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On September 15 2013 10:25 tobi9999 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2013 09:26 wei2coolman wrote:On September 15 2013 08:57 tobi9999 wrote: you guys are crazy
if you don't think jarvan ganks are guaranteed kills then you're not playing him right Vayne would like a word with you if you've ever seen me play Jarvan in inhouses I don't even need eq or ulti to get kills, i can go 10+ - 0 by just walking up to people and bursting them with abilities at point blank range. if the enemy ever gets low in lane or is too far from their tower you just can't mess it up. lets not talk zed or vayne, i ganked atrioc playing fizz (who took flash and can literally walk through j4 ult without doing anything) in mid lane and got like 6 kills off him in under 20 minutes. edit: Jarvan is simply OP, and strictly better than a lot of junglers hence why he's picked so much competitively
How much of that is strong champion, and how much of that is you just being better than the people you're ganking? Using evidence is nice and all, but I severely doubt your ability to gank without using EQ or R to get kills in lane, unless you're literally doing nothing to help the gank, and are just landing the last auto. I'm assuming if you played vs Piglet and PoohManDu you'd probably have troubles ganking them without using abilities.
On September 15 2013 10:55 Zdrastochye wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2013 10:25 tobi9999 wrote:On September 15 2013 09:26 wei2coolman wrote:On September 15 2013 08:57 tobi9999 wrote: you guys are crazy
if you don't think jarvan ganks are guaranteed kills then you're not playing him right Vayne would like a word with you if you've ever seen me play Jarvan in inhouses I don't even need eq or ulti to get kills, i can go 10+ - 0 by just walking up to people and bursting them with abilities at point blank range. if the enemy ever gets low in lane or is too far from their tower you just can't mess it up. lets not talk zed or vayne, i ganked atrioc playing fizz (who took flash and can literally walk through j4 ult without doing anything) in mid lane and got like 6 kills off him in under 20 minutes. edit: Jarvan is simply OP, and strictly better than a lot of junglers hence why he's picked so much competitively How much of that is strong champion, and how much of that is you just being better than the people you're ganking? Using evidence is nice and all, but I severely doubt your ability to gank without using EQ or R to get kills in lane, unless you're literally doing nothing to help the gank, and are just landing the last auto. I'm assuming if you played vs Piglet and PoohManDu you'd probably have troubles ganking them without using abilities.
I didn't say I didn't use any abilities I just said I walked up to them.
the #1 rule of ganking is to only use your abilities when you need them, people are overestimating how hard it is to gank/ are not ganking properly. When you have boots and other people don't it's not very hard to get kills bottom lane.
You just have to look at things empirically, and not theoretically when determining what's good or not (play a lot of solo queue with several junglers because they are all different in their strengths)
There are so many ganking routes for so many junglers, after playing a lot of them it's pretty easy to understand that what works with one jungler doesn't work with another. After playing a lot of jungle games, in my own personal opinion, jarvan almost NEVER has instances of where you're like "oh i can't gank X but if i was another champion i could've" the only instances where he does is eve because of stealth and lee sin post6 because kicking people back with flash/ward is op.
On September 15 2013 06:21 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: I dunno I think jungle leona is really strong after seeing it in games and I feel like she does certain things better than Nautilus like gank through creeps without ulting
Leona's advantage over Nautilus has less to do with the early game, and more to do with the late game. They're roughly equal when it comes to ganks, but in late game team fights Leona is far more useful. Her damage isn't tied to an impermanent, long cooldown shield, her ult doesn't give her targets all the time in the world to run, and her CC is on significantly shorter cooldowns.
If Riot made her passive proc for her on jungle creeps, she'd instantly be banworthy jungle material. Clearspeed, and early sustain, are pretty much her only issues (and they aren't really *that* bad).
On September 15 2013 09:32 Ketara wrote: Vayne is just a bullshit anti Jarvan champ since she can Tumble out of Cataclysm and knock him away in the middle of his gapcloser if she times Condemn right. It's dumb.
