We hit it as a premade of 5, np, even though we haven't really played together, or didn't for quite a long time (the skill discrepancy is kinda large too, with a 1700, a 1400 and 3 unranked, 2 of them would prob be < 1200 if they tried). One of them wants to play AP Soraka bot, so our Lux fan goes to support him, and I pick Panth to have some AD mid. 4th guy can only play mid or Teemo so here goes our top, and the last sees it all and decides to ramp up the early power team by jungling Shaco.
Enemy team is Amumu, Galio, Ashe, Udyr, and Alistar. My game crash at startup and they invade us, stealing blue, while I log back in at minute 2 with Galio one level ahead, and he receives their blue a minute later. Botlane feeds because Soraka is obviously the lesser of us and tries to fight back, takes risks, etc. and Lux can't do much once Ashe has 4 kills. But both Shaco and Teemo destroy Amumu and Udyr, while I outfarm Galio and force him back.
A fuckton of cc to protect Ashe is rough tho, and Soraka really built wrong (stacking AP after WotA rather than resists/rylai), so we couldn't really teamfight. There starts the splitpushing, sacrificing drakes and allies to push up to their top inhibitor then constantly trying to backdoor with Shaco or Panth, while Teemo pushes bot. Finally we managed to snipe top inhib, then push bot till the inhib, win a teamfight, destroy it too and win the game with mid having only lost the outer turret. That felt so satisfying, especially since our opponents were in LAN (4 dc'd at the same time, they attributed their loss to it since we were doing baron at that time but they were all bot and dc'd for like 15s so... ) and we were in vocal chat too. Coordinating, planning our next moves, how to react to their pushes felt really great in communication an dteamwork. Very tense too as if we ever let them push to one of our turrets we wouldn't be able to outclear/poke them, so we needed to push as many lanes as we could at any given time, while keeping the whole river+their jungle warded to monitor their movements, snipe their oracle...
Really enjoyable, the win was only the icing on the cake.
Only had time for 3 games today. 2 bot games on my smurf. Lost one. It's not fair. It's quite hard to kill the enemy mid since he backs on ~300/400 life so I can't get fed and win as AD zilean Have to start getting more aggressive summoners to get fed myself before bot gold makes them too strong. Then the team surrendered. I won the second though because... competent team.
Third game I hopped on my level 30 and played a ranked. Enemy had jungle eve. I was kayle against exhaust ignite shyvana. I had flash and tele. I went cloth, pink, pot because I didn't like facing eve. Mundo got first blood on shyvana at level 2 because I baited her to exhaust ignite me before flashing and mundo came in and finished her off. Good coordination. If he had gone in as soon as I was there, shyvana would have had too much life and lived. Then I pushed minions to tower with mundo and went back. Shyvana started doran's shield. She was so all in. Haha.
The next time I got to lane I had boots so I could bully shyvana hard. I got her under tower with me at full life and her at ~500 Then mundo dived her, eve came, and we got doublekilled because who the hell dives when they're at 600 life themselves?!
That was my only death of the game. I ended up catching shyvana in our jungle after that, baiting her to fight me again as I cleared her ward, only to have mundo come. (Seriously, does she really think I'm that stupid?), catching two more people at bot lane by using my teleport, and got my support items aegis and zekes. I was able to deal good damage to the enemy team's squishies and made some really great decisions that turned a close game around.
My main issue was that I made bad use of teleport. There was rarely a situation where I could warrant using it this game. It's good for stopping backdoors. I should have used it to come back to lane. I didn't watch the map well enough to counter initiate. I'd rather have had ignite, heal, hell even surge or clarity. I also messed up trying to kill eve because when she was sitting in a bush I warded, and teleporting I tried to flash Q her but was out of range and she reacted immediately. If I had let veigar flash E he would have gotten the kill.
Start game with friends as Soraka support. Bot does pretty bad, mid tries to help but it doesn't work out, so those lanes fail pretty bad. Soraka/Vayne vs Ashe/Ali goes alright, I think we're about 4/2. Still, mid and top lose turrets and its generally going shitty.
