: Top, (Jungle) Riven: Top, (Mid, Jungle) Rumble: Top, (Mid) Ryze: (Mid) Sejuani: Jungle, (Mid) Shaco: Jungle Shen: Top, (Jungle) Shyvana: Top, Jungle Singed: Top Sion: Mid Sivir: AD Skarner: (Jungle, Top) Sona: Support Soraka: (Support, Mid, Top) Swain: Mid, (Top) Syndra: Mid, (Support) Talon: Mid, (Top) Taric: (Support) Teemo: Top, (Mid) Thresh: Support Tristana: AD, (Mid) Trundle: Jungle, Top Tryndamere: Top, (Jungle, Mid) Twisted Fate: Mid Twitch: AD, (Mid) Udyr: Jungle, (Top) Varus: AD Vayne: AD, (Top) Veigar: Mid Vi: Jungle, (Top) Viktor: Mid Vladimir: Mid, Top Volibear: Top, Jungle Warwick: Top, (Jungle) Wukong: Top, (Mid, Jungle) Xerath: Mid Xin Zhao: Top, Jungle Yorick: Top Zac: Top, Jungle Zed: Mid, Top, (Jungle) Ziggs: Mid Zilean: Mid, (Support) Zyra: Support, (Mid)
Not what I think their best roles exactly are, but where I expect them to go when I see them picked. The champs I would be slightly annoyed at if a teammate picked in Ranked are: Karma, Heimerdinger, Alistar, Taric, and Soraka. This is due to a perceived lack of viability.
(Role) means I've seen or heard of it being done, but would not expect it when picked in a vacuum. They may be good, but are mostly terrible.
Then we can seperate this list into what champs you can commonly expect in Solo Queue and which champs are actually picked in Pro level play.
Dis game so close, fun to watch
On September 30 2013 06:51 Kupon3ss wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 05:25 Ketara wrote: A ban list would actually be doable. Given that most champions are approved for only 2 or less roles, its mathematically impossible for a ban list to be shorter than an "approved meta list". The fact is, meta is in the eye of the beholder, and the operator of such guidelines should really have a clear one in place if they believe strongly in enforcing it. For example, Neo has cited Fiora mid as something "technically against guidelines but not quite bannable yet" while Riot has cited Fiora mid as part of bannable offenses http://i.imgur.com/bbjKP.pngObviously I trust Neo far more than an year-old ban list, but it'd be nice to have something like that so I can understand the game better.
You know that picture is something people on /v/ made to troll dotards into thinking Riot is an evil company or some bullshit like that, right?
can anyone upload replay?
You want to see the replay of you getting killed by minions while DC'd?
Because that was some epic shit.
On September 30 2013 07:08 WaveofShadow wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 06:14 Alaric wrote:On September 29 2013 09:11 NeoIllusions wrote: Although unorthodox and technically goes against my guidelines, Morgana Support, Fiora Mid, Talon Mid are fine. I wouldn't be too annoyed if our users picked them.
I don't understand why Morgana Jungle or Quinn Jungle would even being considered. I've given my reasoning in the OP. This one surprised me. Where would you put Talon? ôo Or do you mean it in a "Taric, Talon, Poppy, etc. are too weak even in their intended role so please don't pick them" way? Talon crushes a lot of the old guard mids.... Honestly I wonder how he does against Zed/Ahri..... Talon really suffers from the range+cooldown combo on Rake (600 range, 10s) especially since he really takes awhile before he can one-shot the wave (unless you BT super fast), which lets super-pushing mids just shove him. Zed does that, plus has more dps (Talon may have more burst once he gets points in E, not sure) and a bunch of means to either get out of range and straight-up dodge Talon's W and R. Also can't go oom.
On the other hand, while Talon can't do too much to a bunch of currently popular mid picks, he tends to make it hard for most skillshot-reliant mids (Brand, Anivia, Lux, etc.) to aggro him, so as long as he can clear well enough (or survive a trade since even if he can't 100-0 he usually shouldn't need more than 2 rotations to kill his target) he will at worst be able to roam and abuse his short ult cd. He's not FotM but when considered alongside the whole roster and not just said FotM he's no pushover.
Main thing here though is he's especially designed to jump squishy casters, who usually go mid, so I'm surprised that Neo treats "mid Talon" as something "unorthodox".
The Talon players in Diamond all seem to rush Tiamat's, which probably helps with both his burst and clear.
Why is kupo dude even here?...
Also while people shouldn't do weird stuff in these, I'd propose that those who disagree with said picks just mention it so the offense isn't repeated or at least discuss said pick before game starts with all participants so everyones on the same page. I don't think there is a real need to get this worked up about it (unless roffles or something).