I would be perfectly fine with a Tumble change that made her unable to Tumble out of Cataclysm. Do it in the same patch where they make it so Jarvan can't pull to his flag while snared.
If you're consistently having people Tumble/Arcane Shift/Valkyrie etc. out of your Cataclysms, you're using it wrong.
I don't even care about the stupid wall that J4 ult makes, the simple fact that it's a gapclosing nuke makes it completely ridiculous already. The wall is just salt on the wound when you're ganking.
Furthermore, late game I think unless you have orianna or some other EASY TO PULL OFF AoE combo, you should use it to either peel as a giant obstruction is literally the best thing to keep people away from an AD carry or just as a nuke to burst 1 person down quicker
An interesting experience today:
We were defending an open inhib against a baron team that we were slightly ahead of and someone told me, "You should have bandaged in and Amumu ulted there." I wasn't even looking for it, and I think part of the reason is that in low elo solo queue that would have been suicide. In the IH everyone followed up instantly but in silver people would have waited that fatal second and I would have just died.
Fortunately, they stuck around and I got one off 5 seconds later.
What's the skill order for jungle Leona?
United States15536 Posts
On September 15 2013 16:53 silencefc wrote: What's the skill order for jungle Leona?
Probably W->Q->E, max W, keep other two even for even CDs.
Roffles does Q, W, E, max W. Q at level 1 because of the lower CD which allows for more damage on the Buff Monsters.
On September 15 2013 10:25 tobi9999 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 15 2013 09:26 wei2coolman wrote:On September 15 2013 08:57 tobi9999 wrote: you guys are crazy
if you don't think jarvan ganks are guaranteed kills then you're not playing him right Vayne would like a word with you if you've ever seen me play Jarvan in inhouses I don't even need eq or ulti to get kills, i can go 10+ - 0 by just walking up to people and bursting them with abilities at point blank range. if the enemy ever gets low in lane or is too far from their tower you just can't mess it up. lets not talk zed or vayne, i ganked atrioc playing fizz (who took flash and can literally walk through j4 ult without doing anything) in mid lane and got like 6 kills off him in under 20 minutes. edit: Jarvan is simply OP, and strictly better than a lot of junglers hence why he's picked so much competitively He's strong but OP is a stretch
If he's not fed he's simply a champ with good skills, and if you're consistently getting fed on him from the jungle you're just playing weak players
I'm not saying you shouldn't be getting any kills, but getting 10 in a game is clear evidence that your opponents are weaker than you, not that J4 is strong
On September 15 2013 21:13 Cixah wrote: Roffles does Q, W, E, max W. Q at level 1 because of the lower CD which allows for more damage on the Buff Monsters. I've been going W, Q, E because of the armor and the aoe damage... I actually PM'd roffles to get a better idea of what he does because I personally really like this lol.
I think W first would be ideal.
If you precast W 3 seconds before the buff spawns it'll come up again at the same time Q would, will hit the small lizards, and give you some resists.
But it's not like I've ever jungled Leona, ha!
Precasting W meants 3 fewer seconds of Armor, so that's counter-productive. Q is also an auto-reset and a stun, so at level one you end up doing more damage to, and taking less damage from, the buff monster since it gets 2.5 fewer seconds to auto-attack you.
Edit: In other news, Monte continues to prove he is still Monte by suicidally trying to kill Chobz (and failing).
Pitcairn19291 Posts
I prefer Q first for auto reset and stun. I tried W first one game and it felt meh. Honestly the difference really isn't that great. My goal really is to take the least amount of damage rather than the fastest clear. I'll be okay spending a few seconds killing the small lizards.
2sang hasnt played ihs lately why? why has god forsaken us
United States37500 Posts
First day in over a month where we didn't have any IHs? Worlds broke our streak, Riot plz.
On September 16 2013 13:47 NeoIllusions wrote: First day in over a month where we didn't have any IHs? Worlds broke our streak, Riot plz.
Oh, I was waiting for a chat room to be listed.
Gotta play when others aren't! That's the only way to have an edge over others.