[NA IHs] Running at Dusk - Page 13
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New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! | ||
United States6421 Posts
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United States3858 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:10 Ketara wrote: Yeah I don't think johnny auto'd either of them a single time before level 4 or 5. Don't feel bad about it man it's supposed to be a learning experience, it's just the strength of Cait is her autoattacks, straight from level 1. You have to be poking them with autos. it wasn't completely my fault. You rarely used bubbles at all or tried poking them at all. I couldn't really harrass without you trying to as well @wei2coolman I kept getting zoned a ton and couldn't really do that | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:08 wei2coolman wrote: Everytime Graves walks up for CS; you should be smacking him a couple times. It's nami's job to keep Sona or Graves off of you when your cs; and the opposite is true. I would still be careful trying to poke as Cait. Esp against a Sona. Q + Power Chord, you take more damage than one of your auto attacks on either of them. I would personally use your range to keep distance and farm. When your passive is up, then go in for a poke. The better you are, the better you can poke consistently, with or without your passive up. Also, don't be afraid to step into the brush to farm creeps. It charges your passive twice as fast. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:13 johnnywup wrote: it wasn't completely my fault. You rarely used bubbles at all or tried poking them at all. I couldn't really harrass without you trying to as well @wei2coolman I kept getting zoned a ton and couldn't really do that In that case; keep farming. If they're really zonign you hard; Even should be coming in for gank; along with Nami's Q should be dissuading them from going too aggro. On July 29 2013 06:11 caelym wrote: I was really surprised that we were able to get firstblood for free; I thought you guys were all going to be there, not just eve and diana. I think I played about average as shyvana (better than my varus for sure...). I saw eve in bot lane a lot, so I tried to relieve pressure on mid and counter jungle a little. My movements were pretty much just watching where diana roamed to and counterganking. Normally I get a quick BoRK but decided to rush Bulwark vs triple AP. I feel the problem with shyve is you need BotRK to be useful later on; but it's a real crap shot whether or not you get enough farm to grab it in time, where the power of it is still very strong. | ||
United States840 Posts
It cost us FB and a lot of Jungle Eve pressure I believe. I completely tunneled it after that and just went top lane and entirely forgot to leash for Eve. Rom pointed out I should have been more aggro early on with aa in lane. Pre-6 I should have been stronger than Zac. I can see the merit in this. I think I should have opened with W and really tried to abuse my early strength. As for item choices, I was thinking between Abysal and Hourglass for first items. I ended up going for Hourglass because I didn't expect the laning phase to last all that long. Especially with how our lanes were going. This in hindsight was probably not an entirely bad idea. However, I 100% should have got at least a negatron for the laning phase. With the lack of defensive stats I could use vs Zac on armgaurd, he just slowly widdled me down under my tower and built a strong cs lead. With all of our lanes failing we pretty much lost all map pressure, and the rest is history. A side note for this match that sort of bugged me: These are suppose to be a learning experience, there isn't much you can learn if you get depressed about losing to someone who is vastly more experienced than you are. That's the whole point of this. So you can learn from the mistakes you are going to blatantly make. They are going to abuse those. Then they are going to try to help you understand how to not do them. Just have to keep your spirits up and try to stay positive. Otherwise I think we're just wasting time. | ||
United States37500 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:21 OdinOfPergo wrote: Ye, that early FB was a misplay. Someone pinged for a ward on red and I went to give vision on it. I should of looped down to join the team when I saw Nami coming up to ward it. I wasn't thinking very clearly early. It cost us FB and a lot of Jungle Eve pressure I believe. I completely tunneled it after that and just went top lane and entirely forgot to leash for Eve. Rom pointed out I should have been more aggro early on with aa in lane. Pre-6 I should have been stronger than Zac. I can see the merit in this. I think I should have opened with W and really tried to abuse my early strength. As for item choices, I was thinking between Abysal and Hourglass for first items. I ended up going for Hourglass because I didn't expect the laning phase to last all that long. Especially with how our lanes were going. This in hindsight was probably not an entirely bad idea. However, I 100% should have got at least a negatron for the laning phase. With the lack of defensive stats I could use vs Zac on armgaurd, he just slowly widdled me down under my tower and built a strong cs lead. With all of our lanes failing we pretty much lost all map pressure, and the rest is history. A side note for this match that sort of bugged me: These are suppose to be a learning experience, there isn't much you can learn if you get depressed about losing to someone who is vastly more experienced than you are. That's the whole point of this. So you can learn from the mistakes you are going to blatantly make. They are going to abuse those. Then they are going to try to help you understand how to not do them. Just have to keep your spirits up and try to stay positive. Otherwise I think we're just wasting time. You probably should have opened Guise, instead of Armguard. Your first couple items should be directly impacted by who you're laning against. Since Zac is AP, all that Armor from Armguard is essentially useless for you in trade. I definitely agree with you about keeping your morale high. In my match today, my team lost after coming short in 3-4 team fights in a row. But after every team fight, you have to essentially press reset and think about what you and your team should be doing next and how to win the next team fight. Don't dwell on the mistakes or that you're team is behind. Again, primary goal of all this is self-improvement and it starts with approaching the current situation in the game and making the right calls. Edit: Negatron would've been ok too. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:10 Ketara wrote: Yeah I don't think johnny auto'd either of them a single time before level 4 or 5. Don't feel bad about it man it's supposed to be a learning experience, it's just the strength of Cait is her autoattacks, straight from level 1. You have to be poking them with autos. You've gotta help him be able to freely CS. Your presence in the lane was rather non-existent. I basically was able to walk up to Cait and Q+Powerchord at will. Gotta land the bubbles to dissuade us from trying to play aggressive, cause once we saw you weren't gonna do anything, we just got free damage onto Cait without much problem. Also, we knew that Eve was going to come down for the early lane gank. Having the wards at enemy blue buff indicated that she didn't go back into her jungle and was coming down through lane. If you want to set that up for Eve, counterpink my lane pink. + Show Spoiler [GameStats] + ![]() | ||