So much negativity in this page. I'm here to share with you the good news about how awesome these inhouses are. My understanding of the game increased tenfold in only 2 weeks and went from gold 4 to plat 5 not just winning my games, but hard carrying most of them.
+ Show Spoiler [me before inhouses] +On June 06 2013 13:35 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: I'm stuck at a 50% winrate in gold 4. But every game is a total stomp from either side. There are no close games. I can't even blame it on dc's because I even won a 4v5. I just don't understand. one game everyone in my team plays like a greek god, the next game everyone feeds. I had a 5.1 KDA with lee sin over 40 games and I managed to go 0/7/3. I don't even...
+ Show Spoiler [me after inhouses] +
United States37500 Posts
On September 30 2013 12:46 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote:So much negativity in this page. I'm here to share with you the good news about how awesome these inhouses are. My understanding of the game increased tenfold in only 2 weeks and went from gold 4 to plat 5 not just winning my games, but hard carrying most of them. + Show Spoiler [me before inhouses] +On June 06 2013 13:35 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: I'm stuck at a 50% winrate in gold 4. But every game is a total stomp from either side. There are no close games. I can't even blame it on dc's because I even won a 4v5. I just don't understand. one game everyone in my team plays like a greek god, the next game everyone feeds. I had a 5.1 KDA with lee sin over 40 games and I managed to go 0/7/3. I don't even...
+ Show Spoiler [me after inhouses] + hi5
On September 30 2013 12:53 NeoIllusions wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 12:46 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote:So much negativity in this page. I'm here to share with you the good news about how awesome these inhouses are. My understanding of the game increased tenfold in only 2 weeks and went from gold 4 to plat 5 not just winning my games, but hard carrying most of them. + Show Spoiler [me before inhouses] +On June 06 2013 13:35 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: I'm stuck at a 50% winrate in gold 4. But every game is a total stomp from either side. There are no close games. I can't even blame it on dc's because I even won a 4v5. I just don't understand. one game everyone in my team plays like a greek god, the next game everyone feeds. I had a 5.1 KDA with lee sin over 40 games and I managed to go 0/7/3. I don't even...
+ Show Spoiler [me after inhouses] + hi5 It's the Neo Difference.
On September 30 2013 13:31 docvoc wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 12:53 NeoIllusions wrote:On September 30 2013 12:46 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote:So much negativity in this page. I'm here to share with you the good news about how awesome these inhouses are. My understanding of the game increased tenfold in only 2 weeks and went from gold 4 to plat 5 not just winning my games, but hard carrying most of them. + Show Spoiler [me before inhouses] +On June 06 2013 13:35 Cr4zyH0r5e wrote: I'm stuck at a 50% winrate in gold 4. But every game is a total stomp from either side. There are no close games. I can't even blame it on dc's because I even won a 4v5. I just don't understand. one game everyone in my team plays like a greek god, the next game everyone feeds. I had a 5.1 KDA with lee sin over 40 games and I managed to go 0/7/3. I don't even...
+ Show Spoiler [me after inhouses] + hi5 It's the Neo Difference. Taste the difference.™
Omnom, pls. Why you go omnom-ing.
On September 30 2013 14:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: Omnom, pls. Why you go omnom-ing.
I'm sorry, my tummy said to stop playing league and go get micky d's
United States37500 Posts
On September 30 2013 14:48 imBLIND wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 14:20 Lord Tolkien wrote: Omnom, pls. Why you go omnom-ing. I'm sorry, my tummy said to stop playing league and go get micky d's McDonald's over League?
Omnom, I am disappoint.
United States37500 Posts
Also, I just added a "success stories" section to the OP. Basically, if you feel that these IHs have helped you over the past weeks/months and you want to regale us with your experience, I encourage you to share.
It's a feel good moment for everyone. npnp
On September 30 2013 22:56 NeoIllusions wrote: Also, I just added a "success stories" section to the OP. Basically, if you feel that these IHs have helped you over the past weeks/months and you want to regale us with your experience, I encourage you to share.
It's a feel good moment for everyone. npnp What if you've gotten worse.
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On October 01 2013 00:05 xes wrote:Show nested quote +On September 30 2013 22:56 NeoIllusions wrote: Also, I just added a "success stories" section to the OP. Basically, if you feel that these IHs have helped you over the past weeks/months and you want to regale us with your experience, I encourage you to share.
It's a feel good moment for everyone. npnp What if you've gotten worse. D: It's because you don't play at these, and honestly the quality of the games has gone down a lot. Needs to be at least some attempt to discuss what happened those games to actually help the players out.
Trust me, if you take what you've learned thus far and bring that to our AHGL practices on Sundays, you'll do fine. It may not work in solo queue, but in other semi-organized environments trust me they help.
Well I can attest that these inhouses helped me get to Gold 5 and get that Victorious Elise.
More than anything, I learned to think about the game on a macro scale.