We claw our way back bit by bit. Lose like 2 teamfights out of 5, but its just enough. Vayne gets more and more fed, and I'm racking up assists like crazy. I pick up a kill on their Kayle carry which is pretty funny.
I do philo > boots > kage > kindlegem > aegis. After that I decide to build a DFG for the cdr. One AP item goes into another, and I pick up Abyssal Sceptre. I've got one slot left and I'm warding faithfully. We keep pushing into their base, but ending up getting repulsed because base regen OP. I die but somehow I'm on a killing spree.
After the next push, everyone dies except me. I score a double but I'm out of mana from spamming starcall really hard. Almost kill a Nexus turret, then run away home. We've got them more or less bottled up in base and I have 4k so I say SCREW IT, RABADON'S.
After that its GG. AP Soraka hits like a truck, and I can only imagine how bad she was pre-nerf.
I don't think I had ever understood the true meaning of carrying in soloQ before I started playing Akali. I mean, I have had good games with heros like Kassa etc, where I roam alot and get alot of kills and give other lanes kills. But sometimes I of course got the completely useless teammates where all other lanes feed and jungler also and I would lose regardless.
Now with Akali, I've had like 3 games where the other lanes and jungler have fed and failed horribly, people start flaming, spams surrender etc. But I just hard carried them. Feels amazing to singlehandedly getting a whole team on your back and then all 9 players i aftergame chat says. GG akali!
But this will defenetly stop when i reach higher elo, but at 1600 people don't know/want to buy pinks or oracle's' against me. Lol.
Their team Yorick, kennen, shyv, ezreal, and sona Our team nunu (me), Mao, kass, graves, and janna
Start out crushing Yorick real early and think he has to B. Nope, he comes back with blue at lvl 4 and gets all of them. Jungle won't gank and I'm forced to try and keep up. Finally, after 2nd blue, Mao decides to gank and it takes everything to kill him. Both of us have to dive and make it out with under 100 hp. Np, got my items now and it's time to carry. Abandon top because ezreal is 5-0 and I can't hold Yorick any longer. Go straight for dragon and crush a 5v4 picking up 2 kills myself and diving ezreal to stop the madness. 10-1-17 finish and plenty of empire kills xD.
Not sure if anything feels better in league than beating a Yorick who got blue all game.
Just carried a game with 3 friends where midgame started as me MF 1/4 but with good farm. I managed to get some kills here and there and finished stomping the teamfights as i was totally free. We we're down like 2/10 in early game .Penta'ed
Enemy team gets two barons in a row, one after Kennen gets pulled by Blitz and dies instantly. Doesn't matter... Hecarim initiate+Kennen ult+Sona ult+Vayne=everyone dead almost instantly. It was glorious.
I just had two mids. Kennen and ahri are both last pick but no one wanted support in the calls so I go bot as AD trist and do alright in lane. I'm running teleport after all. I tell them in pregame that whoever comes bot with me can split farm (though I'm pretty good at last hitting once I get my dorans). Nope ahri and kennen both mid.
Kennen comes down later and we do really well with a nice initiate from riven getting us the lead. We take an inhib, and then I head for dragon but they rush baron. With only 3 there the team somehow makes the correct decision to not engage. I start teleporting on the ward but cancel it when I realize I'd just get instagibbed and we'd lose the fight.
Honestly I was really proud of my team. Riven started doran's blade which I found questionable and gave up first blood. Ahri and kennen were both asshats at the start and ahri didn't bother helping the leash. But when the time came for teamfights they were all really great. Unlike the enemy karthus who always wanted to be just in range for me to shoot him while he stood on my bruisers, or the sivir who ignores me to chase a fleeing jax. Bahahaha! Game ends 41-30 45 minutes. I'm 9-2 and my team has good kill deaths across the board except kennen, but kennen had great ults so he did his part.
After 3700 combined games (mainly normals), a friend and I get our first ever pentakills in back to back games. Me playing Karthus and him playing Graves. Feels good. =D