United States939 Posts
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United States222 Posts
Registration - Ingame name Capriciøus - Rank and division Accountless / Pre-30 - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Support/Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Support - Zyra/Nami Jungle - Zac/Elise - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division | ||
United States12704 Posts
Udyr Jungle Felt solid all game. Team played really well under hummingbird's leadership and morale was kept high. July 28th, 4:30 PM Eve Jungle Didn't make any plays, felt useless most of the game. Needed to spend more time putting pressure on lanes than clearing wolves/golems etc. Rough start having no leash. Opted for starting red -> blue since I wasn't confident going to my blue first after invade. | ||
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On July 29 2013 06:44 mordek wrote: July 28th, 4:00 PM Udyr Jungle Felt solid all game. Team played really well under hummingbird's leadership and morale was kept high. July 28th, 4:30 PM Eve Jungle Didn't make any plays, felt useless most of the game. Needed to spend more time putting pressure on lanes than clearing wolves/golems etc. Rough start having no leash. Opted for starting red -> blue since I wasn't confident going to my blue first after invade. You also wasted a lot of time sitting in bot brushes for the lane gank when our wave was near our tower. We also had full vision on you for a good 30-45 seconds. As for the red to blue start, that's on your support to get the vision back onto the blue without having to facecheck into possibly 5. If not, just go to red and start there as you did. | ||
France3460 Posts
seriously, if you can get over the fact that 1v1 is not like a real game, there's alot I feel you can learn by getting beaten by a better player. | ||
Canada3353 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
Rumble v. Jarvan IV Udyr v. Hecarim Orianna v. Lux Twitch v. Varus Nami v. Thresh We didn't cover all of our entrances to our jungle at level 1 despite having a reasonably good plan, and Neo got in to steal our red early in the game. This caused me to play even more passively in the early game than I normally would have, because Udyr was kept on the bottom half of the map and I started without a ward. Either way, I kept cs pretty close until the first skirmish broke out. I reacted quickly and got there before J4, but he came away with a kill while I got an assist. Another similar situation occurred a couple levels later, and I was left with 2 assists to Jarvan's 2 kills. I think I played the lane poorly from here.
I was really impressed with how our team coordinated our team movements (although there was the occasional "Imma do wolf camp while my team is in the enemy jungle!" moment), and how we stayed patient but still jumped on really advantageous fights in order to turn a game that featured a 9/0 Jarvan that was impossible to itemize against because he started Bruta/LW. My biggest take away was to try to exert pressure somewhere else on the map in the future when it becomes clear that I am no longer a real obstacle to Jarvan taking top due to an advantage in skirmishes, a couple of brutal ganks, and a huge vision disadvantage. | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 29 2013 07:26 SagaZ wrote: got dumped on by Hummingb1rd like 10 times in a row in 1v1 mid; 10/10 would do again seriously, if you can get over the fact that 1v1 is not like a real game, there's alot I feel you can learn by getting beaten by a better player. I know that feel; he's a real dick. Banned my Ahri; then was last pick. lol. | ||
United States5491 Posts
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United States563 Posts
- Ingame name Mathies - Rank and division Silver 1 (play a lot, subject to change) - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Jungle - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Syndra, Elise Elise, Rengar | ||
United States97 Posts
On July 29 2013 10:57 wei2coolman wrote: I know that feel; he's a real dick. Banned my Ahri; then was last pick. lol. </3 BUT I STILL LOVE YOU (PS blame neo he said to do real bans huehuehue) | ||
United States60033 Posts
On July 29 2013 12:08 Hummingb1rd wrote: </3 BUT I STILL LOVE YOU (PS blame neo he said to do real bans huehuehue) It's okay; banned the TF, and still won. <3 | ||
United States3858 Posts
Hecarim vs Udyr Jarvan IV vs Rumble Lux vs Orianna Varus vs Twitch Thresh vs Nami Laning phase was pretty even. Neither of the supports felt like they had much of an impact in lane. Neither harassed much and neither landed many hooks/bubbles.. It was mostly me vs Varus. We felt pretty even with maybe me having a little advantage in lane. I had more sustain in lane because of my 2 lifesteal quints which he did not have (I'm not sure what runes he was using). So I was able to stay in lane longer after trades. Vayne started building Blade of the Ruined King which I'm not sure why because it's primarily used for dueling and I feell ike twitch can usually outduel Varus. Nami afked for a little bit which set me behind a bit in lane and we lost the bot turret. Things I could improve on in laning: Staying aggressive, but not going OVER aggressive. Know when to go back and buy. Try to get more auto attacks in and use my stealth more smartly. I was over aggressive at some points where the Thresh landed good hooks/flays and I got a lot of free damage on me. I was EXTREMELY lucky 3 times. The first time I was level 5. I got away after getting overaggressive with 24 HP left. At level 8 I got overaggressive when I didn't realize soon enough that Hecarim was ganking. Hecarim stopped chasing me and totally could have killed me and I think he thought I was already dead and started chasing Nami when I was at 21 hp. With a good flash to avoid a flay from thresh I was out, and Nami escaped as well. At level 10 there was a dragon fight where I clutch stealthed and got away with under 200 hp. Things to improve overall: I think I should split push more. I arrive trying to help out mid or somewhere and end up not doing much at all. I could definitely improve me cs. I ended up 100 behind Orianna, who definitely has amazing waveclear but I'm the ad carry and should have the most farm. Split pushing helps with that. I couuld have had the bot tower a LOT sooner (esp if nami didn't afk). | ||
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