I am on a bad streak of bad players and bad plays, mostly pissed at myself. Its early in the morning and i desperately need that win to get back into bed with a positiv feeling. Team agrees on e being the support, so whatever, picking the cow.
We have Jax, TF, Shaco, Ezreal and Alistar, they have Renekton, Morgana, Nocturne, Tristana and support voli.
Bot lane starts good, as Volibear is a really big noob. Comes without wards to lane, we pick up 4 easy kills against them, 2 to shaco, 2 to Ezreal.Ezreal comes back to lane with....the horror. He built Zerkers and Phage. I realize that despite us pushing them all the time, he is behind 20 cs. How is that even possible? My mind starts processing the inevitable loss that is gonna leave me destroyed.
Then Shaco disconeects after 10 minutes. Our Mid is behind, our top is doing ok. But it's a 4v5, trist is now 3 times stronger then our ez, cause midgame tristana so good, right. But somehow, we remain calm. Not positive, but calm. they get 5 towers, all dragons, but somehow we manage to catch them from time to time and we stay in the game. Then, after 30 minutes, Shaco returns with level 13. We manage to get 2 good teamfights, with the last one baron, from there it's a straight win. They, somehow just melt. I finish 2/1/21 and now i got to bed.
On August 06 2012 10:41 Broetchenholer wrote: I am on a bad streak of bad players and bad plays, mostly pissed at myself. Its early in the morning and i desperately need that win to get back into bed with a positiv feeling. Team agrees on e being the support, so whatever, picking the cow.
We have Jax, TF, Shaco, Ezreal and Alistar, they have Renekton, Morgana, Nocturne, Tristana and support voli.
Bot lane starts good, as Volibear is a really big noob. Comes without wards to lane, we pick up 4 easy kills against them, 2 to shaco, 2 to Ezreal.Ezreal comes back to lane with....the horror. He built Zerkers and Phage. I realize that despite us pushing them all the time, he is behind 20 cs. How is that even possible? My mind starts processing the inevitable loss that is gonna leave me destroyed.
Then Shaco disconeects after 10 minutes. Our Mid is behind, our top is doing ok. But it's a 4v5, trist is now 3 times stronger then our ez, cause midgame tristana so good, right. But somehow, we remain calm. Not positive, but calm. they get 5 towers, all dragons, but somehow we manage to catch them from time to time and we stay in the game. Then, after 30 minutes, Shaco returns with level 13. We manage to get 2 good teamfights, with the last one baron, from there it's a straight win. They, somehow just melt. I finish 2/1/21 and now i got to bed.
Similar to this one, had a few bad losses but just went 15/1/21 with Malphite. Now to dream about it.
Capping off my -100 elo weekend with me and Mugi beating Craton smurf was a nice relaxer for me. My 100% win rate rumble vs full gp10 Yorick made for a nice lane matchup while Craton tooled all over my team.
Good thing it didn't matter, our Vayne got huge and was 3 shotting their tanks by 30 min.
FYI Craton - that was what my entire weekend was like. Get big mid, team too heavy. <333
Speaking of getting big mid, AP mid Eve is AMAZING. I can't believe how well this is working. Rule is: farm up as much as you can 'till you hit level 7-8 and have Sorcs+Kage, go gank. Head back to lane and clean up a bit, gank again. Rinse and repeat 'till you win. Important to note I have NEVER built DCap on Eve because I find she really doesn't need the damage past first 2 items. I usually go Abyssal third item and see from there.
Game starts. FP bans out a whole bunch of mids, grabs Yi, and claims afk. I snag Diana, who I haven't played yet, expecting a dodge that never comes. Yi starts the game saying he'll feed, then fights the middle tower.
Fast forward 1 minute, everyone is mid (except me in jungle), get 3 kills and nearly drop mid tower. I get 2 assists out of it, and roll through he jungle, getting every Blue (since we didn't have a caster), and nuke the fuck out of everyone.
End my first Diana game, as a ranked game, 11-3-6, despite the Yi troll and Clarity Ashe. This bitch OP.
Playing Jax jungle... First get FB for AD and a triple on a bad gank from their jungle.
Later on I go into a 2v5 and steal baron after dropping their jungle Xin and smiting it and saving our team from a serious deficit and bringing us back into the game.
In the final fight of this super close hour long game after we got baron after grabbing a wandering Graves I jump into the fight after their blitz pulled managed to force a zhonya on their cho, kill their Xin (With GA), blitz, and then Xin again with only around 500 hp but insane AS and LS keeping me up.
Alright. I stopped my ELO bleeding. Dropped down to 1450 at my lowest and then decided to stop bleeding. Tryhard TF/Ahri/Caitlyn and just 1v5 everything'd till i was back into gold. I'll get back up to 1650s eventually. It'll be a slow crawl back but it'll happen. Alistar jungle is also so fun to play. Never farm, always gank and snowball everything.
Been a very long time since I had a game this good.
I tend to have the attitude that completely humiliating losses are good for you because they really stick in your memory and are very humbling in case you've forgotten that you suck.
On the other hand, complete one-sided wins like this are also good for you too, I think. While it's good to never forget that you suck, winning a game really hard shows you that you are, in fact, getting better. Feels good, man.
Not sure whether to call this the worst game ever or the best game ever... I owned top as Cho against Riven, we knock down most of their towers in short order, we get their nexus down to 300 hp... then our stupid Vayne (who is like 1/7 at this point) tries to 1v1 Diana who just respawned, causing this chain of events where our team kept dying to the enemy Vayne who was like 10-1 at this point. Our Vayne is never where she should be. We lose a free baron because she wants red buff more, we lose like nearly every team fight due to her positioning... we lost like 3 or 4 barons in a row, she manages to die after everyone on the enemy team is dead except Riven whose Guardian Angel brings her back to life, trying to get the kill (if she didn't die, the game was over).
Edit: After watching the replay, the enemy Vayne and Diana were killing jungle creeps like 50 minutes in when the rest of their team was knocking down towers, buying us enough to kill Vayne, just barely. Also probably a bit unfair to our Vayne who did an okay job after a point, but good grief the throws were pretty hard.
won 5/6 of my last ranked games. Kayle is stronk. Also a game as morg because my team wanted to first pick her since she wasn't banned and I wanted to mid because... I don't know why. I think it was because people kept being dicks and calling mid.
Combined score those 6 games 28/10/70 Haha the kill steals too stronk! I swear people care way too much about kills and they lose more because of it.
So today I was playing, getting flamed as Nunu top as usual... Didn't answer ANYTHING.
Post-game, I get flamed even more, and then this happened : «Eful: i played vs mrtolkien before Eful: hes good Eful: dont hate on him Eful: youre all bad Helfeal: he is Helfeal: definetly Lescovir: we lost last time Lescovir: vs him -_-»
Put a nice grin on my face ah ah ah, I terrorized guys enough so they remember me ! :D