New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Didn't notice till today, was doing nothing all day yesterday and totally would have wanted to do this ;_; Registration - Ingame name Mips the Rabbit - Rank and division Silver III - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC or Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC - Vayne, MF Jungle - Zac, udyr, sejuani
Registration - Ingame name laughin1 - Rank and division Diamond 3
I play support.
Registration - Ingame name Last Imperium - Rank and division Gold 3 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid - Ryze, Kassadin Jungle - Nautilus, J4
Here are some quick thoughts on the games I played in,
Game1 is a tough game to comment on because while I feel like it's really obvious it may not have even been a focus of the other team. I should mention the bans for all 3 games of ours were complete joke bans like poppy etc because I was told thats what we were supposed to do, that said in my opinion we won because purple had a terrible draft.
we opened with Zac > they countered with wukong/kennen, this was actually ok because we thought this was more likely to be kennen top, so we chose Jax because Ghandi felt comfortable with that match up, and thresh (IIRC it might have been Ahri but I'm pretty sure Thresh)
here comes the problem, you guys then drafted Graves and Leona. Your first four picks all scream we want to AoE wombo combo you, so we discussed it and countered with Cailyn Ahri so we could turtle with Caitlyn and or Ahri while Jax or Ahri split pushed (your basic 3-1-1)
Finally your last pick was Lee (I might have Lee and Leona flipped) in any case the lee pick did you no favors discussing it after the game we feel like something like Jarvan would have given you what you needed without losing the early pressure or perhaps Hecarim if you felt confident in your lanes would have served you a lot better, as it was it was fairly easy to turtle vs your lineup.
We were really afraid of a lane swap to start the game, we felt like if you had kennen vs out duo lane, and wu kong 1v1 the lane match ups would be really bad for us, we had plans to get a deep ward to try to see where Graves was but ended up not doing it because of poor pre game coordination. we were actually very re leaved to have standard lanes although that ended up working out mostly well for you because I got out jungled so hard at the start, I still feel like 2v1 top would have better suited your team.
We got super lucky with Dragons, we knew our 5v5 was pretty bad vs yours but we got the first one simply off of your mid backing in vision while your bottom was chunked from a failed gank (I guess you could say it was a success since we got drag :D) and we ended up getting the 2nd one with peacemaker, at a time when our team without a doubt could not have contested.
My team all agreed after the game that if you guys were likely ahead by the most at around the ~20 min mark, and your best bet was to dive our 3 man core at some point when you knew we had 2 in sidelanes, unfortunately your comp didn't have anyone great for doing the tower tanking and as long as we had Ahri or Cait mid (which we always made sure to have) we had good wave clear so we understand why you didn't but ultimately what ended up happening was a slow bleed of your lead because a fight never occurred.
again it's a tough for me to analyze in this way simply because with fake bans and whatnot it's hard to tell someone you drafted poorly, because it's not unlikely that strategic drafting was not even a consideration, but pretending for a moment you care, Wu Kong, Kennen and Graves being your first 3 choices was a pretty big tell you wanted to fight as much as possible and we drafted to avoid it.
Again, not sure of what is considered BM/Cheese in inhouse leagues we pretty much (incorrectly lol) thought the only way we could lose the early game was if you guys had gotten graves out of the caitlyn match up. Not only that but Kennen is significantly better at 1v2 than Jax, we were so scared we had planned warding strategies in the pre game lobby to make sure we got the 2v2.
I don't have much to say about games 2&3 actually
game 2 I felt like I played really poorly most notably giving up the first kill in bot lane to a gank that had to have gone thru a ward. and basically getting farmed by the enemy team trying to regain vision control in the last 10 min of the game.
game 3 I played a strong lane ADC vs someone who's support d/c'd so yea not much to learn here.
Have any games been played since my registration post?
DEMACIA6550 Posts
On July 30 2013 11:34 XilDarkz wrote: Have any games been played since my registration post? We played about 3-4 today, come to channel LiquidPractice that's where it all begins
Registration - Ingame name Swift Tongue
- Rank and division Gold 5
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Support and Jungle
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Support: Zyra, Thresh and Blitz Jungle: Nocturne, Nasus, J4
Been Practicing Zyra a lot on normal's when I get the chance to. Aside of that one of the things I would like to work on is aggression in laning phase. This is something I feel that I am really weak on and have been constantly working on improving.
Are these still going on?
I expect that we'll get more of these going this weekend. I'm not sure how many people can be available on weeknights?
- Ingame name cvobuddha
- Rank and division Bronze 3
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Top and ADC
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Top: Rumble Jayce ADC: Vayne Caitlyn
I just hang out in liquidpractice waiting... dont wana miss another one >.<
On August 01 2013 09:55 ComaDose wrote: I just hang out in liquidpractice waiting... dont wana miss another one >.< there are ongoing inhouses right now
United States37500 Posts
How are the weekday inhouses going? :o
I should be back home Friday night. I'll see if I'm not too tired to do some inhouses then. It would be 10 PM PDT however. :o :o
i have never been carried so hard
Didn't notice till today, was doing nothing all day yesterday and totally would have wanted to do this ;_; Registration - Ingame name 1godless - Rank and division Silver I - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) ADC or Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on ADC - Ashe, Trist Jungle - Zac, Xin
I played one last night, it was interesting. My lack of experience in top lane showed very quickly. But, rest of team did well, especially bot.
Registration - Ingame name Aezeo
- Rank and division Silver III
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Jungle + ADC (although i'm happy playing anything)
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Jungle: Elise, Nunu ADC : Vayne, Varus
for people looking to improve poor drafting (i.e. fake / troll bans) should not be an excuse. the draft is by far the most impactful 2/3 minutes to decide the direction and flow of the vast majority of matches, and being able to draft well is a great sign of good game understanding.
if you're too lazy to draft well, don't shame others out of it. if one person out of 10 wants to draft thoughtfully, assuming that this really is about improvement, i'd do it for that one guy.